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1 瓶中手稿
2 莱吉亚
3 被用光的人
4 厄舍府的崩塌
5 威廉・威尔逊
6 人群中的人
7 毛格街血案
8 卷入大旋涡
9 椭圆形画像




 厄舍府的崩塌下载 精选章节试读 更多精彩书评



精彩书评 (总计3条)

  •     在那年秋季枯燥,灰暗而瞑寂的某个长日里 沉重的云层低悬于天穹之上   我独自一人策马前行  穿过这片阴沉的,异域般的乡间土地      最终,当夜幕缓缓降临的时候   厄舍府清冷的景色展现在我眼前   译本不一样,我觉得这个版本的开头诗最有力度。如果单看没什么感觉,一定要有内容底蕴。读到这些句子时想起前段日子看过的《女性瘾者》 ,几个章节中唯有这个是黑白的,女主角joe的背影配着这首诗非常有力道。故事情节不如《黑猫》,讲厄舍府里的主人把妹妹活埋……同样的,不敢想象如果是影视作品会如何渲染恐怖氛围。
  •     From the eighteenth century to nowadays, Gothic literature has been spread enormously quickly and popular. Edgar Allen Poe definitely is one of the most famous American author with his Gothic fiction. His short story, "The Fall of the House of Usher", is one of his well-known works of mystery and horror. At the beginning of the story, the narrator receives a letter from his old friend, Roderick Usher, who is inviting the narrator to visit him at his house. Unfortunately, on the evening the narrator arrives at the "House of Usher", Roderick's twin sister lady Madeline passes away. On a dark and stormy night, several evenings later, lady Madeline comes back to life and kills her twin brother. On the surface of this story, it seems like a supernatural gothic story. In fact, it is about human psychology. The House of Usher is frame of human mind. There are three characters in this house, the narrator, Roderick Usher, and Madeline Usher, they are the metaphors to the three elements of personality: ego, superego, and id.The narrator represents the ego in this story. Freud’s theory defines the ego as” the logical, rational, largely conscious system of personality” (Wood, G-6). When Roderick overreacts to the sight of the storm, the narrator describes the lightning scientifically as a common phenomena by saying “these appearances, which bewilder you, are merely electrical phenomena not uncommon” (Poe). Another example of the narrator rationalizing the situation would be during the reading of the “Mad Trist” to Roderick. As the narrator is reading the story “there came the echo of the very cracking and ripping sound which Sir Launcelot had so particularly described”, however, “(the narrator) at once concluded that his excited fancy had deceived him” (Poe). These examples demonstrate the logical and practical thinking of the narrator as the ego.The proprietor of the house, Roderick Usher, being the superego, is defined by Freud as being “the moral system of the personality” (Wood, G-16). “The stem of the Usher race, all time-honoured as it was, had put forth, at no period, any enduring branch; in other words, that the entire family lay in the direct line of descent, and had always, with very trifling and very temporary variation, so lain”, this implies the Usher family maintained incestuous relationships. This may have led to feelings of guilt in Roderick that could have let to him murdering his sister as the narrator describes seeing “blood upon her white robes, and the evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame” (Poe). This struggle points to foul play that was not mentioned by Roderick. As Freud describes the id as being “the unconscious system of the personality, which contains the life and death instincts and operates on the pleasure principle”, this describes the character of lady Madeline (Wood, G-8). Throughout the entire story, she is seen as primal. She never speaks, and is just seen shambling about the mansion. After coming back from the dead, she follows her basic instincts “fell heavily inward upon the person of her brother, and in her violent and now final death-agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse” (Poe). Her instincts led her back to the incestuous relationship she had with her brother.The characters from the story “The Fall of the House of Usher” fit well into Freud’s system of the psyche. Each character represents the various aspects of the human mind that include the ego, superego and id. Edgar Allan Poe character development fits into this scheme of how Freud interpreted the human mind as these characters each represent an aspect related to this particular theory of psychology. With the background of incest and the gothic setting, these aspects fall into place as literary devices, illustrating the characters and defining them. Works Cited:Poe, Edgar. "The Fall of the House of Usher." PoeStories. N.p.. Web. 19 Sep 2013. <http://poestories.com/read/houseofusher>.Wood, Samuel. Mastering the World of Psychology. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2005. G-6, G-16, G-8. Print.
  •     收了爱伦坡的一些著名作品,基本可以代表其作为恐怖小说、科幻小说、侦探小说的鼻祖。个人觉得,具有强烈风格特征的是他的恐怖小说。喜欢爱伦坡的人也许会很喜欢。但我不喜欢,这是由我本人心理上不能承受恐怖所决定的。然而,客观地说,爱伦坡对于恐怖气息的渲染和极端心理的刻画非常到位,随便拿一篇都具有强烈的画面感,无须多加工就是很好的恐怖电影的素材。这些恐怖小说的情节性并不强,感觉上就是作家倾其之力将心里所营造和感受的恐怖意象通过笔端传递给读者。据说爱伦坡对波德莱尔有很大影响。这也有些可以理解了。

精彩短评 (总计56条)

