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作者:[英] 约翰·奥斯汀


37页“暗伏几分杀机”“万事大吉”的说法,很传神,但是稍微有点严重了,而且可能引出其他遐想。veridical,经查证可靠无疑,长了点,不过还是很赞的一个对译。59页三个“就那么”,除了第一个原文有just外,后两个都只有could perceive,没有just,怀疑是有增译,而且后两个读起来也感觉不顺了。“或能就那么”,没有这种表述的。55页第一句话太长了,建议打散成几个短句:“我们在某些反常的、例外的情境中感知到什么,面对这一问题,错觉论证的本旨在于让我们接受....”本旨这种译法说实话也是神来之笔。


1奥斯汀开宗明义,挑明他要批驳的是一种“感觉与料”论:We never see or otherwise perceive, or anyhow we never directly perceive or sense, material objects, but only sense-data.奥斯汀提出两个批评:一,这一理论中对“感知”等一系列语词的使用混乱不堪;二,其立论据于一些尚未被彻底考察清楚的事实。如果澄清了这两点,感觉与料说就是站不住脚的。奥斯汀强调,他拒斥感觉与料说,并不意味着自己是一个实在论者。在他看来,“物质对象”与“感觉与料”是一体两面(感觉与料论正是通过预设并批驳物质对象这个虚幻的论敌来证成自己的),实在论与感觉与料说是一丘之貉。//奥斯汀的立场有些狡猾。作为一个实在论者,我也认为“感觉与料”是应当被奥卡姆剃刀削掉的冗余物,但实在论者会从完全不同的理路达到这一结论。奥斯汀主张,即使是探讨哲学问题,也尽量要按照一个语词的日常用法来使用它。当我们说“感知”时,我们一般是说看到了什么、听到了什么或闻到了什么。艾耶尔的“感知”则“过度”概括了我们的感官经验。奥斯汀要证明,艾耶尔的理论整个地建立在对语言的“误用”之上。那么问题来了,我们为什么要遵从日常语言的用法呢(见下文第7节)?奥斯汀至少同意一点,如果非要说“感知”的话,我们“感知”到的不是任何哪一类感官经验,而是丰富驳杂的的东西。但他认为,对这些东西的归纳整理是科学家而非哲学家的工作。2奥斯汀首先瞄准了“物质对象”这个概念:The trouble is that the expression 'material thing' is functioning already, from the very beginning, simply as a foil for 'sense-datum'; it is not here given, and is never given, any other role to play, and apart from this consideration it would surely never have occurred by anybody to try to represent as some single kind of things, the things which the ordinary man says that be 'perceived'.//奥斯汀所说的moderate-sized specimens of dry goods是material太过狭隘的用法,云朵、彩虹、海市蜃楼未必不是material日常语义的一种。That people are sometimes deceived by their senses 'does not lead him to suspect' that all may not be well---but perhaps a more reflective person would be led to suspect.Talk of deception only make sense against a background of general non-deception. 错觉之为错觉,在于我们修正了之前的观念(the argument from error)。感官经验持续地给我们提供“可错的”的信念,但其终究只能被同一集合中另外的信念推翻。我们能够发现的是,之前我们以为是一个农夫的那个东西其实是一个稻草人,但我们永远无法从感官上“发现”,那个稻草人其实竟是Matrix里的一段代码——在这里,证据是超越的(evidence-transcendent)。对“错觉”的分析引发不了对感觉经验的通盘怀疑,那种通盘怀疑是一种对形而上学可能性的遐思。这里的终结之处就是sense-data。奥斯汀似乎倒向了一种emergentism的强立场,反对对世界进行“逻辑构造”(也难怪被叫做“语言现象学”。无独有偶,Ernest Nagel在《科学的结构》中也曾评价道:“虽然可以将科学陈述转换为感觉材料的语言,但是一种自主的纯粹感觉内容的语言实际上并不存在,也没有构造这种语言的希望。”)。他认为,我们根本无从分辨由于神经错乱看见的鬼和舞台上伪装得惟妙惟肖的鬼。感官经验没有提供任何可供我们为其归类的hint。因此,即便我们知道自己“错”在哪里也无济于事。稻草人对农夫并不构成上述意义上的“修正”,于是我们也就不能合理地假设稻草人“背后”有什么神秘莫测的东西(见下文第10节)。It suggests that when, for instance, I look at a chair a few yards in front of me in broad daylight, my view is that I have (only) as much certainty as I need and can get that there is a chair and that I see it.The philosopher is not really going to argue that things go wrong more often than the unwary plain man supposes, but that in some sense or some way he is wrong all the time. So it is misleading to hint, not only that there is always some room to doubt, but that the philosophers' dissent from the plain man is just a matter of degree; it is really not that kind of disagreement at all.deceived by senses的说法暗含了某种意思:感官是“能动”的,是通达某种reality的媒介,而它的出错使我们有时会错失那些本应被达致的reality。