费恩曼物理学讲义 (第3卷)(英文版)

作者:Richard P. Feynman,Robert B. Leighton,Matthew Sands


A great triumph of twentieth-century physics, the theory of quantum mechanics, is now nearly 40 years old, yet we have generally been giving our students their introductory course in physics (for many students, their last) with hardly more than a casual allusion to this central part of our knowledge of the physical world. We should do better by them. These lectures are an attempt to present them with the basic and essential ideas of the quantum mechanics in a way that would, hopefully, be comprehensible. The approach you will find here is no..


Feynman et al,Thees are the lectures in physics that I gave last year and the year before to the freshman and sophomore classes at Caltech.The lectures are,of course,not verbatim-they have been edited,sometimes extensively and sometimes lessso.The lectures form only part of the complete courese.The whole group of 180students gathered in a big lecture room twice a week to hear these lectres and then they broke up into small groups of 15 to 20 students in recitation sections under the guidance of a teaching assistant.In addition,there was a laboratory session once a week.


chapter 1. quantum behavior .
1-1 atomic mechanics 1-1
1-2 an experiment with bullets 1-1
1-3 an experiment with waves 1-3
1-4 an experiment with electrons 1-4
1-5 the interference of electron waves 1-5
1-6 watching the electrons 1-6
1-7 first principles of quantum mechanics 1-9
1-8 the uncertainty principle 1-11
chapter 2. the relation of wave and particle viewpoints
2-1 probability wave amplitudes 2-1
2-2 measurement of position and momentum 2-2
2-3 crystal diffraction 2-4
2-4 the size of an atom 2-5
2-5 energy levels 2-7
2-6 philosophical implications 2-8
chapter 3. probability amplitudes
3-1 the laws of combining amplitudes 3-1
3-2 the two-slit interference pattern 3-5
3-3 scattering from a crystal 3-7
.3-4 identical particles 3-9
chapter 4. identical particles
4-1 bose particles and fermi particles 4-1
4-2 states with two bose particles 4-3
4-3 states with n bose particles 4-6
4-4 emission and absorption of photons 4-7
4-5 the blackbody spectrum 4-8
4-6 liquid helium 4-12
4-7 the exclusion principle 4-12
chapter 5. spin one
5-1 filtering atoms with a stern-gerlach apparatus 5-1
5-2 experiments with filtered atoms 5-5
5-3 stern-gerlach filters in series 5-6
5-4 base states 5-8
5-5 interfering amplitudes 5-10
5-6 the machinery of quantum mechanics 5-12
5-7 transforming to a different base 5-15
5-8 other situations 5-16
chapter 6. spin one-htlf
6-1 transforming amplitudes 6-1
6-2 transforming to a rotated coordinate system 6-3
6-3 rotations about the z-axis 6-6
6-4 rotations of 180~ and 90~ about y 6-9
6-5 rotations about x 6-11
6-6 arbitrary rotations 6-12
chapter 7. the dependence of amplitudes on time
7-1 atoms at rest; stationary states 7-1
7-2 uniform motion 7-3
7-3 potential energy; energy conservation 7-6
7-4 forces; the classical limit 7-9
7-5 the "precession" of a spin one-half particle 7-10
chapter 8. the hnmiltonian matrix
8-1 amplitudes and vectors 8-1
8-2 resolving state vectors 8-3
8-3 what are the base states of the world ? 8-5
8-4 how states change with time 8-7
8-5 the hamiltonian matrix 8-10
8-6 the ammonia molecule 8-11
chapter 9. the ammonia maser
9-1 the states of an ammonia molecule 9-1
9-2 the molecule in a static electric field 9-5
9-3 transitions in a time-dependent field 9-9
9-4 transitions at resonance 9-11
9-5 transitions off resonance 9-13
9-6 the absorption of light 9-14
chapter 10. other two-state systems ..
10-1 the hydrogen molecular ion 10-1
10-2 nuclear forces 10-6
10-3 the hydrogen molecule 10-8
10-4 the benzene molecule 10-10
10-5 dyes 10-12
10-6 the hamiltonian of a spin one-half particle in a magnetic field 10-12
10-7 the spinning electron in a magnetic field 10-15
chapter 11. mope two-state systems
11-1 the pauli spin matrices 11-1
11-2 the spin matrices as operators 11-5
11-3 the solution of the two-state equations 11-8
11-4 the polarization states of the photon 11-9
11-5 the neutral k-meson 11-12
11-6 generalization to n-state systems 11-20
chapter 12. the hyperfine splrrring in hydrogen
12-1 base states for a system with two spin one-half particles 12-1
12-2 the hamiltonian for the ground state of hydrogen 12-3
12-3 the energy levels 12-7
12-4 the zeeman splitting 12-9
12-5 the states in a magnetic field 12-12
12-6 the projection matrix for spin one 12-14
chapter 13. propagation in a crystal lattice
13-1 states for an electron in a one-dimensional lattice 13-1
13-2 states of definite energy 13-3
13-3 time-dependent states 13-6
13-4 an electron in a three-dimensional lattice 13-7
13-5 other states in a lattice 13-8
13-6 scattering by imperfections in the lattice 13-10
13-7 trapping by a lattice imperfection 13-12
13-8 scattering amplitudes and bound states 13-13
chapter 14. semiconductors
14-1 electrons and holes in semiconductors 14-1
14-2 impure semiconductors 14--4
14-3 the hall effect 14-7
14-4 semiconductor junctions 14-8
14-5 rectification at a semiconductor junction 14-10
14-6 the transistor 14-11
chapter 15. the independent particle approximation
15-1 spin waves 15-1
15-2 two spin waves 15-4
15-3 independent particles 15-6
15-4 the benzene molecule 15-7
15-5 more organic chemistry 15-10
15-6 other uses of the approximation 15-12
chapter 16. the dependence of amplitudes
on position
16-1 amplitudes on a line 16-1
16-2 the wave function 16-5
16-3 states of definite momentum 16-7
16-4 normalization of the states in x 16-9
16-5 the schrodinger equation 16-11
16-6 quantized energy levels 16-14
chapter 17. symmetry and conservation laws
17-1 symmetry 17-1
17-2 symmetry and conservation 17-3
17-3 the conservation laws 17-7
17-4 polarized light 17-9
17-5 the distintegration of the λ 17-11
17-6 summary of the rotation matrices 17-15
chapter 18. angular momentum
18-1 electric dipole radiation 18-1
18-2 light scattering 18-3
18-3 the annihilation of positronium 18-5
18-4 rotation matrix for any spin 18-9
18-5 measuring a nuclear spin 18-13
18-6 composition of angular momentum 18-14
added note 1: derivation of the rotation matrix 18-19
added note 2: conservation of parity in photon
emission 18-22
chapter 19. the hydrogen atom and the
periodic table
19-1 schrodinger's equation for the hydrogen atom 19-1
19-2 spherically symmetric solutions 19-2
19-3 states with an angular dependence 19-6
19-4 the general solution for hydrogen 19-10
19-5 the hydrogen wave functions 19-12
19-6 the periodic table 19-13
chapter 20. operators
20-1 operations and operators 20-1
20-2 average energies 20-3
20-3 the average energy of an atom 20-6
20-4 the position operator 20-8
20-5 the momentum operator 20-9
20-6 angular momentum 20-14
20-7 the change of averages with time 20-15
chapter 21. the schrtdinger equation in a classical
context: a seminar on superconductivity
21-1 schrodinger's equation in a magnetic field 21-1
21-2 the equation of continuity for probabilities 21-3
21-3 two kinds of momentum 21-4
21-4 the meaning of the wave function 21-6
21-5 superconductivity 21-7
21-6 the meissner effect 21-8
21-7 flux quantization 21-10
21-8 the dynamics of superconductivity 21-12
21-9 the josephson junction 21-14
feynman's epilogue