  •       收了爱伦坡的一些著名作品,基本可以代表其作为恐怖小说、科幻小说、侦探小说的鼻祖。
  •     爱伦坡,和斯蒂文金,真心不是我的菜
  •     不知道在说些什么 自己吓唬自己
  •     爱伦·坡带给人的恐怖与惊悚并不源于故事结束前的借尸还魂、诈尸杀人、藏匿尸体,而体现在从第一句话起的阴郁凄清黑惨的环境描写,和主人公无论通过残杀鸦片逃离都无法躲避的恐惧心理。正是事无巨细的环境描写(乃至声音描写)与潜藏在文字之中的心理活动之间的互补造成了读者巨大的想象空间,为恐惧感提供了生长的土壤。
  •     有毒一样。。。爱伦坡很厉害啊。。
  •     一个情境
  •     其实不仅仅是horrible story,15篇里面大可分为几类,艾伦还是侦探小说的鼻祖,虽承《超脱》看了此书,但却真心喜欢,绝望之书。
  •     三星半
  •     爱伦坡是个天才!
  •     在那年秋季枯燥、灰暗而瞑寂的某个长日里,沉重的云层低悬在天穹之下,我独自一人策马前行,穿过这片阴沉的、异域般的乡间土地,最终,当夜幕缓缓降临的时候,厄舍府清冷的景色展现在我眼前,我未曾目睹过它过往的模样,但仅凭方才的一瞥,某种难以忍受的阴郁便浸透了我的内心。我望着府邸周围稀疏的景物,围墙荒芜,衰败的树遍体透着白色,我的灵魂失语了。我的心在冷却,下沉。
  •     在那年秋季枯燥,灰暗而瞑寂的某个长日里   沉重的云层低悬于天穹之上   我独自一人策马前行   穿过这片阴沉的,异域般的乡间土地   最终,当夜幕缓缓降临的时候   厄舍府清冷的景色展现在我眼前 ……
  •     很喜欢侦探推理方面的书,因为在紧张的情节中可以提高自己的逻辑思维能力。这本书综合了爱伦坡的经典文章,虽然在文章中的时代与我们有一定的距离,但在曲折的情节中我们依然可以看到最睿智的思维。
  •     2015.09.20 电影观光小分队。画面感极强、不加修饰的语句和跌宕起伏的情节,不愧是类型小说的鼻祖,第一部,备注一下,作者是个脑洞很大的有意思的人。
  •     为了更好理解电影而看书,情节是弱点
  •     还是更喜欢《丽姬雅》
  •       From the eighteenth century to nowadays, Gothic literature has been spread enormously quickly and popular. Edgar Allen Poe definitely is one of the most famous American author with his Gothic fiction. His short story, "The Fall of the House of Usher", is one of his well-known works of mystery and horror. At the beginning of the story, the narrator receives a letter from his old friend, Roderick Usher, who is inviting the narrator to visit him at his house. Unfortunately, on the evening the narrator arrives at the "House of Usher", Roderick's twin sister lady Madeline passes away. On a dark and stormy night, several evenings later, lady Madeline comes back to life and kills her twin brother. On the surface of this story, it seems like a supernatural gothic story. In fact, it is about human psychology. The House of Usher is frame of human mind. There are three characters in this house, the narrator, Roderick Usher, and Madeline Usher, they are the metaphors to the three elements of personality: ego, superego, and id.
      The narrator represents the ego in this story. Freud’s theory defines the ego as” the logical, rational, largely conscious system of personality” (Wood, G-6). When Roderick overreacts to the sight of the storm, the narrator describes the lightning scientifically as a common phenomena by saying “these appearances, which bewilder you, are merely electrical phenomena not uncommon” (Poe). Another example of the narrator rationalizing the situation would be during the reading of the “Mad Trist” to Roderick. As the narrator is reading the story “there came the echo of the very cracking and ripping sound which Sir Launcelot had so particularly described”, however, “(the narrator) at once concluded that his excited fancy had deceived him” (Poe). These examples demonstrate the logical and practical thinking of the narrator as the ego.
      The proprietor of the house, Roderick Usher, being the superego, is defined by Freud as being “the moral system of the personality” (Wood, G-16). “The stem of the Usher race, all time-honoured as it was, had put forth, at no period, any enduring branch; in other words, that the entire family lay in the direct line of descent, and had always, with very trifling and very temporary variation, so lain”, this implies the Usher family maintained incestuous relationships. This may have led to feelings of guilt in Roderick that could have let to him murdering his sister as the narrator describes seeing “blood upon her white robes, and the evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame” (Poe). This struggle points to foul play that was not mentioned by Roderick.