至此奥斯汀表明,我们实际上根本无从辨认“错觉”,感觉经验对于我们是浑然的。3奥斯汀考察了艾耶尔的“错觉论证”(refraction, mirage, reflection),他首先指出,艾耶尔的论证里宣称是“错觉”(illusion)的,实则是一些“幻觉”(delusion)。//奥斯汀始终literally理解艾耶尔的例证,但在我看来,那些例证更像是些试图言说超验之物的metaphor,sense-data是something beyond/behind phenomenon,但我们很难用日常语言去做出这个假设。5重归艾耶尔的错觉论证。In certain exceptional, abnormal situations, what we perceive---directly anyway---is a sense-datum. ---> What we (directly) perceive is always a sense-datum, even in the normal, unexceptional case.理由是,there's no intrinsic difference in kind between those of our perceptions that are veridical in their presentation of material things and those that are delusive.奥斯汀提出了两点意见:一,未加限定地使用perceptions,最终导致fallacy of begging the question;二,veridical和delusive的二分是武断的(见上文第2节)。//奥斯汀说,说我们无法区分可靠经验和虚幻经验是无稽之谈,毕竟我们有“梦幻般的”这个短语来形容后者啊。但这是一个sound的批评吗?艾耶尔和普莱斯的意思或许是,在身处那些经验的当口,我们常常无法识别它究竟是否真实,就如我们做梦时常常不知道自己是在做梦,我们之所以能描述做梦的感觉是因为我们能醒过来,但问题在于,我们对于这个世界的经验是否可能是“南柯一梦”?可奥斯汀苦口婆心地劝阻我们“别这么想”——对日常语言的“过度”依赖使他把诸如此类的“玄思”逐出了“哲学”的领地。奥斯汀认为艾耶尔和普莱斯有一个默认的前提,如果两个东西是本质上不同的,就不可能有任何相似性。奥斯汀依然坚持,既然感觉经验没有提供可供分辨的hint,就没有任何理由区分它们,遑论假设它们背后有什么reality。因此,既然经验的确难以区分,我们也就没有办法指出哪些是“错觉”;即使接受造成“错觉”的是感觉与料,也没有必要将其推广至所有感官经验。奥斯汀的总结:a) acceptance of a quite bogus dichotomy of all 'perceptions' into to groups, the 'delusive' and the 'veridical'---to say nothing of the unexplained introduction of 'perceptions' themselves;b) an implicit but grotesque exaggeration of the frequency of 'delusive perceptions';c) a further grotesque exaggeration of the similarity between 'delusive' perceptions and 'veridical' ones;d) the erroneous suggestion that there must be such similarity, or even qualitative identity;e) the acceptance of the pretty gratuitous idea that things 'generically different' could not be qualitatively alike;f) the gratuitous neglect of those more or less subsidiary features which often make possible discrimination of situations which, in other broad respects, may be roughly alike.6艾耶尔给出了一个让我们接受他对于veridical和delusive的二分的理由,他认为若非接受这个二分,we shall have to attribute to material things such mutually incompatible properties as being at the same time both green and yellow, or both elliptical and round.奥斯汀认为,艾耶尔说其中有些是“错觉”,实则暗含了每个物体在诸如颜色或形状的性质上都有一个“真实”的答案,而这却是可疑的。7奥斯汀终于给出了他坚持日常语言方法论的正面理由。