A great triumph of twentieth-century physics, the theory of quantum mechanics, is now nearly 40 years old, yet we have generally been giving our students their introductory course in physics (for many students, their last) with hardly more than a casual allusion to this central part of our knowledge of the physical world. We should do better by them. These lectures are an attempt to present them with the basic and essential ideas of the quantum mechanics in a way that would, hopefully, be comprehensible. The approach you will find here is novel, particularly at the level of a sophomore course, and was considered very much an experiment. After seeing how easily some of the students take to it, however, I believe that the experiment was a success. There is, of course, room for improvement, and it will come with more experience in the classroom. What you will find here is a record of that first experiment. .
In the two-year sequence of the Feynman Lectures on Physics which were given from September 1961 through May 1963 for the introductory physics course at Caltech, the concepts of quantum physics were brought in whenever they were necessary for an understanding of the phenomena being described. In addition, the last twelve lectures of the second year were given over to a more coherent introduction to some of the concepts of quantum mechanics. It became clear as the lectures drew to a close, however, that not enough time had been left for the quantum mechanics. As the material was prepared, it was continually discovered that other important and interesting topics could be treated with the elementary tools that had been developed. There was also a fear that the too brief treatment of the Schrodinger wave function which had been included in the twelfth lecture would not provide a sufficient bridge to the more conventional treatments of many books the students might hope to read. It was therefore decided to extend the series with seven additional lectures; they were given to the sophomore class in May of 1964. These lectures rounded out and extended somewhat the material developed in the earlier lectures.