      As Freud describes the id as being “the unconscious system of the personality, which contains the life and death instincts and operates on the pleasure principle”, this describes the character of lady Madeline (Wood, G-8). Throughout the entire story, she is seen as primal. She never speaks, and is just seen shambling about the mansion. After coming back from the dead, she follows her basic instincts “fell heavily inward upon the person of her brother, and in her violent and now final death-agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse” (Poe). Her instincts led her back to the incestuous relationship she had with her brother.
      The characters from the story “The Fall of the House of Usher” fit well into Freud’s system of the psyche. Each character represents the various aspects of the human mind that include the ego, superego and id. Edgar Allan Poe character development fits into this scheme of how Freud interpreted the human mind as these characters each represent an aspect related to this particular theory of psychology. With the background of incest and the gothic setting, these aspects fall into place as literary devices, illustrating the characters and defining them.
      Works Cited:
      Poe, Edgar. "The Fall of the House of Usher." PoeStories. N.p.. Web. 19 Sep 2013. <http://poestories.com/read/houseofusher>.
      Wood, Samuel. Mastering the World of Psychology. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2005. G-6, G-16, G-8. Print.
  •     空有文笔……
  •     竟然是一篇恐怖小说,读的我喝了好几口热水才击退小说给人的阴森感觉
  •     此类型不喜
  •     没看懂……
  •     爱伦坡所有的小说都追求永恒的死亡主题,所以最后双胞胎兄妹共死时倒也意料之中。但不得不说他非常擅长营造恐怖阴暗气氛……
  •     allan poe的短篇有诗的结构和诗人的意境,翻译方面也尽量做到了这一点,给人干净传神的感觉,功底深厚,符合poe的诗歌理论,‘文章最好能够一口气读下来’,这本书即使是汉语也显然没有破坏它。
  •     其中几篇小学读过,那种冰冷黑暗的恐惧与绝望至今难以忘怀;而如今再看,也是还不错的表现主义小说
  •     正如不朽改变着他自身一样, 诗人用一把脱鞘的利剑唤醒 他的世纪,他喊着“死亡胜利”的奇异声音, 又使这个时代感到恐惧! ——马拉美 恐怖至极,又不仅仅只有恐怖。
  •     为了研究文学批评的精神分析方法而读…
  •     威廉威尔逊那章很是触动我,无数次的想到电影少年派还有黑天鹅。结局和黑天鹅惊人地一致,我想黑天鹅的编剧应该有借鉴过这部作品。
  •     气氛营造的太棒了
  •     精致的短篇不需要繁复的情节,个人认为,爱伦坡小说的情节节奏性、深邃的恐怖渲染以及自我挑战式心理的刻画糅合的十分出色,丝毫没有让人感到乏味的地方....十分欣赏。
  •     因为电影「超脱」才开始看的这个小说,篇幅很短,艾伦坡对环境的描写与塑造让人犹如身临其境一般,很阴森恐怖。
  •     我真是太喜歡這個男人了
  •     描写细致,适合重读。
  •     要说情节,真没有什么曲折的情节。作者饱满浓烈的笔墨生生把这份恐惧感与阴郁感渗透进了小说人物和读者的心里,这等笔力确实是大家之手。
  •     看完书之后,那种阴森感还未褪去。
  •     阴沉 幽深 无可救赎 的忧郁气息
  •     译者原来都是熟人呀有没有23333。不过黑猫还真是个磨人的小妖精。
  •     身临其境
  •     在电影中被读出会有别样感受–女性瘾者 超脱
  •     想向全世界安利爱伦坡
  •     美与死亡。
  •     多年前,还记得《detachment》里男主在剧末读着这篇文章的开头,我第一次知道了爱伦坡,便一发不可收拾的爱上了爱伦坡写的东西,也许那时候的我是比较阴郁的吧
  •     情节性哪里不强了 只是你没有看懂那么多隐喻罢了....
  •     短小而精悍
  •     应找出英文版重读
  •     胆小如我,爱伦坡这个文风真的好吓人
  •     一荣俱荣 一损俱损
  •     他心头的悲痛浑自天成,无休无止地流露着,像黑暗倾泻在物质和精神世界的一切上。
  •     2016-03-23读完 。当作者去了厄舍府的那一刻,就已经进入了死地。一直身在死地的罗德里克,丢掉性命是早晚的事情。随着厄舍兄妹的死亡,厄舍府也随之崩塌。高超的人物和景色的文字素描,如身临其境一样让人不寒而栗。
  •     读了个前言(你也飞去吧!!!
  •     邪恶披一袭长袍,裹挟着悲伤,侵入国王的至尊之地。
  •     小环境与人物 大环境与家族 一切的一切两两相扣 早期的创作出发点
  •     坡的这部作品里描写地相当阴森恐怖,或许这也是精神与心理的写照,很能反应一些特殊人群的精神世界
  •     超脱//超脱里面看起来很绝望的那段话原来只是这个厄舍府故事毫不起眼的开头,所以究竟是多么绝望的内心才可以在开端共鸣下沉。厄舍府的崩塌,黑猫,金甲虫,红死病舞会都还不错,大概是翻译问题读起来怪怪的也不恐怖,恩但是心理描写环境描写还是可以借鉴的
  •     厉害啦我的坡
  •     让我继续这样吧
  •     内容情节比较普通,但描述手法实在是一流,画面感极强。读完后不觉得多么惊心但对比作者的表达能力实感自惭形秽。翻译的也很不错。
  •     挑一个下着暴雨的晚上来读原文

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