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  Cassandra Garda5th and 6th GradeThis is the type of situation that demands action on twofronts, one short-term, the other more long-term. For the shortterm, I would have some of the special education and coun-seling personnel provide human relations training for stu-dents in the dass. I would want them to emphasize how to getalong with one another, how to communicate in positiveways, and how to resolve conflict situations without resortingto anger or force. I would also like them to provide studentswith experiences through which they would get to know eachother on a personal level. I think this would help students lis-ten to each other a little better and display less indifference to-ward one another.  On a longer-term basis, I would work to establish an envi-ronment of trust between the students and myself and amongthe various groups of students. I would use "classroom meet-ings" to help students discuss their problems and differences.I would start using cooperative learning groups on a regularbasis. I would make sure that each group had representativesfrom the three racial and ethnic groups and that each grouphad one of the special-needs students. I would make sure thatall assignments were set up in such a way that students hadto work together and each students success was tied to thegroups accomplishments.  I know that it will take a long time to develop the type oflearng environment I envision. I will have to remain patientand to expect many setbacks along the way.


Part 1 Teaching and Learning in Today's Classrooms   Chapter 1 The Scientific Basis for the Art of Teaching  Chapter 2 Student Learning in Diverse ClassroomsPart 2 The Leadership Aspects of Teaching  Chapter 3 Teacher Planning  Chapter 4 Classrooms As Learning Communities  Chapter 5 Classroom Management  Chapter 6 Assessment and EvaluationPart 3 The Interactive Aspects of Teaching  Chapter 7 Presenting and Explaining  Chapter 8 Direct Instruction  Chapter 9 Concept Teaching  Chapter 10 Cooperative Learning  Chapter 11 Problem-Based Learning  Chapter 12 Classroom DiscussionPart 4 The Organizational Aspects of Teaching  Chapter 13 School Leadership and CollaborationResource Handbook Unit 1     Reading and Using Research Unit 2     Action Research for Classroom Teachers







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  •     本书介绍的一些教学方法对老师的教学有启迪。
  •     是正版,不过感觉有点旧呀。
  •     很厚的一本,内容不错。实用
  •     本书为英文,请购买者注意,也请当当网能在此书介绍中注明,以免退货。
  •     买错了,英文版的,看不太懂,又买了本中文的。收藏了
  •     书不错,价格公道,虽然有中文版,还是喜欢看看原版的
  •     《学会教学》是一本不错的书,值得相关领域的研究人员收藏。
  •     在书店看到中文版于是到当当订了英文版,很厚实纸质很舒服,作为一名教师,怎么样对待工作和面对学生,教学是一门艺术也是一门学问。
  •     很多时候,我在网上买书全凭一种感觉。这本书就是凭着自己的直觉买下来的,还没有看完。但真的值得看完。
  •     没看清楚,错买了英文版。重新买了中文版的。不过,当当的退换货服务非常好,是自己错买了,但是当当免费上门来退货。很感谢!

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