 费恩曼物理学讲义 (第3卷)(英文版)下载



精彩短评 (总计100条)

  •     据说比起曾谨言的那本书的循序渐进,这本书看了之后就会有一种顿悟的感觉。不知道我会不会有这种感觉。期待……
  •     呵呵,纸质真不怎么样,还好复印效果还可以。
  •     我有这套书的一二册,这次50减10买的这本书,这本书是外籍版的影印版算是,但是书印刷一半有点像盗版,但是也不是很差劲差,比较像习题册的纸张。。。
  •     正版,词典很大,希望它有很大用途。
  •     虽然是译文··虽然是电子版··但尼玛不至于写50多章吧····
  •     量子力学的著作,很期待拜读一下……
  •       费曼物理学讲义出了许多版,出版商的摇钱树。不过这套红皮本是较早的。说起费曼的红皮本,火星人都知道。非常幸运的是,学校拍卖外文旧书的时候,被我扫到第一卷和第二卷。想象一下:当年这沉甸甸的东西漂洋过海,放到了学校的书架上积灰,现在又到了俺的书架上,继续积灰。不能物尽其用,书要是有头脑,肯定得恨。
  •     和好书籍,我是很有有收获 和好书籍,我是很有有收获
  •     很喜欢,仔细阅读,受益匪浅
  •     好像没那么难哦。倒是思路清晰。
  •     书的质量还不错,但出乎我的意料:书很大,但是字比较小,书边上有很大的空白,简直可以记笔记。书的内容没得说!绝对值得一读,强烈推荐噢!不同于中国的教科书,它会告诉你什么是真正的物理。
  •     根据二十世纪美国出生的天才物理学家费曼在加州理工学院的授课讲义改编而成,无可挑剔
  •     买来还没看,书不错
  •     以后不学物理了,还想过当物理学家,拿诺贝尔奖呢、、、、
  •     经典书籍,应当收藏
  •     看着非常吃力,汉化版的什么时候出来呀?
  •     很好的物理学入门教材,英文版,十分不错。
  •     费曼的物理学讲义是理解物理学必看的经典书籍
  •     非常精彩生动!把物理思想阐述得精辟透彻,富有趣味。让人感到学习物理是一种享受。
  •     很喜欢,就是送货人员的素质有待提高
  •     书是好书,但印刷质量不行翻开一看,纸张太差,出版商真对不起这么好的书!!!!!!!!!!不过送书的速度还不错
  •     绝对经典的物理学著作。
  •     费曼物理学讲义是经典中的经典。
  •     很喜欢,希望能有所提高。
  •      Feynman教材的最大特点就是,这个人不装逼,啥事都用最朴素的语言给你讲,不像国内很多教材就喜欢玩弄专业术语,在不懂的人看来讲得半通不通的
  •       确实不错,最适合没事时仔细斟酌,打发时间。刊误网址[...]
  •     今天得手费曼讲义兴奋阿,物理学牛牛,抱着费曼讲义吃喝拉撒。
  •     这种书还是专业的人比较好
  •     一本很不错的教材,深入浅出!什么时候中国人自己能写一本这样的教材啊!!!
  •     很幸运呀~借了上海出的那个版本,看了没多久就又原封不动地还回。终究不是理科生的料,只剩下无名的崇拜~啊,爱因说了,崇拜是迷失的开始~我借~
  •     书不错,办事效率太差
  •     书不错,趁降价收了
  •     很满意就是书后面有点破了
  •     买来还没看,不过相信一定是经典;
  •     lz哪个学校 还能拍卖的
  •     ok lah. not as bad in print quality as some wrote.
  •     不错,书的质量还是可以的,虽然是影印版,比看PDF好多了,大家可以放心购买。
  •     书的内容肯定是非常好,但是这纸张质量太差了!连盗版的都不如,好像都是透明的似的,一张纸能看透,看起来特别累。而且印刷也模糊,真郁闷!这么贵买来的,这令人不爽!
  •     值得收藏的书,可惜版本很差。
  •     在这套三卷本的讲义中,第三卷是最应该读读的。不过,你可别指望用它能应付考试。
  •     誒呀 你好轉……其實我也好想要 先看完了筆記寫好了再說吧……
  •     我们学校图书馆有原版哦
  •     这是美国最好的本科物理基础教材,想深学物理人必读。
  •     看一个大師编写和传达当代的新物理: mechanics, radiation and heat.
  •     书籍印刷不是很好,不过内容是和原版一样的,还不错
  •     非常喜爱费恩曼的讲课风格 有物理大师的深邃
  •     很好,就是纸质有点差
  •     留给儿子
  •     我是先从这本开始看的,主要是量子物理,跟其他很多人一样,很喜欢他的叙述方式。不过我也没多看过其他的教材,不知道和它们有多大的区别。
  •     很喜欢。就是还是有点贵。还要就是既然是英文版 干脆书上就不要再出现中文了,为什么书封面还加了中文名啊,怕读者不认识啊
  •     书太棒了,印刷也好,当当的图书不错
  •     还不错,纸质看起来不大好
  •     读物理的有人不看费曼的教材吗?
