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版权页:   插图:   Thumb-cun  It is one type of point location according to proportional unit of the body,1 cun is equal to the length between the ends of the transverse creases of the finger knuckle on the flexor side of the thumb.It is often used to measure and locate points on the limbs(See Fig.180). 目赤肿痛 目赤肿痛是以目赤而痛、羞明多泪为主的一种急性常见眼科病证,又称天行赤眼。多发于春夏季,具有传染性和流行性。 本病相于现代医学的急性结膜炎、流行性结膜炎和假膜性结膜炎等。 (治疗) 1.针刺法 处方:合谷、太阳、睛明、太冲。 配穴:外感风热配少商、风池,肝胆火盛配行间。 操作:毫针刺,用泻法,每日1次,每次留针30 min,太阳可点刺出血。 2.耳针法 选穴:眼、神门、耳尖或耳背静脉。方法:耳尖或耳背静脉用三棱针点刺放血,每日1~2次,其他穴位针刺,每次留针30 min,留针期间运针2次。 Reddish Swollen and Painful Eyes  It refers to reddish and painful eyes,photophobia with delacrimation which are a main acute familiar ophthalmic symdrom,also called acute contagious conjunctivitis which often occurs in springtime and summertime,has infectivity and epidemic. The disease corresponds modern medicinal acute conjunctivitis,epidemic conjunctivitis,false membrane conjunctivitis,etc. (Treatment) 1.Acupuncture Therapy  Recipe: Hegu(LI 4),Taiyang(EX-HN 5),Jingming(BL 1),Taichong(LR 3) Point combining: Combined with Shaoshang(LU 11)and Fengmen(BL 12)for wind-heat,combined with Xingjian(LR 2)for exuberance fire of liver and gallbladder. Manipulation: Filiform needle puncture.It is applied reducing needling method,once a day.The needles are retained for 30 minutes per time,maycause bleeding with pricking me-thod on Taiyang(EX-HN 5).


前言 Preface 编写说明 Compiler's Note 汉语拼音检字目录 Index of the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet System 辞典正文 The Dictionary 附录一 骨度分寸表 Appendix 1 Table of Bone Proportional Measurment 附录二 常用耳穴示意图 Appendix 2 Points Figure of Ear Acupuncture 附录三 标准化头针穴位图 Appendix 3 Standard Nomenclature Figures of Scalp Acupuncture 附录四 十四经循行分布示意图 Appendix 4 Figures of Fourteen Meridians 附录五 十四经腧穴图 Appendix 5 Points Figure of Fourteen Meridians 附录六 世界卫生组织标准化针灸专业基本术语 Appendix 6 Standard Nomenclature of Basic Technical Terms of Acupuncture of WHO 附录七 汉语笔画索引 Appendix 7 Index of the Strokes of Chinese—character 参考文献 Reference Books










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