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  1. Have you ever been embarrassed when____talking to yourself after your mobile phone  battery runs out in the middle of the call?  A. leaving  B. left  C. leave  D. you leave  2. ——Maggie had a wonderful time at the party.  ——____, and so did I.  A. So she had  B. So has she  C. So she did  D. So did she  3. Tom must have been playing basketball; Mary____doing her homework.  A. is  B. was  C. must he  D.不填  4. The rescue team must have searched for the missing visitors two days ago,____?  A. mustnt they  B. havent they  C. didnt they  D. hadnt they  5. Something about stopping the strike will have to be done,____?  A. wont it  B. will it  C. has it  D. does it  6. Theres not much news about the missing mountain climbers in todays  newspaper,____?  A. isnt it  B. is it  C. isnt there  D. is there  7. When the disasters struck, many people had no time to escape being killed,____?  A. didnt they  B. did they  C. did it  D. didnt it  8. We each____strong points and each of us on the other hand____weak points.  A. have; have  B. has; have  C. has; has  D. have; has  9, My friend and classmate Paul____motorcycles in his spare time.  A. race  B. races  C. is raced  D. is racing  10. About 60 percent ofthe students____from the south; the rest of them____from  the north and foreign countries.  A. are; is  B. is; is  C. is; are  D. are; are  11. No human being and no animal____in the remote island.  A. are seen  B. is seen  C. see  D. sees  12. By no means____once we start to do what we want to.  A. we shall give up  B. we give away  C. shall we give up  D. shall we give away  13. To such an extent____their son that they have tried to satisfy every demand of his.  A. the parents do love  B. the parents love  C. do the parents love  D. love the parents  14. At present the agricultural taxes of Chinese farmers have been cancelled. Never before in  China____for the farmers.  A. has so much been done  B. have so much been done  C. has been done so much  D. so much has been done  15. I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom____so lonely as now.  A. have I felt  B. I had felt  C. I have felt  D. had I felt


Week One 名词Week Two 冠词与介词Week Three 代词Week Four 形容词和副词Week Five 动词和动词短语Week Six 情态动词和虚拟语气Week Seven 动词的时态和语态(一)Week Eight 动词的时态和语态(二)Week Nine 非谓语动词Week Ten 名词性从句Week Eleven 定语从句Week Twelve 状语从句(一)Week Thirteen 状语从句(二)Week Fourteen 省略和倒装及其他Week Fifteen 情景交际Week Sixteen 模拟试题参考答案


  《快捷英语·高考单项填空周周练》取材于6年精心打造易错易混常考题库,解析精准到位。  贴近教学实际,扫除学习盲区:从词汇、短语、句型和语法的易错易混点入手,以练代讲,以错作引,深挖错误根源,使学生在练的过程中发现问题、了解问题、分析问题,最终解决问题。  精选精练,梯度分明:以多年构建的学生易错易混常考题库为基础,沙里淘金,精选试题,准确把握试题难易度,适应教学的实际情况。  高效便捷,实用灵活:以周为单元,每一在15小题,5-8分钟完成,集针对性和实用性于一体,便于学生自我检测和教师课堂定时检测。







精彩短评 (总计28条)

  •     willing
  •     知识点很细,适合查漏补缺。而且可以撕下分页完成,平时课间做一做很方便,很大程度利用了零散时间。帮助很大!
  •     总的来说还可以,按词类分项做题,便于归纳,讲解也到位。个别题目比较偏,讲解不够详细。
  •     快捷英语.高考单项填空周周练有点难。
  •     书挺好的,也没有损坏,包装挺结实
  •     排版清楚,练习丰富,不过有点难
  •     听说不错哦
  •     (⊙v⊙)嗯,还么有收到,不过觉得挺好的,适合我这种单选不太好的
  •     针对训练
  •     填空题,练语法,很好的书~
  •     很适合高中生,每天15道题不多不少。总之非常好
  •     广东省现在不考单项选择,买这本书的时候我还以为单项填空就是那些语法填空所以就买了……
  •     不错!!可以提高英语成绩
  •     要坚持才会有效果
  •     非常满意。细致。孩子正在做。
  •     我们学校一直在用快捷英语,感觉不错,强烈推荐!!书质量不错!!
  •     有本书发过来不是新版的老板的
  •     同学推荐的还没做据说很实用!
  •     快捷英语.高考单项填空周周练值得一练
  •     书很好,计划的每天一面真的不多也不少,语法分的很细,讲解也很详细,值得购买
  •     快捷英语.高考单项填空周周练有点难,还不错
  •     很好 非常不错
  •     做了一学期,总算做完了。
  •     很好,昨天下午定的刚拿的还没来的及看。速度超快
  •     这套书和适合训练孩子的思维。
  •     买给弟弟的 他说不错
  •     可以天天练习
  •     书没有密封好......一拿就掉了

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