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插图:"Think so?" said the undertaker in a tone which half admitted and halfdisputed the probability of the event. "The prices allowed by the boardare very small, Mr. Bumble.""So are the coffins," replied the beadle: with precisely as near anapproach to a laugh as a great official ought to indulge in.Mr. Sowerberry was much tickled at this: as of course he ought to be;and laughed a long time without cessation. "Well, well, Mr. Bumble," hesaid at length, "there's no denying that, since the new system of feedinghas come in, the coffins are something narrower and more shallow thanthey used to be; but we must have some profit, Mr. Bumble.Well-seasoned timber is an expensive article, sir; and all the iron handlescome, by canal, from Birmingham.""Well, well," said Mr. Bumble, "every trade has its drawbacks. A fairprofit is, of course, allowable.""Of course, of course," replied the undertaker; "and if I don't get aprofit upon this or that particular article, why, I make it up in thelong-run, you see - he! he! he!" "Just so," said Mr. Bumble. "Though I must say," continued the undertaker, resuming the currentof observations which the beadle had interrupted: "though I must say, Mr.Bumble, that I have to contend against one very great disadvantage:which is, that all the stout people go off the quickest. The people whohave been better off, and have paid rates for many years, are the first tosink when they come into the house; and let me tell you, Mr. Bumble,that three or four inches over one's calculation makes a great hole inone's profits; especially when one has a family to provide for, sir." As Mr. Sowerberry said this, with the becoming indignation of anill-used man, and as Mr. Bumble felt that it rather tended to convey areflection on the honour of the parish, the latter gentleman thought itadvisable to change the subject. Oliver Twist being uppermost in hismind, he made him his theme.


Literature masterpieces usually mirror the culture of a country or areain a specific period of time. By reading these masterpieces, we canenjoy the authors' fluent writing styles, vivid and detailed description,which will place us in that specific period's history and culture. Forthis purpose we present the series of world literature classics to thereaders.The selection was made based on suggestions of many professionalliterature translators and literary scholars. And these selectedbooks were edited in accord with the original works. Making noabridgements or changes, we attempt to maintain the original style andflavor of these novels. By reading them, you will have a better understanding of westernhistory and culture, and your English level will be improved a lotbefore you realize it. This series of classics will lead you to the wonderful English world!




1 Oliver Twist2 Hard Times3 A Tale of Two Cities4 Great Expectations




《狄更斯经典作品集》收录了《雾都孤儿》、《艰难时世》、《双城记》和《远大前程》等四部作品。《狄更斯经典作品集》为英文版。查尔斯·狄更斯是19世纪英国批判现实主义小说家。狄更斯特别注意描写生活在英国社会底层的“小人物”的生活遭遇,深刻地反映了当时英国复杂的社会现实,为英国批判现实主义文学的开拓和发展做出了卓越的贡献。 狄更斯一生中共创作了十余部长篇小说,其中《老古玩店》、《董贝父子》、《艰难时世》、《双城记》等为我国读者所熟知。





精彩短评 (总计30条)

  •     书有20多页的印刷问题,虽然不太影响内容
  •     喜欢批判现实主义的。咋还送个小国旗呀,因为钓鱼岛的事吗?
  •     好 很厚包装漂亮,是再生纸
  •     书看得很舒服 选集也很好
  •     智慧之书!
  •     封面和纸张还算可以,但是字体的排版过大,行距过小,一致整个页面让人有种凌乱的感觉。是不是盗版还有待考证,不过这是我第一次网购书,希望能买到正版。 可是看着这本书的排版,不得不怀疑自己是不是受骗了!
  •     内容不错,印刷难得的好,纸张质量也很好
  •     什么嘛,书又脏又破,包装都没有,而且好像是旧书,而且而且还变形了,给个极差的评论
  •     刚开始看,整体来说难度适中,但是仔细认真的读还是没有多大问题的
  •     这个是一时兴起想看买的,书本很厚。
  •     很厚一本书啊,喜欢,可以慢慢读了。
  •     屯起来慢慢看,价格便宜量又足
  •     硬皮像字典一样,字体间距比我见过的所有外文书都大,不过没有不舒服。感觉比我买的莎士比亚字体和间距一共大了一半了。有插图,我还没看完但是上面写的经典作品集而不是全集应该就是有的没有收录进去。总体非常满意~~
  •     书本好厚,里面的内容很丰富,但是对于一个英语不是很好的人来说,看起来可能还是有点难度。书本的质量不错,支持支持,假如外包装再弄好点的话,那档次就更高了。
  •     这个商品太旧了,我想送人的,现在都不好意思了,虽然纸质还可以,但是很脏,唉,现在还在纠结要不要送给她呢。
  •     书的纸质挺不错 粗略的翻了一下 暂时没看到错别单词 挺喜欢的
  •     打算暑假向狄更斯进发与君共勉
  •     老舍说好看,我也觉得可以。
  •     期望太高,书到手后有些遗憾。可能纸张不太好。
  •     比简奥斯丁的那本合集字大
  •     在学校时, 只读过译文版的狄更斯的作品, 一直很期待看原版。 收到书, 质量还不错!关于内容我就不说什么了, 经典作品!
  •     纸质很好,清晰,涵盖了狄更斯小说,非常值得购买。
  •     查尔斯狄更斯是英国仅次于莎士比亚的文学大师。纸质很好,拿在手里非常有分量,是一本需要耐心去认真读的好书!
  •     女儿买的,还不错
  •     书很厚,都是英语原文版的,读起来可能有些吃力,不过经过一段时间的适应,也就没撒子问题了。总之,学好英语,阅读很关键。
  •     书厚了
  •     原以为是全译本,结果是全英文的,就当练习英语用吧。书本身很好。
  •     适合收藏,很喜欢
  •     一本好书受益终生
  •     就英文字体来说,字号确实大了点,看上去不怎么舒服;其他都还行。

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