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  Dialogues for productive use  The second half of this book focuses principally on the use of dialogue as away of promoting interactive talk. This does not mean that the learners aresimply left to talk without any opportunities for reflection  r a focus onform. Dialogue activities aim to encourage speaking but they also aim toencourage thinking about speaking.  Planning time Incorporating a planning stage before the learners engage in dialogue canhelp to build a bridge between the learners passive knowledge and theircapacity to use this knowledge in spontaneous speech. Learners oftenencounter difficulties when trying to naturally incorporate recently learntlanguage items into meaning-focused exchanges. By asking them to write adialogue using a particular set of language items, we effectively slow downthe process of speech and create opportunities for more reflective languageuse. If learners are asked to construct a dialogue in pairs or small groupsbefore they perform it, there is the opportunity for peer teaching of languageto occur. Also, producing a written version of the dialogue activates both thewritten and spoken form of the language included.  On the other hand, there will also be advantages in sometimesencouraging learners to enter into dialogue spontaneously, without askingthem to plan the content at all. This, after all, reflects the circumstances inwhich the learners real-life dialogue use will occur. Providing the learnerswith practice in spontaneous interaction in the classroom should help toequip them with the skills they need to interact in such a way in the realworld.


  外研社从剑桥大学出版社出版的“cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers”中选出10本,结成“Learning in Doing·剑桥英语课堂教学系列”,在中国大陆出版发行。  应外研社要我为这套丛书写一个总序的要求,我通读了全部10本书,同时看了原系列其他书的书名。我发现,在所有这些书都涉及外语教学中的重要问题的同时,编者选出目前这10本来先期出版发行,是有道理的。  首先,从这10本书的书名就可看出,它们都是关于当前外语教学中的一些最关紧要的问题。读这套书的教师朋友们会发现,它们是如此切合我们国家当前外语教学(尤其是基础阶段外语教学)所面临的突出问题,用一句俗语说,它们是如此符合我国的“国情”:大班教学、以学生为中心突出个性化教学、课堂设计、口语教学、词汇教学、如何利用多媒体教学手段等等,方方面面,不一而足。似乎这些内容还不够,《如何策划行之有效的英语课堂活动》则提供了各种课堂活动的案例达110个之多。老师们“手到擒来”,直接可以拿到课堂中去用。我在通读各册书时越来越觉得好似剑桥大学出版社是专门为我们中国外语老师们量身定做出版这套书的。


Thanks and acknowledgementsIntroduction1 Understanding  1.1 Understanding dialogues:a basic procedure  1.2 Board grab  1.3 Reading versus listening  1.4 Dialogue interpretation worksheets  1.5 Jigsaw  1.6 Designing exam questions  1.7 What are they talking about?  1.8 Snippets  1.9 Fairy tale tableaux      1.10 Lame jokes  1.11 Working with interviews      1.12 Dialogue as a way into a graded reader  1.13 ThebitIlike2 Analysing  2.1 Tricky words      2.2 Closed mouth minimal pairs      2.3 Fishermen     2.4 Stage directions     2.5 Authentic versus scripted dialogues  2.6 Dialogue scan race      2.7 Filling in  2.8 Speech acts  2.9 The teacher does the speaking test  2.10 Student dialogue reformulation  2.11 Backchannelling3 Reproducing and reconstructing  3.1 Jumbled lines  3.2 Dialogue rebuilding  3.3 The ultimate gapfill  3.4 Listen again  3.5 Jumbled reconstruction  3.6 Dialogue pairs  3.7 Dialogue retranslation  3.8 Retranslated tapescript  3.9 Dubbing  3.10 From monologue tO dialogue  3.11 Turning news items into dialogue  3.12 Shadow dialogues  3.13 Mimed dialogues  3.14 Modernised voiceovers  3.15 Roughing up and censoring4 Memorising  4.1 Who said what?  4.2 Reduced dialogues  4.3 Story tO dialogue  4.4 Adjacency pair turnover cards  4.5 Remembering the questions  4.6 Dialogue halves  4.7 Line byIine  4.8 Prompts5 Rehearsing and performing  5.1 Chanted dialogue    5.2 Sounding like a gringo!  5.3 It'snotwhatyou say  5.4 Students perform the listening material  5.5 Improvising into a scene  5.6 Shadowing actors  5.7 Dialogues with movement  5.8 Who's next?  5.9 Conducted dialogue ……6 Co-constructing7 Creating and personalising8 Communicating9 Dialogue as learningFurther reading and resourcesIndex


《如何组织课堂会话活动》有效解决了课堂会话活动“形式单一、为练而练”的问题,介绍的1 10余个课堂活动不但趣味性强,而且将说与听、读、写巧妙结合起来。书中将每个活动的目的、重点、适用水平、所用时间及需备材料清晰标明,除逐条说明活动步骤外,另附活动涉及的会话材料作参考。书末还提供了多篇材料供教师们使用。相信一线教师定能从中获益,师资培训者也可从书中的教学理念、方法受到启发。





精彩短评 (总计28条)

  •     正版 速度快 内容很充实 全英
  •     一本适合中学英语教师阅读的英语课堂教学书籍!
  •     对拓展教学的思路很实用,感觉不错
  •     非常专业的一本书,需要仔细学习。
  •     全英文的,需要花时间好好读
  •     很好的一本书,里面是全英文课堂教学
  •     不实用,都是理论的东西
  •     启发式教育是否适合中国的大学生,有待思考
  •     中国课堂宝书
  •     喜欢这种英文版书籍,对国内教学有帮助
  •     全英语,看了序,感觉挺实用。买了一全套,还得认真读。现在搞课改 用的昌乐二中的模式,都不知道怎么上课了
  •     省得跑图书大厦了.
  •     英语学习应该听说领先,在活动中学习英语
  •     得慢慢看吧。。
  •     应该能拓宽国际视野
  •     剑桥英语课堂教学系列) 挺专业
  •     很受启发,对组织对话和设计很有帮助。
  •     有些能用于大班。
  •     让你的学生大胆的参与到会话活动中,这本书提供了不错的例子
  •     对英语老师是非常有帮助的,主要是课堂会话方面
  •     融合了听说读写各个方面的活动,很详细。
  •     实用,可操作性强!
  •     很好的英语教学辅导书。
  •     正在拜读,听说课在初中阶段很重要老师们也各有奇招,此书从各个方面给了许多实例!很给力!值得一读!
  •     内容的编排很清晰,每个活动也挺详细的
  •     买了一套,非常好,对写论文有帮助。也提供了不少的好点子。虽然还没看完,但会慢慢看。
  •     参考价值绝对有,实用性因人而异,个人感觉还不错。
  •     老师必看

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