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艺术取决于精神是什么样的实质性意识。我们研究希腊人的作品,并未因此就是希腊人。我们是这个自我,这不是表象所致,而是内在的、创造性的生命所致。民族的幻想不是对某物的迷信,而是自己的精神;所谓的神奇之物是一个可笑的机械装置;克洛普施托克描述他的天使、北欧诸神的失误。因此,一个民族的活生生的神话构成这个民族的艺术的基础和内容。【Art depends on which substantial consciousness spirit is. We studythe Greek works of art and are not therefore Greeks . It is not done by [mere] representation but by the inner productive lif e. The imaginative products of a people are not a superstitious belief in something but the nation's own Spirit; the so-called miraculous is a ridiculous bit of machinery; the angels and the Nordic gods of Klopstock are a misconception. It is the living mythology of a people, therefore, which constitutes the ground and substantial content of its Art.——G..W.F.Hegel,“The Philosophical Propaedeutic”,edited by Michael George and Andrew Vincent,translated by A.V.Miller,Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1986,p.167.】【按:中英译文有几处出入,不知何者为过,有懂德文的请指点。尤其克洛普那句。。。】


先读了“讲话”部分的“1809年9月29日讲话”这一篇,发现有关键一处,黑格尔强调阅读古典著作的重要性时,该书译为“我想,我不太主张这种观点:如果谁不懂得古人的著作,谁活着就不懂得美。”也许是译者把句子意思理解反了。相应之处,诺克斯爵士的英译本译为:I do not believe I claim too much when I say that he who has never know the works of ancients has lived without knowing what beatty is,意思是“我认为这样说并不为过:对古典著作一无所知者,终其一生不知美为何物”。虽然未见德文原文,但结合上下文,以及黑格尔对古希腊精神遗产的一向推崇,汉译应该是错了。其他尚未细读,无从多说了。



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