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  'All right,' he said. 'You must be aware that some cities are tyrannies,some are democracies, and others aristocracies?'  'Of course.'  'And what is in control in each city is the ruling power?'  'Every ruling power makes laws for its own good. A democracy makes democratic laws, a tyranny tyrannical laws, and so on. In making these laws, they make it clear that what is good for them, the rulers, is what is just for their subjects. If anyone disobeys, they punish him for breaking the law and acting unjustly. That's what I mean, "my friend," when I say that in all cities the same thing is just, namely what is good for the ruling authority. This, I take it, is where the power lies, and the result is, for anyone who looks at it in the right way, that the same thing is just everywhere - what is good for the stronger.'  'Now I understand what you mean,' I said, 'though whether or not it is true remains to be seen. So even your answer, Thrasymachus,is that what is good for a person is just, though that was an answer you told me firmly not to give. But you add the qualification "for the stronger."'  'A trivial addition, you may say.'  'That's not yet clear. It may well be an important one. What is clear is that we must examine whether what you say is true. Like you,l agree that justice is something that is good for a person, but while you qualify it as what is good for the stronger, I'm not so sure. We should examine the question.'  'Go on, then. Examine it.'  'I shall,' I said. 'Tell me, don't you also say that it is right for subjects to obey their rulers?'  'And are they infallible, the rulers in all these cities? Or are they capable of making mistakes?'     'They are certainly, I imagine, capable of making mistakes.'  'So when they set about enacting laws, do they enact some correctly, but a certain number incorrectly?'  'In my opinion, yes.'  'And "correctly" is enacting laws which are in their own interest, and "incorrectly" is enacting laws which are against their own interest? Is that what you mean?'  'But whatever they enact, their subjects must carry it out, and this is justice?'  'Of course.'  'In that case, according to your definition,it is not only just to do what is good for the stronger, but also its opposite, what is not good for him.'  'What do you mean?' he said.  'I mean what you mean, I tlunk. Let's look at it more closely. Haven't we agreed that the rulers,in giving orders to their subjects to do anything, sometimes make mistakes about what is in their own best interest, but that it is just for the subjects to carry out whatever orders their rulers give them? Isn't that what we have agreed?'  'Yes,' he said. 'I accept that.'  'Then you must also accept,' I said,'that we have agreed it is just to do things which are not good for the rulers and the stronger, when the rulers inadvertently issue orders which are harmful to themselves, and you say it is just for their subjects to carry out the orders of their rulers. In that situation, most wise Thrasymachus, isn't the inevitable result that it is just to do the exact opposite of what you say? After all, the weaker have been ordered to do what is not good for the stronger.'  'Indeed they have, Socrates,' said Polemarchus. 'No question about it.'  'No question at all,' Cleitophon interrupted, 'if you are acting as a witness for Socrates.'  'Who needs a witness?' said Polemarchus. 'Thrasymachus himself agrees that rulers sometimes issue orders which are bad for themselves, but that it is right for their subjects to carry out these orders.'  'Yes, Polemarchus, because carrying out orders issued by rulers was what Thrasymachus defined as just.'  ……


Translator's prefaceEditor's prefaceIntroduction  The Thirty  Faction  A Spatan utopia  The philosopher and the king  A pllitical mork?  City and soul  Mathematics and metaphysicsA guide to further readingPrincipal datesAbbreviations and conventinsEditor's synopsis of The RepublicThe Republic  Book1  Book2  Book3  Book4  Book5  Book6  Book7  Book8  Book9  Book10GlossaryIndex


《理想国》主要内容:This new tranlation of one of the great works of Westem political thought is based on the belief that when Plato chose the dialogue form for his writing,he intended these dialogues to sound like converstions-although conversations of a philosophical sort.In addition to avivid,dignified and accurate rendition of Plato's text,the student and general reader will find many aids to comprehension in this volune,an introducction that assesses the cultural background to the Republic,its Place within political philosophy,and its general grgunment succinct notes in the body of the text an analytical sunnary of the works full glossary of proper names a chronolgy of the text an analytical sunnary of the work's content;a full glossary of proper names a chronolgy of important events;and a guede to further reading.The result is an accomplished and accessible edition of this seninal work,suitalbe for philosphers and classicists as well as historians of political thought at all levels.


