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《论风的方位和名称》,汉译本载苗力田编《亚里士多德全集》第六卷。    按:风对于古人认识其周围自然环境、安排其日常生活的意义,我们生活在今天已经很难理解了。俺曾有文专门讨论这个问题。 自然之风对于文化和精神的影响,这只要翻一下《辞源》“风”字条,看看以“风”开头的词语何其多姿多彩,即可见一斑。(而且,与风相关的词,大多是富于诗意的好词,比如风花雪月:)风在我们的母语中留下了意味隽永的痕迹,那是因为风深深地影响了我们的生活和心灵。   从亚里士多德关于的风的论述中可以看出如下几点:    1,在古希腊,对于风向的把握,中国古代一样,分为八方,即四方加四维,中国人称之为八风。 2,在古希腊,风的命名与地形有关,一般是按照风所从来的地方的地名来命名,这是因为一地的风力和风向与这个地方及其周边的地形密切相关。后来风的命名尽管统一命名为东风、西风等等,但仍继承了根据风的来向命名的习惯。 3,在古希腊,由于风名源于地名,所以不同地方对同一种方向的风的命名是不同的,中国古代应当也有这种传统,但却没有相关记载保存下来。 4,在古希腊也和中国古代一样,风的命名丰富多彩,各方来风皆有专命,中国关于风名的最古老的记载应是甲骨文-《山海经》-《尧典》中的四方风名。谷风、凯风、不周风、清明风等专名,或与地理有关(谷风),或与季节有关(清明风)。 5,中国古代相对于四方风还有四方风神,但亚里士多德没有提到古希腊是否也有各方风神。西方古地图中常于图之四角或四方绘以鼓着腮帮子吹气的天使形象,盖即其四方风神。 6,据亚里士多德此文,古希腊有专门用来标示各地风的名称和分布的地圆图,可见,对风的认识是古人自然知识的重要内容,中国古代也有以图示风的做法,《大荒经》是也(当然,《大荒经》并非单纯记风)。 7,一地之风养成一地的风物、风土、风俗和风情,所以风不仅是自然科学的对象,也有人文历史的意义,风的意义对于民俗学尤其重要。所谓“十里不同风,百里不同俗”,说的就是风和民俗的关系。曾见日本民俗学奠基人柳田国男所撰专门记载日本山地、海岛的风向、风名知识的民俗志。 ——总之,民俗学的同学,学点气象学知识是很有必要滴。   附:亚里士多德《论风》英文版:    THE SITUATIONS AND NAMES OF WINDS    Boreas. At Mallus this wind is called Pagreus; for it blows from the high cliffs and two parallel ranges known as the Pagrean Mountains. At Caunus it is called Meses; in Rhodes it is known as Caunias, for it blows from Caunus, causing storms in the harbour of that place. At Olbia, near Magydum in Pamphylia, it is called Idyreus; for it blows from an island called Idyris. Some people identify Boreas and Meses, amongst them the Lyrnatians near Phaselis. Caecias. In Lesbos this wind is called Thebanas; for it blows from the plain of Thebe, north of the Elaitic Gulf in Mysia. It causes storms in the harbour of Mitylene and very violent storms in the harbour of Mallus. In some places it is called Caunias, which others identify with Boreas. Apeliotes. This wind is called Potameus at Tripolis in Phoenicia; it blows from a plain resembling a great threshing-floor, which lies between the mountains of Libanus and Bapyrus; hence it is called Potameus. It causes storms at Posidonium. In the Gulf of Issus and the neighbourhood of Rosus it is known as Syriandus; it blows from 'the Syrian Gates', the pass between the Taurus and the Rosian Mountains. In the Gulf of Tripolis it is called Marseus, from the village of Marsus. In Proconnesus, Teos, Crete, Euboea, and Cyrene it is known as Hellespontias. It causes storms in particular at Caphereus in Euboea, and in the harbour of Cyrene, which is called Apollonia. It blows from the Hellespont. At Sinope it is called Berecyntias, because it blows from the direction of Phrygia. In Sicily it is known as Cataporthmias, because it blows from the Straits. Some people identify it with Gaecias, and also call it Thebanas. Eurus. This wind is called Scopeleus at Aegae, on the borders of Syria, after the cliff at Rosus. In Cyrene it is known as Carbas after the Carbanians in Phoenicia; hence some people call this same wind Phoenicias. Some people identify it with Apeliotes. Orthonotus. Some call this wind Eurus, others Amneus. Notus bears the same name everywhere. It is derived from the fact that this wind is unwholesome, while out of doors it brings showers; thus there are two reasons for its name. Leuconotus likewise derives its name from its effect; for it clears the sky. Lips. This wind gets its name from Libya, whence it blows. Zephyrus. This wind is so named because it blows from the west, and the west. . . . Iapyx. At Tarentum it is called Scylletinus from the place Scylletium. At Dorylaeum in Phrygia. . . . Some people call it Pharangites, because it blows from a certain ravine in Mount Pangaeus. Many call it Argestes. Thracias is called Strymonias in Thrace, for it blows from the river Strymon; in the Megarid it is known as Sciron, after the Scironian cliffs; in Italy and Sicily it is called Circias, because it blows from Circaeum. In Euboea and Lesbos it goes by the name of Olympias, which is derived from Pierian Olympus; it causes storms at Pyrrha. I have drawn for you the circle of the earth and indicated the positions of the winds, and the directions in which they blow, so that they may be presented to your vision.   



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