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我要鱼水族网(www.woyaoyu.com)是一个为广大淡水水族爱好者,海水水族热狂者,岩石水族箱拥有者打造的热带观赏鱼水族信息资料交流站. 我们致力于在提供最全最精确的水族信息的同时,也努力为每一位鱼友提供一个友好轻松的交流环境.没一位鱼友可以向主资料站的各个栏目投稿,也可以在水族论坛和其他鱼友交流,水族博客提供了开心农场,音乐DNA等在线娱乐项目,你可以在这里写日志,建立相册上传照片. 除此之外,鱼友鱼商也可以在分类信息频道发布供求信息,如果你的鱼爸爸生了好多鱼宝宝,想出售,或者你有好多鱼,定期出售你也可以在我要鱼水族商城开设店铺,支持支付宝交易,来销售你的宝贝.如果你有什么问题也可以在问答频道发布问题,或者回答其他鱼友的问题来增加积分. 我要鱼水族网也同样希望为鱼友提供一个良好的信息交流环境. 许多鱼友读的观赏鱼和水族箱书刊都是鱼类研究者或者海洋生物学家写的,但是从长远来看,水族养殖的前进,养殖技术的突破,饲养手法的改进和革命都来自于我们每一位水族爱好者的互相交流和切磋.比如说说现在的岩石海水缸越来越流行起来, 但是对于养殖大多海水鱼类,珊瑚虫,以及其他将来有可能放入水族缸的生物有太多的不知道,该如何养,怎样养算是提供最好的生存环境,这些都还是未知数.所以许多资料都是在爱好者之间慢慢积累建立起来的. 我要鱼水族网希望能为水族爱好新手提供一个能轻松提问,而不会被被耻笑问问的问题太白痴. 我们遵循一个非常简单的宗旨,那就是我们尊重每一位鱼友和他们为我们水族爱好者作出的贡献;我们善待我们热爱的鱼类,植物,珊瑚,努力为它们提供一个最好的生存环境; 我们尽最大努力为鱼友提供最可能精确的详细的帮助信息和资料. 我要鱼水族网希望各鱼友之间都是不言而喻的互相尊重,并不仅仅是对高级会员尊重. 在一些论坛上有些高级会员忘记了在某些方面他们也是新手,也要学习.没有无所不知的专家,只有不断探索的专家.愿各位鱼友能互相帮助,一起建立轻松休闲的水族爱好者社区. http://www.woyaoyu.com Woyaoyu.com is a tropical fish and aquarium information website for freshwater hobbyists, saltwaterhobbyists and reef tank keepers. We strive to provide accurate information all while providing afriendly and fun atmosphere for everyone. Our Woyaoyu Members have a wide range of experience levels. From those just starting out in the hobby(newbies) to veteran hobbyists that have been keeping tanks for many years. From those keepingfreshwater planted tanks to those that keep saltwater reef tanks, we have it all. We have a very simple creed that we stand by: We RESPECT our fellow members and value their contributions to our wonderful hobby We RESPECT the fish, plants, corals and inverts that are in our care and provide the best environmentspossible. Woyaoyu is dedicated to create a place where those new to the hobby could come to ask questions andnot feel stupid or get ridiculed for asking those questions. I also wanted a place where there was anunderlying respect for ALL of the members, not just the senior members. On some of the other boards itseems like the senior members have forgotten that they too were new to this hobby at one point. Someof those senior folks really thought of themselves as experts, I mean really, how could anyonepossibly be an expert in this hobby - No way Hose A. So we wsih every hobbyists can respeact eachother and change experiences to creat a hrmony and cozy discussing board for ourselves. WWW.WOYAOYU.COM 我要鱼水族网



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