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Chapter 1 Introduction To American Contract Law 1.1 Refiection  1.1.1 Classical Contract Law  1.1.2 Contemporary Contract Law 1.2 Sources of Aillerican Contract Law  1.2.1 Common Law  1.2.2 State Contract Law  1.2.3 The Uniform Commercial Code as a Model Statute for State Legislation 1.3 The Fundamental Values of Contract Law and Public Policy  1.3.1 Freedom of Contract  1.3.2 Contract as an Economic Phenomenon  1.3.3 Public Policy 1.4 Contracts  1.4.1 Types of Contracts Express and Implied Contracts Unilateral and Bilateral Contracts Executed and Executory Contracts valid,V0jd.Voidable and Unenforceable Agreements Promissory Estoppel Quasi ContractsChapter 2 Consideration 2.1 Bargained for Exchange 2.2 Legal Sufficiency of Consideration  2.2.1 Legal Detriment and Legal Benefit Legal Detriment Legal Benefit 2.3 Preexisting Legal Duty  2.3.1 Existing Debts  2.3.2 FOrbearance to Sue 2.4 Illusory Promises 2.5 Output and Requirements Contracts 2.6 Conditional Promises 2.7 Suretyship Promises 2.8 Consideration Substitutes 2.9 Promisory Estoppel 2.10 Promises Made Enforceable under the Uniform Commercial Code  2.10.1 Promises in Writing  2.10.2 Renunciation  2.10.3 Merchants’Firm Offers  2.10.4 Promises under SealChapter 3 Mutual Assent 3.1 Offer  3.1.1 Uniforio Commercial Code  3.1.2 Output and Requirements Contracts 3.2 Termination of 0f=fer  3.2.1 Termination by Offeror Option Contracts and UCC’S Merchants’Firm Offers  3.2.2 Termination by Offeree  3.2.3 Duration of Offer  3.2.4 Termination by Operation of Law 3.3 Acceptance  3.3.1 Uniforn2 Commercial Code 3.4 E-Commerce and Mutual Assent  3.4.1 UniforIn Computer Inforioation Transaction Act  3.4.2 Shrink-wrap Licenses  3.4.3 Click-wralp LiceneseChapter 4  EnforcementChapter 5  Contractual CapacityChapter 6  Conduct InvalidatingChapter 7  Unconscionability And IllegalityChapter 8  Third Parties To ContractsChapter 9  Performance,Breach,And DischargeChapter 10  RemediesTable Of CasesIndexReferences


  《美国合同法》分为分析、诠释合同法及案例学习两大部分。分析、诠释合同法是为了使读者对合同法精要有一个较为全面和深入的认识;案例学习旨在增强提高读者对合同法、美国司法程序、法律科学分析、定量研究方法以及争议解决方法等诸多方面的认知以及培养和提高读者解决问题的能力。  《美国合同法》所选案例都是美国合同法的重要案例,其中一些不乏历史意义。对案例的编排力求保持其原来的风貌期望通过阅读学习这些案例更多地吸取美国实体法和程序法方面丰富的知识。《美国合同法》对所选案例都附以思考题,以加深对所学内容的理解,启发读者的思考。另外,为了方便阅读学习,每章之始加入了中文导读。中文导读力求言简意赅,提示该章涉及的主要法律核心问题,引导读者做进一步的思考。




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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     Finally i decided to pick up to continue this book. I must say that at first i read it with bald mood which bored me often though it's not difficult to understand. However, after a long holiday i read it agian i fund this time i could put myself into it.It gives some basic knowledeges of American contract law. At every chapter it gives some provisions about contract in rules, regulations, laws,the writer at the same time puts forward some concerning questions helping the readers comprehend,then some cases follow.

精彩短评 (总计3条)

  •       Finally i decided to pick up to continue this book. I must say that at first i read it with bald mood which bored me often though it's not difficult to understand. However, after a long holiday i read it agian i fund this time i could put myself into it.
      It gives some basic knowledeges of American contract law. At every chapter it gives some provisions about contract in rules, regulations, laws,the writer at the same time puts forward some concerning questions helping the readers comprehend,then some cases follow.
  •     你太有追求了!民法对我来说只能是一个梦想了!
  •     中英夹杂不能忍,地图炮最讨厌。一年后看有没有改观。

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