
作者:Helen Exley



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  •     婚姻是两颗心灵的融合,两个生命的联结,相伴而来的是两份奉献。Marriage is the fusion of two hearts---the union of two lives---the coming together of two tributaries. PETER MARSHALL一个快乐的婚姻中充满着友谊的喜悦、感性与理性的所有享受,以及生命中一切真正的乐趣。A happy marriage has in it all the pleasures of friendships, all the enjoyments of sense and reason-and indeed all the sweets of life. JOSEPH ADDISON 爱是无尽的宽容,是温柔的眼神成为一种习惯Love is an act of endless forgiveness,a tender look which becomes a habit. PETER USTINOV也许,世上没有比结婚更大的冒险了,但也没有什么快乐能超过一桩美满的婚姻。There is no greater risk,perhaps,than matrimony, but there is nothing happier than a happy marriage.一桩好姻缘是热情和稳定,实际,奇迹,谈话,眼泪和笑声。而在其核心留出一块地方,装着信任、爱、和深深的知足。A good marriage is passion and monotony, practicalities, magic, talk,, tears and laughter. And at the core lies a place of trust and love and deep content.. PAM BROWN生命最大的挑战就是生活在爱里。比起任何其他人类的努力或情感,它要求更多的机智,适应,敏感,理解,包容,耐力,知识以及力量To live in love is life’greatest challenge. It requires more subtlety, flexibility, sensitivity, understanding, acceptance, tolerance, knowledge and strength than any other human endeavor or emotion. LEO BUSCAGLIA

外国儿童文学,篆刻,百科,生物科学,科普,初中通用,育儿亲子,美容护肤PDF图书下载,。 零度图书网 

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