
当前位置:首页 > 医学 > 研究生/本科/专科教材 > 外科学

作者:刘允怡 陈孝平


Chapter 1 History of SurgeryChapter 2 Shock,Electrolytes and FluidChapter 3 Hematologic Principles in SurgeryChapter 4 Metabolism in Surgical PatientsChapter 5 AnesthesiaChapter 6 Surgical Critical CareChapter 7 Critical Assessment of Surgical OutcomesChapter 8 Principles of Preoperative and Operative SurgeryChapter 9 Surgical Infections and Choice ofAntibioticsChapter 10 Management ofAcute TraumaChapter 11 The Surgeon’S Role in Unconventional Civilian DisastersChapter 12 BumsChapter 13 Wound HealingChapter 14 Surgical ComplicationsChapter 15 Emerging Technology in Surgery:Informatics,Electronics,RoboticsChapter 16 Transplantation Immunology and ImmunosuppressionChapter 17 Transplantation ofAbdominal OrgansChapter 18 Tumor Biology and Tumor MarkersChapter 19 Minimally Invasive SurgeryChapter 20 NeurosurgeryChapter 21 ThyroidChapter 22 Parathyroid GlandChapter 23 Diseases of the BreastChapter 24 Chest Wall and PleuraChapter 25 Lung(Including Pulmonary Embolism and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)Chapter 26 EsophagusChapter 27 The MediastinumCHapter 28 Congenital Heart DiseaseChapter 29 Surgical Treatment of Coronary Artery DiseaseChapter 30 Acquired Heart Disease:ValvularChapter 31 Thoracic Vasculature(with Emphasis on the Thoracic Aorta)Chapter 32 HerniasChapter 33 Abdominal Wall,Umbilicus,Peritoneum,Mesenteries,Omentum,and RetroperitoneumChapter 34 Acute AbdomenChapter 35 StomachChapter 36 Small IntestineChapter 37 AppendixChapter 38 Colon and RectumChapter 39 AnusChapter 40 The LiverChapter 41 Surgical Complications of Cirrhosis and Portal HypertensionChapter 42 Biliary TractChapter 43 PancreasChapter 44 SpleenChapter 45 Acute Gastrointestinal HemorrhageChapter 46 Pediatric SurgeryChapter 47 Vascular TraumaChapter 48 Endovascular SurgeryChapter 49 Peripheral Arterial Occlusive DiseaseChapter 50 Venous DiseaseChapter 51 Aneurysmal Vascular DiseaseChapter 52 Urologic SurgeryChapter 53 Emergency Care of Musculoskeletal InjuriesChapter 54 Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Bone TumorsChapter 55 Hand SurgeryChapter 56 Plastic Surgery







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