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《找不着北》的笔记-老外给中式英语纠错 - 老外给中式英语纠错

《找不着北》—CCTV洋主播的中国故事 – My China Daily
Edwin Maher (新西兰著)
China – a country I originally had no intention of even visiting.
“This guy is nuts,” I can hear you saying. “这家伙发神经了吧”,我猜你肯定要这么说。
Voices are my trade. 我是靠声音吃饭的。
Voice train the broadcasters 培训他们的播音员
Before I had time to realize what I had done, they responded positively and set the wheels of hiring me in motion. 我还没有来得及想清楚自己究竟做了些什么,他们就回信了!答复是肯定的,而且他们紧锣密鼓地行动起来。
My family waving goodbye. 全家人都来送我
While sad to see me go, they were making sure I didn’t change my mind at the last minute.
At times I have felt disabled in China – blind, deaf and dumb to its language.
I was a real dummy when I arrived. 刚来的时候,我一句汉语都说不了。
Maybe I wasn’t saying it clearly.
Conductor 售票员
It was a dismal start to my second day in China. 在中国呆的第二天,真是让人郁闷啊。
But I wasn’t giving up that easily.
He couldn’t speak much English.
“Where exactly in Beijing are you?” ”Haven’t a clue.”
With growing confidence……
Wearing a smart business suit and tie, he would surely speak English wouldn’t he?
Seemed very concerned. 看起来很关心我的境况
He showed me two fingers. Now in Austria, that’s really rude, but I got the message.
I was now speechless, I felt somewhat embarrassed having thought he would even accept a tip.
Ask any expatriate about the highs and lows of living in China, and there will be always a story starting, “I had this really amazing experience…” It happens to us all.
Still struggling with only a few words of Chinese, I continue soaking up their sounds on public transport. Its mobile stages provide a daily dose of contemporary ‘Peking Opera’ starring driver and conductor supported by a huge cast of extras – the always changing passengers.
The ‘Opera’ was about to begin. It would feature a young man seated next to me, silent at first, but no doubt mentally working out his opening lines. The curtain was about to rise. His time to ‘perform’ had arrived.
Taking my own cue, I explained my desire to absorb the human Chinese sights and sounds.
China Federation Trade Unions 中华全国总工会
His courage to speak to me in English was impressive. Knowing how difficult it must have been, I promoted him and he persevered throughout the 30-minute ride. I was ‘bowled over’(as we say down under) by his ‘performance’. But it wasn’t stage-managed. His ‘acting’ came from the heart.
Strong handshakes offered my genuine applause.
At first, the gap was wide. Several months later, not only music, but now spoken words of English and Chinese flow under a bridge of love and understanding. Like that man on the bus, our continuing ‘performance’ is real.

Old habits die hard.
A search along the shelves of supermarkets and clothing stores proved fruitless, before it dawned on me no one uses them.
But what? I have to squat ?
I had never seen a squat toilet before coming in China. Now this could be a problem,I decided, when confronted with my first sighting of a public squat.
“It’s true,” he said with added emphasis, reacting to my look of disbelief.
He said that squatting, Chinese style, is a far more healthy and effective way to release one’s – let me put it nicely – build-up of fibre.
他说在排出-我还是说得文雅点儿吧-纤维集结物时 ,中国人的这种蹲法可健康有效的多呢。
I am really struggling to delicate in my description, but to say desperate situations need desperate action, is an understatement. It was time to experience something Chinese take for granted.
Unable, or more truthfully unwilling to confide in my friends,
I was getting more desperate by the minute.
A “mirage” appeared above the skyline.
Obstacle course 超越障碍训练场
Mind you. 固定搭配,表示“说真的”,插入语。
It’s all to do with the way you look at life, isn’t it?
Food Fantasy 美食中国,吃嘛嘛香
He urged me to ‘be honest about being a fussy eater.’
But in my defense, we all have our likes and dislikes, especially when it comes to matters of a culinary nature.
My favorite dishes were vegetable spring rolls dipped in soy sauce.
And while I respect the culture of any place I visit, these particular traditions have tested my tolerance to the limit.

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