  •     书很好,就是递过来有点折了~
  •     虽然不是很懂,冲着经典来的
  •     后半部分基本没看懂...但是好厉害的样子!
  •     出国必看的一部教材讲义内容经典书的质量很好印刷很清晰
  •     As experted,it is a great book which led many person to the beatiful physics world.
    I can nose the advanced thought in the book.
    I love this book.
  •     这本书按照自己独特的方式来讲述量子力学的基本原理:波粒二像性、Pauli不相容原理和全同粒子原理等等等等,比任何别的书讲得都深入清晰。包括S矩阵的讲述,那么抽象的概念被他举重若轻地讲述出来,令人惊叹。这本书和主流的量子力学教材和近代物理教材都不一样,从中看不到太多的偏微分方程和特殊函数,所以对学习用量子力学计算实际问题是没有太多帮助的。
  •     ilikeit!
  •     好 没有理由 好 没有理由 好 没有理由 好 没有理由
  •     居然有回应?
  •     北京还没有买到第一卷,先把二三卷买了,字体包括印刷是影印版就不能说了,但是就冲费恩曼的大名也值得买了。
  •     书中有十几页纸是白的,而且书的后半部分纸张偏黄,纸质也特别差。发票没给我寄过来,补开的发表也没收到。
  •     中文版读了一半,英文版不知从哪开始好呢!?
  •     ·······我很喜欢费曼的书···
  •     心仪很久的书了,终于拿下了,高兴呀~这本书相当不错的,内容自然不用说了,印刷质量很好,不论是文字还是插图,纸质也不错。还有一点,介绍上写的是精装本,但事实上是平装本。这次三本全卖了,原先看到后两卷是精装本而第一卷是平装本有点不爽,但到手是三本同套的平装本又很高兴了。
  •     - 整本书就是为了推导出薛定谔方程----前面所有章节、所有建模、问题简化,都是一步步地为推导出薛定谔方程做准备; -有时候想跳过某些内容(不止这一卷里的),却往往发现里面有意想不到的惊喜。
  •     我也在收藏费曼的东西。
  •     如果你对物理有兴趣,不妨一读
  •     此名著学物理的不可不读,没读过不可以说你是物理学家。说实话我还没看过,所以我只是个学物理的,还不是物理学家= =
  •     我现在对量子力学的了解依然走不出这本书的范畴。
  •     需要一定的英文水平才读得懂。字里行间散发出对物理本质的探究和喜爱。
  •     我也一直想看,先看中文的再看英文的吧!
  •     第三卷是费曼物理学讲义的巅峰。这本书是我的量子入门读物。
  •     看了好久才来评论,老外的教材最贴心的就是能和你交谈,而不是简单地知识的罗列,而且此书还有翻译版本,更适合各类读者了
  •     sdcsdfds
  •     比较了半天,还是买了英文版,因为现在的翻译太烂,不敢相信。书的内容没的说
  •     纸张薄了点,印刷也。。怎么像盗版的感觉。是影印版的缘故吗?
  •     当时我是冲着这个内容去的,只要能看,印刷别太差就行。买来感觉很不错,物有所值吧。能拥有这样的经典教材是幸运的。是2010年8月印刷的。
  •     看的出来时正版,很好。
  •     美国大学生的物理教材,费恩曼是个天才
  •     本书对基本概念、定理和定律的讲解不仅生动清晰,通俗易懂,而且特别注重从物理上作出深刻的叙述,从此书中获得教益。
  •     朋友的孩子正在上高一,在我们这里没有买到。我帮忙在当当网上购买的。
  •     当当的书真的很全,很满意
  •     不错,已经在看了,纸张比预想的好,薄了一点
  •     思路奇特透彻。
  •     不看先借给我看看呗~ O(∩_∩)O
  •     大师讲物理!大16开的!排版很独特,页面左右页边距很宽,图也在左右两边,看来适合于在旁边作注解!知识纸张有些薄,字有点点小,但印刷清晰!看翻译版的评论,都说好,买个英文版的,慢慢欣赏!也希望孩子也能看看!
  •     楼主借我看看,好不好,你又不看~
  •     T T 就算读过一遍了
  •     9787534572821
  •     影印的效果没有中文版的好,还以为是好质量的纸张,有些失望。
  •     三大经典物理讲义中,算是比较容易读懂的一本了。但,依然不适合本科一二年级的人读。
  •     印刷的字体模糊,看不清,很多页面脱落
  •     这书真的很不错····原版的英文应该会更好····
  •     纸张次了点,将就用吧
  •     给孩子买的,他要求看的,一定有他的道理,支持下。
  •     开始学习的过程,必须有几本好书相伴,嘿嘿,这一系列就是其中之几
  •     还好 一般

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