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作者:谢晴晴 编


  I had a ietter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria. In her letter, she said that she would come to England next year. If she comes, she will get a surprise. We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. Work on it had begun before my sister left. The house was completed five months ago. In my letter, I told her that she could stay with us. The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. It is a very modern house, so it looks strange to some people. It must be the only modern house in the district. (108 words).  My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranear for many years before he returned to England. He had ofter dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there. Almost immediateh he began to complain about the weather, for even though ill was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather. (141 words).  While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr. Gilbert's operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then Dr. Milli


  《新概念英语》是一套经典的英语学习教材,它把许许多多的英语学习者引入了英语的世界,使英语学习者轻松入门,渐入佳境。由于《新概念英语》在市场上的持续热销,与它配套的辅导书更是层出不穷,但是这些辅导书多以课文讲解、语法练习为主,忽视了对学习者背诵方面的训练。《新概念英语背背佳》突出背诵,具有很多同类书籍没有的优势。  一、此“背”非彼“背”  提到背书,人们会自然而然地感到枯燥、乏味、头痛、头晕(类似感冒症状)。那种私塾式的死记硬背,不仅对学习兴趣无益,更不利于知识的掌握。而理解后的记忆对于英语学习则是至关重要的。本书帮助学习者克服背诵过程中的痛苦,陪伴学习者共同走过这个艰苦但有益的过程,并使之趣味横生。本书让学习者自自然然地背,明明白白地背,津津乐道地背!  二、四大板块助您一臂之力  本书内容紧扣《新概念英语》学生用书的内容,每课都包含四个板块。这四个板块各具特色,相得益彰。  大意我先知:百字左右的文章大意使学习者在背诵前先对全文有个大概的了解,做到心中有数。并且有的文章很有趣,看过大意后,您肯定想去亲自领略一下原文的魅力。  原汁原味:这里为您呈现的是教材原文,并配有地道的美语录音。该部分对课文中重点词汇和短语进行了加粗处理,使学习者在阅读时对于文章的重点、难点一目了然。学习者在背诵时,可模仿该部分的美语录音,不仅能锻炼听力,更能纠正某些不正确发音。  小解小译:每篇文章中的难句、长句、复杂句和重点句型都会在这里得到解析,并且大部分句子后都附有中文翻译,以帮助学习者铲除背诵过程中阅读理解方面的障碍,从而达到顺畅背记。  背后秀秀看:这是给学习者搭建的舞台,背过之后还要秀一秀。本板块给出了文章中的重点连词、时间状语,其他部分用横线代替,以便学习者自我检测背诵效果。  除了这四个板块之外,还有一个“背友小心得”栏目会不时出现。这个栏目不仅为您介绍了背诵方法,教您如何排除困难,还为您加油鼓劲,语言亲切幽默,为您的背诵过程增添几分乐趣。  本书的编写团队是由有着丰富的新概念英语教学经验的教师组成,他们了解学习者的学习困难,熟悉新概念英语教材的精髓之处,所以书中释疑、点拨之处均能做到恰到好处。本书既可以作为英语学习书籍单独使用,也可与《新概念英语》教材配套使用。  总之,学习英语离不开一定量的背记。无论是单词,还是句型,抑或是名篇佳作,都是很好的开端,只要您相信英语背背佳,背背英语会更佳!


  朗读和背诵,对于语感的发展是很有好处的。很多老知识分子,语文学得好,外语自然也学得好,就是因为他在学语文的时候,养成了朗读和背诵的习惯,那么他在学英语的时候,就把这个方法迁移到英语的学习中来,就取得了成功。  ——英语教学法权威 胡春洞    我一向主张要"背",不仅儿童要背,成人更加要背。  ——英语专家 陈琳    英语学习,我一贯主张跟着录音带熟读、背诵。  ——北京外国语大学教授 张道真


Lesson 1  A Private ConversationLesson 2  Breakfast or Lunch?Lesson 3  Please Send Me a CardLesson 4  An Exciting TripLesson 5  No Wrong NumbersLesson 6  Percy ButtonsLesson 7  Too LateLesson 8  The Best and the WorstLesson 9  A Cold WelcomeLesson 10  Not for JazzLesson 11  One Good Turn Deserves AnotherLesson 12  Goodbye and Good LuckLesson 13  The Greenwood BoysLesson 14  Do You Speak English?Lesson 15  Good NewsLesson 16  A Polite RequestLesson 17  Always YoungLesson 18  He Often Does This!Lesson 19  Sold OutLesson 20  One Man in a BoatLesson 21  Mad or Not?Lesson 22  A Glass EnvelopeLesson 23  A New HouseLesson 24  It Could Be WorseLesson 25  Do the English Speak English?Lesson 26  The Best Art CriticsLesson 27  A Wet NightLesson 28  No parkingLesson 29  Taxi!Lesson 30  Football or Polo?Lesson 31  Success StoryLesson 32  Shopping Made EasyLesson 33  Out of the DarknessLesson 34  Quick WorkLesson 35  Stop Thief!Lesson 36  Across the ChannelLesson 37  The Olympic GamesLesson 38  Everything Except the WeatherLesson 39  Am I All Right?Lesson 40  Food and TalkLesson 41  Do You Call That a Hat?Lesson 42  Not Very MusicalLesson 43  Over the South PoleLesson 44  Through the ForestLesson 45  A Clear ConscienceLesson 46  Expensive and UncomfortableLesson 47  A Thirsty GhostLesson 48  Did You Want to Tell Me Something?Lesson 49  The End of a DreamLesson 50  Taken for a RideLesson 51  Reward for VirtueLesson 52  A Pretty CarpetLesson 53  Hot SnakeLesson 54  Sticky FingersLesson 55  Not a Gold MineLesson 56  Faster Than Sound!Lesson 57  Can I Help You, Madam?Lesson 58  A Blessing in Disguise?Lesson 59  In or Out?Lesson 60  The FutureLesson 61  Trouble with the HubbleLesson 62  After the FireLesson 63  She Was Not AmusedLesson 64  The Channel TunnelLesson 65  Jumbo Versus the PoliceLesson 66  Sweet as Honey!Lesson 67  VolcanoesLesson 68  PersistentLesson 69  But Not Murder!Lesson 70  Red for DangerLesson 71  A Famous ClockLesson 72  A Car Called BluebirdLesson 73  The Record-holderLesson 74  Out of the LimelightLesson 75  SOSLesson 76  April Fools' DayLesson 77  A Successful OperationLesson 78  The Last One?Lesson 79  By AirLesson 80  The Crystal PalaceLesson 81  EscapeLesson 82  Monster or Fish?Lesson 83  After the ElectionsLesson 84  On StrikeLesson 85  Never Too Old to LearnLesson 86  Out of ControlLesson 87  A Perfect AlibiLesson 88  Trapped in a MineLesson 89  A Slip of the TongueLesson 90  What's for Supper?Lesson 91  Three Men in a BasketLesson 92  Asking for TroubleLesson 93  A Noble GiftLesson 94  Future ChampionsLesson 95  A FantasyLesson 96  The Dead Return







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  •     不错,方便实用
  •     不错方便
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