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精彩短评 (总计23条)

  •     和商务印书馆的中文译本对照着读,很有收获,就是速度慢点,很搞脑筋
  •     我看的不是这个版本。。果然法律思想的光芒已然盖过其对政治制度的描画。
  •     哲学类的书都是比较难懂的,虽然说柏拉图的著相对容易些,但我不管单看中文翻译版,还是jowett的版本,还是这个版本,都会有很多地方读不懂。不过把几个版本的书结合在一起看,就可以理解了。

    当然最好的英文版本是J.M. Cooper的“Plato: ***plete works", hackett出版社,是柏拉图全集,并且只有原版书。也不清楚现在还有没有这个版本的单独的《理想国》卖。
  •     书有好几页都折了,封面非常脏,全都是泥,要用湿纸巾擦过才好了一点。
  •     送给女儿的,先看了一下,不错。
  •     不知和其他译本相比有何特色……
  •     快递挺快的,版面不错。不过,纸张没想象中好。
  •     《理想国》是中文的翻译,英文的翻译是《republic》,也有中文翻译为《王制》。不一样的说法,不一样的感受。他是超越现实的,又是源于现实的。可以说是理想,也可以说是对真理的追求。版本不错,老师推荐的,翻译的很好
  •     《理想国》可谓是政治哲学、伦理学等学科的共同经典,比国内某些出版社好的就是有导言部分,这是很关键的。英文版也很容易看懂,词汇量相对来说较小,对照商务印书馆的译本看比较好。
  •     想起来了,我看的是这个版本的,之前那个好像是非常恐怖的一个中国人做的本子,可怕至极。虽然不喜欢苏格拉底,还是很喜欢这个英文。
  •     装帧不好,遗憾,排版也是
  •     很好,英文原版影印的书,超值!


  •     一个人要像一座城,一座城要像一个人。我画了一个城市,只为告诉你真正正义的灵魂是快乐的。柏拉图不齿编故事的人,自己忍不住编了一个故事。虽然斯人已去,城市还没建成,但这张地图总还鲜活生动,提示我们迎接正义在月下世界的显现。际遇经典是一种享受,那纯正的色泽、优雅的线条,都还会透过后人各种干瘪的概括语汇,从两千年的尘埃之中透出来,嘲笑着所有嘲笑它的企图。
  •     这本书一直很期待,下次买本原文的收藏
  •     老师推荐买的。影印本十分划算,这个价格买的没什么说的。纸张光滑细腻,印刷清晰。只是买了四本两本封面有折印,一本书侧有一点黑色的油污什么的,不过不影响阅读,只是对于爱书的人来说有点小遗憾。不过总体十分推荐购买
  •     中国特色社会主义
  •     2016-31 苏格拉底从正义与不正义的辩论,引申到如何建立一个理想的国家,其中又包含了教育、妇女儿童、音乐诗歌等诸多问题。在苏格拉底看来,理想国是由哲学家来领导的,它包含智慧、勇敢、正义和节制等善的品质,“善”是苏格拉底推崇的最好的品质,(真正)正义的人必定比不正义的人幸福,而人生来都有欲望,有合法的欲望和不合法的欲望,不合法的欲望就需要靠自制力去控制,能控制住不合法欲望的人才是正义的、善的。而且,教育很重要,尤其是从小的教育,从小就学习正义的、智慧的、节制的观点,长大才能拥有这些品质。此书全是苏格拉底和他人大段大段的讨论,文字看似平实,但理解起来稍有费劲,此次只是略读,了解下西方哲学、政治的启蒙思想。思想虽是两千年前的,但很多道理经得起时间的考验,社会、历史总有相似之处。
  •     对于五种政体的论述简直惊艳,理念论、洞穴比喻也是经典中的经典。但对其中伦理学及别的内容并不感冒,有空做个摘抄。3rd
  •     书还没看,但是书的质感让人很有捧起来一读的欲望。
  •     这是第一次在当当写评论。
  •     读过,但是英文还是不好……
  •     印刷质量好,值得拥有。
  •     剑桥政治思想史经典文本,价格又好,不买对不起出版社呀。呵呵。不过,这个英译本并不是最经典的。

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