Graffiti & 数码设计(附光盘)

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第1章 法国街头的涂鸦艺术
第1节 Graffiti在巴黎
第2节 法国南部的Graffiti
第3节 Graffiti与法律
第4节 从现代涂鸦到数码艺术
第2章 赋予文字跳动的生命
第3章 涂鸦艺术的数码应用


本书介绍了法国街头艺术之一的Graffiti(涂雅),专门介绍了Graffiti中的文字表现,也是学习Hip-pop绘画艺术的起点。Graffiti不但在街头艺术中占据着主要位置,而且在数码艺术中也表现出独特的风范,无论从文字表现还是绘画上,都蕴含着青年一代艺术家内心的跳动与追求自由的心态。学习和参考它们无疑能够为数码设计开拓一个更加靓丽、广阔的空间。    本书作者为留法设计师,为了将Graffiti的表现艺术(即Hip-Pop艺术)献给国内设计师及数码设计爱好者作为设计参考,历数月在法国实地采风,又赴荷兰、比利时考察、比较。衷心希望大家能够从中获得设计灵感,做出更加优秀、更加多元化的数码设计。    随书光盘内容包含了大量Graffiti的实景图片和数码AI文件,可供读者在进行数码设计时参考和借鉴。    本书可为数码设计人员和爱好者们提供思路和形式的参考,激发创作灵感,也可为广大艺术爱好者欣赏Graffiti艺术提供一个窗品。


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精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     街头随便拍一点别人乱涂的 用AI描一下就好出书啦?我X……师范学院出来的是垃圾哇~还要65元哇!10成新50元转让 娘的
  •     By RANDY KENNEDYIt was as if someone had told devotees of Picasso’s “Demoiselles d’Avignon” or Matisse’s “Dance” that the Museum of Modern Art had changed hands and would soon be shut down for residential redevelopment, with all the art inside to vanish as part of the deal.In this case the art is not hanging inside the building but is splashed all over the walls outside, in spray paint, wheat paste, rubber, plastic, metal, cardboard and various other unidentifiable substances, a story-high gallery of graffiti and street art that seems to have grown almost organically (and mostly unimpeded by the authorities) over the last two decades.Depending on your point of view, the hulking 19th-century brick building at 11 Spring Street in NoLIta, a former stable and carriage house, was either a stunning eyesore or one of the most famous canvases and lodestars in the world for urban artists. When those of the latter view heard recently that the building had been sold and would soon be gutted and converted into condominiums, they considered it the end of an era. Bearing their cameras, they began showing up at the building over the last few weeks in a kind of mournful procession.But inside the building over those same weeks, an unlikely tribute to 11 Spring’s history — and a brief reprieve for its artwork — was also quietly taking shape.After buying the building several months ago, the new owner-developers, Caroline Cummings and Bill Elias, wanted to find some way to bid an appropriate farewell to its past. They admired the artwork, they said, even if there was no way it could remain on a building where buyers would soon be dropping millions of dollars on new condos. They contacted Marc and Sara Schiller, longtime documentarians of street art whose Web site,, collects thousands of pictures of such art from around the world. The group decided that the best salute would be to stage one last, thoroughly legal, art-making hurrah, inviting some of the best-known graffiti and street artists in the world, many of whose work already loomed large on the outside of the building, to take over the inside and completely cover five floors, 30,000 square feet of brick wall space, with work.The art would then stay up only for a few days before the contractors moved in with drywall to cover up the interior works and pressure hoses to erase those on the outside. There would be no sponsors, no press releases, no payments to the artist and no artwork for sale. As much as it is still possible in today’s art world, it would be art for art’s sake, a fleeting salute to a fleeting form.Now, after nearly two months of work by 45 artists, the show is almost ready. The building’s doors will be unlocked tomorrow for an open house that will continue through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. On Monday work will begin that will eventually seal most of the interior artwork behind pipes, wires and drywall.“In a way the art is all going to disappear, but it’s also going to be sealed up in this incredible time capsule,” said Mr. Schiller, walking through the building Tuesday afternoon as more than a dozen artists continued to work on their pieces in a haze of aerosol fumes and sawdust.Several of the artists involved in the project are still little known outside the street art world, but others have become highly successful designers, marketers and gallery darlings. Many converged on short notice from around the world to create artwork, some flown in and housed at the developers’ expense.Shepard Fairey, a veritable rock star in the street art world, came from Los Angeles before jetting off again for the Art Basel fair in Miami Beach. D*Face, a London artist who once proposed to his fiancée by painting the question on 11 Spring Street, flew in from north of the Arctic Circle, where he had been commissioned to create an artwork for the Icehotel in Sweden. And Jace, who created a piece on the building’s fifth floor that includes a frighteningly large mousetrap, made of wood and metal and baited with a huge bag of fake money — a clear jab at the development that is about to transform the building — probably won the prize for longest commute. He flew in from the island of Réunion, east of Madagascar, where he lives, spent several days in the building and then returned.“It’s like a family reunion we’ve got here,” said one artist in from Milan who calls himself Bo and works with a partner, a small woman who calls herself Microbo. “Except some of the family you’ve never met before.”The other evening, as music blared from multiple stereos, about a dozen artists were arrayed among the floors, still at work. One known as Lady Pink, a veteran New York graffiti artist, was applying the last touches to a large, pink supine version of the Statue of Liberty that was being impaled with a cross but seeming somehow to enjoy it.Mr. Schiller, passing by the work with Ms. Cummings, smiled. “This is probably the most political work we’ve got in here,” he said.Lady Pink smiled back. “Oh, it gets more political than this, believe me,” she said.Downstairs two members of a younger generation of street artists, a pair of New York-based twins who call themselves Skewville, went outside to look again at one of their favorite pieces — one that will soon become history — a very realistic-looking fake air vent that, if you look closely, spells “fake.” Early one morning a couple of years ago, they bolted it to a wall above one of the building’s doors.Ms. Cummings went outside to look at it with them and told them that she thought it was a great work of art. One of the twins looked at it and agreed. “Basically, she bought our piece for $10 million,” he said, “and the building was thrown in for free.”

精彩短评 (总计11条)

  •     基本就一图库,作者对涂鸦本身没有亲身体会
  •     法国现代街头艺术,很没的动西,让我很受益,呵呵,很好的一本书,适合刚入门的一些人看,有助于开阔视野.
  •     很不错的书,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  •     有点后悔,ai得原文件其实就是按照图勾的边,有点没什么意义,还有一点,在购买时您可得看准了:这是本字体设计!!
  •     偶然买到的.
  •     第一次看的感覺就是想吐...
  •     由于沒仔細看書的評價什麽的就買了回家...後悔莫及啊...而且還這麽貴....555超級傷心
  •     只能给TOYs看图玩
  •     这么简单的东西有这么多花样还做得这么好看...
  •     感觉排版编辑有点老套 不过这本书开启了我graffiti的认识之路撒
  •     很不错的一本涂鸦书哦~

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