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  Yi Jing(,Ching《易经》),the Book of Changes came into being in thetimes of the Western Zhou Dynasty(西周1046~771 B.C.).It has been the most archaic works among the Chinese classics ever since.Various schools ofthinkers developed their philosophies from the primitive philosophical perspee-tives expressed in Y/.Jing(群经之首,百家之根),like Taoism(Lao Zi老子),Confucianism(Confucius孔子),Mohism(Mozi墨子),military strat-egists(Sun Zi孙子),and alike.




Preface 前言About the Author 作者Introduction: About The Book of Changes 关于易经Part Ⅰ Scenario 1  乾(Qian) The Generative Scenario 2  坤(Kun) The Nurturer Scenario 3  屯(Zhun) The Gathering Clouds Scenario 4  蒙(Meng) The Fountains in the Mountains Scenario 5  需(Xu) The Clouds in the Sky Scenario 6  讼(Song) The Disoriented Sky and Water Scenario 7  师(Shi) The Earth Embracing the Water Scenario 8  比(Bi) The Water-Earth Relationship Scenario 9  小畜(Xiao Xu) The Wind across the Sky Scenario 10  履(Lu) Treading behind a Tiger Scenario 11  泰(Tai) Engagement and Alignment Scenario 12  否(Pi) Divergence and Disorder Scenario 13  同人(Tong Ren) Harmony with Nature Scenario 14  大有(Da You) The Vigor for Harvests Scenario 15  谦(Qian) The Mountain of Low Profile Scenario 16  豫(Yu) Spring Coming in High Spirits Scenario 17  随(Sui) The Fundamentals of Followership Scenario 18  蛊(Gu)The Constructive against the Obstructive Scenario 19  临(Lin)Interdependence and Intimacy Scenario 20  观(Guan)Non-interference in Cultivation Scenario 21  噬嗑(Shi He)Differentiated Discipline Scenario 22  贲(Bi)Face Values VS.Intrinsic Values Scenario 23 剥(Bo)The Weathering Mountain Scenario 24 复(Fu)The Sun Is Rising Scenario 25 无妄(Wu wang)The Thunder under the Sky Scenario 26 大畜(Da Xu)The sky in the Mountain Scenario 27 颐(Yi)Nourishing and Nurturing Scenario 28  大过(Da Guo)The Overwhelming Is Overwhelmed Scenario 29  坎(Kan)Hanging In in High Water Scenario 30  离(Li)Bright,Bright SunlightPart Ⅱ Scenario 31  咸(Xian)The Touch of Tolerance Scenario 32 恒(Heng)The Unchanging in Changes Scenario 33  逐(Dun)Descending VS.Ascending Scenario 34 大壮(Da Zhuang)The Infinite Might and Influence Scenario 35  晋(Jin)The Illuminating Sun Scenario 36 明夷(Ming Yi)The Shadowed Sunshine Scenario 37 家人(Jia Ren)All from and for the Family Scenario 38  睽(Kui)The Divergent Destinations Scenario 39 蹇(Jian)The Trials of a Long Journey Scenario 40 解(Jie)The Thunder Hying out of the Water Scenario 41  损(Sun)The Ways of Losing and Gaining Scenario 42  益(yi)The Inter-winding Interactions Scenario 43 夬(Guai)The Spirited Swamp Scenario 44 姤(Gou)The Sweeping Wind Scenario 45 萃(Cui)The Gathering Water Scenario 46 升(Sheng)The Growing Tree Scenario 47 困(Kun)The Seeping Swamp Scenario 48 井(Jing)The well and Its Waters Scenario 49 革(Ge)The Call for a Change Scenario 50 鼎(Ding)The Trig}od of Tripartite Balance Scenario 51 震(Zhen)The Pounding Thunders Scenario 52  艮(Gen)The Igniter and the Brake Scenario 53  渐(Jian)The Hovering Swan Geese Scenario 54 归妹(Gui Mei)The Merry Marriage Scenario 55 丰(Feng)The Fire and the Thunder in Accord Scenario 56 旅(Lu)The Challenge of Traveling Scenario 57  巽(Xun)The Whistling Wind Scenario 58  兑(Dui)The Swamp of Serenity Scenario 59 涣(Huan)The Wind Stroking the Water Scenario 60 节(Jie)The Overflowing Water Scenario 61  中孚(Zhong Fu)The Wind Touching the Swamp Scenario 62 小过(Xiao Guo)The Thunder Is a Little Louder Scenario 63 既济(ji ji)The Ripping River Scenario 64 未济(Wei Ji)The Rippling RiverPart Ⅲ About the Ten Wings The Thematic Analyses(《系辞上传》Xici ShAng ZhuAn Part 1)    The Essence of Change    The Qualified Leader The Thematic Analyses(《系辞下传》)Xici Xia Zhuan Part 2)    A Breakhead for a Breakthrough    Who Are on Board With You? The Structural Analyses (《说卦传》 Shuogua Zhuan)    The Law of Nature, and the Nature of Man The Sequential Descriptions (《序卦传》Xugua Zhuan)    The Principles Guiding Developmental Stages The Supplementary Comments (《序卦传》Xugua Zhuan)    Invention and InnovationGlossaryAppendix 1.The Five Classics, Four Books, and the Thirteen Confucian Classics (四书五经,十三经)Appendix 2.The Formation of the Book of Changes (《周易》形成的年代)Appendix 3.Contributions of the Chinese classics to LeadershipBibliography









精彩短评 (总计2条)

  •     一大半都是英文呀,有点浪费
  •     书的价格有点贵,不过好在有中文注音,以前总把卦辞弄错读音,现在好了。英文的注解也很详细。值得推荐!

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