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AMAZON上对这本书的评价似乎很低,只有两星半(共有214 人参与评论)

大众口味和评论家的口味真是迥异中国的外国文学研究者和美国的普罗大众的口味真是迥异中国学者眼中的“21世纪年度最佳外国小说”在亚马逊网站竟然只有两星半天啊看了cellocello的回复,发现是偶无知了。但为何大众口味和《纽约时报》的知识分子的口味差距会这么大?有很多人讨厌海明威,但我在亚马逊搜索了一下,初看了一下,他的书评价都未有比三颗星更少的。——————亚马逊网站上的一条评论,评论者打的是一颗星:Since many reviewers have discussed the story line in detail, I will stick with my overall impressions of what I consider an extremely over hyped disappointing read.既然许多评论者已经详细地讨论本书的情节线,我会谈谈自己的总体印象,我认为这本书是十分的言过其辞,带给我的是一次失望的阅读。In my opinion, none of the main characters are anywhere near as adorable as the author keeps insisting they are. Their most notable characteristic is a non-stop (and rather interchangeable) flow of campy repartee that might convey intellect, success, pretension, heartbreak, or whatever to someone steeped in their milieu but which kept me at a considerable emotional distance. The doomed idol, Murray Thwaite, in particular is dreadfully flimsy - is this the author's dream of an articulate, handsome, talented, unattainable (for others who wish to be him) Golden Boy. This sort of wish fulfillment at the reader's expense is simply unpalatable to the serious consumer. And, if this was to be a tongue in cheek attempt at humor, it fell far short of the mark.I agree with other reviewers. It appears the author likes very long sentences; many paragraphs are absolutely incomprehensible. Are we to be impressed with the overuse of commas and dependent clauses so that it often takes two or three readings to render a sentence understandable? If this is the new era of grown-up writing, I'll stick to my mysteries and nonfiction.But, I kept at it hoping that Messud would indeed pull it off in the end; however, the ending too was quite unsatisfactory. And, the use of the 9/11 tragedy to try to wrap it up is unforgivable. If so many New Yorkers of this age group truly were so wrapped in their own petty self-absorptions during this time period, God save our country. Could any of the characters see outside their own small contrived world? It would appear not. I won't be reading any more of Messud's work.If you're hoping for a plot, forget it. You can just read a page and sit back and admire Messud's gift for metaphor, prose and description. But plot and character development are as thin as deli cheese and just about as smelly. It's sadly true, but all of these characters stink, for one reason or another.Do yourself a favor, don't buy the book. If you've read the hype and still think it's worth it, check it out from a library or borrow a copy. In fact, let me know, I'll send you mine. The only thing it's good for is keeping coffee rings off my desk.奉劝你一句,别买这本书。假如你读过了宣传(书托)文章,仍然觉得这本书值得购买,就去图书馆试阅一下,或者借一本。事实上,知会我一声,我会把自己的那本寄给你。这本书唯一的好处就是用来擦干净我办公桌上的咖啡渍。



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