a) that the distinctions embodied in our vast and, for the most part, relatively ancient stock of ordinary words are neither few nor always very obvious, and almost never just arbitrary;b) that in any case, before indulging in any tampering on our own account, we need to find out what it is that we have to deal with;c) that tampering with words in what we take to be one little corner of the filed is always liable to have unforeseen repercussions in the adjoining territory.Tampering, in fact, is not so easy as is often supposed, is not justified or needed is easy as is often supposed, and is often though to be necessary just because what we've got already has been misrepresented. And we must always be particularly wary of the philosophical habit of dismissing some of (if not all) the ordinary uses of a word as 'unimportant', a habit which makes distortion practically unavoidable.因此在他看来,就“感觉与可感物”的问题而言,明明是一个从日常现象出发的问题,自然无须用超出日常的语言来讨论,否则就是在搅混水——非但对问题没有任何解决还会适得其反。//但问题依旧留在原地。奥斯汀可能认为一枚硬币有时看起来是圆形有时看起来是椭圆形只是一些漠不相关的简单事实,但如果有人(比如艾耶尔)偏偏对这个现象产生了疑惑,至少奥斯汀的答案并不是一个好的解释。我们对“是什么”的追问可否在某一点上终止?一定要终止在日常语言的用法上吗?奥斯汀某种程度上回答了这个问题。你可以宣称你知道,但由于你不能告诉别人你知道的是什么,你所知道的也就没有意义了:I don't know just how to take the assertion that it's a real duck unless I know just what, on that particular occasion, the speaker has it in mind to exclude.奥斯汀的语义分析中一贯有一种“相辅相成”的思想:一个语词要通过它的反义来获得与之对应的意义,这也是奥斯汀对于“区分”的要求。比如只有当“不真实”的情境是可设想的时,宣称“真实”才有意义。而奥斯汀的不满之处在于,“不真实”的情景是一个广大的补集(穷举不尽),而其正题却是一个单元素集(难以把握),所以在这种情况下,除非能讲明任意一个,否则这个对子整个地没有意义(见下文第10节)。A distinction which are not in fact to draw is---to put it politely---not worth making.8I should like to emphasize, however how fatal it always is to embark on explaining use of a word without seriously considering more than a tiny fraction of the contexts in which it is actually used.奥斯汀的教诲:不要泛泛地去问一个词的含义,而要即情即境地分析这个词在某处的含义。9艾耶尔把“感觉与可感物”的问题划归为一个语言问题(而居然不是认识论或形而上学问题)可能是一个对自己不利的策略。他的论证非但并没有使“感觉与料”的假说更可欲,反倒为奥斯汀语义分析的方法论提供了合法性。奥斯汀认为,当我们说“看见”某个事物时,必定有某个事物被看见。艾耶尔的观点却是to say of an object that it is perceived does not entail saying that it exists in any sense at all,这让奥斯汀很无语。在他看来,艾耶尔正是为了把“感觉与料”的概念暗渡陈仓,才刻意采用了这些怪异的说法——比如把视觉和错觉一概统摄在“感知”的概念下。10追求确定性知识(作为“知识大厦”的基石)的迷思从柏拉图一直延续到近代知识论。在艾耶尔看来,观察语句不是证实的终点,有其他一类特殊的语句(但也只能是语句,在这里就是有关感觉与料的语句)可以经验地证实它们。奥斯汀自然不会同意,观察语句由其可错性而需要其他类型的语句作为证据来支持的观点,这会导致一个逻辑上无穷无尽的“证实”序列,最终把终点引向一个武断地区分作为判定的标准。在这个问题上,证实策略不适用。况且,there is no reason to say that expressions used in referring to 'material things' are (as such, intrinsically) vague; and there is no reason to suppose that expressions used in referring to 'sense-data' would be (as such, intrinsically) precise.11贝克莱说,only 'our own ideas' are 'immediately perceived',这里可引发的问题是,虽然别人和我对许多词的用法是一致的,但我永远也不知道别人眼中的世界和我眼中的一样(inverted spectrum argument)。这既不触及瓦诺克的修补工作,也不是奥斯汀的语义分析能够解决的。





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