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  五月以后,那种痛楚就开始了。它悄无声息,带着陌生而奇怪的痛感,慢慢地占据着我的身体。最初,我没把它当回事,告诉自己没什么大不了的,但它日渐强烈的时候,我开始担心起来。每天入睡之前,我都希望一觉醒来时,胃里的那种拖拽式的痛楚会消失得一干二净。很快,疼痛就成了我每天醒来时的第一种感觉。  这种疼痛让我全身乏力。大部分时间我都坐在椅子上,用毛毯裹紧全身,盯着街道发呆。窗棂上有9块厚厚的旧玻璃,我一次通过一片往外看,看胜利路上的众生相,就好像画家用手指把眼前的风景分割开。这几年,街上很多地方都变了,有些房屋被装饰一新。屋外的壁架上安了窗槛花箱,红色的天竺葵怒放着,就连篱笆的残枝也被重新装好。花园的门被修缮固定重新上了油漆,邮递员来的时候轻轻松松就能推开。  我正对着的那栋房子却破旧得够呛,黑不溜秋地积满了灰,能卖的东西一件不剩的卖光了,和那一排的其他房子比起来破落不堪。每扇窗子上仅剩下一块玻璃,看起来相当空洞乏味。轻薄的前门连门环都没有,篱笆也不知去向,花园里的泥土地被水泥给盖上了,只有野草从水泥裂缝中挣扎而出。就算有房客来住,也呆不了几个月,来了又走。








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精彩书评 (总计14条)

  •     Catherine Hall shows a maturity in her writing far beyond her years. Not only does she have insight into the inner most thoughts of two young girls with whom, no doubt, she can relate, but she has an uncanny knack of getting inside the heads of characters far older than herself. Her powers of observation and psycho-analysis are extraordinary. The story takes us winging back, at one moment, to our own precious, innocent childhoods and then, in the next moment, plonks us firmly back in the present - with all the intricate dilemmas created by our own maturation. On the one hand there is a familiarity about the story and, on the other hand, there is a mystery which keeps one reading, with baited breath, until the very last page. Poignant, sad, inevitable, thought-provoking; call the story what you will. Talented,remarkable, destined for fame - that, in my humble opinion, is Catherine Hall.
  •     这本书,如果我在图书馆游荡的时候看到过。看到过这本书的封皮和中文译成的书名,我一定不会有想看的欲望。大概扫一眼,吐槽一下这向某女性杂志一样的封面和那更加恶俗的书名。我是很不懂,Days of Grace 为什么会被译成 “请在天堂等我”Days of Grace 宽限日期这么一想大概和这本书的主题倒是相关了。在某天鬼使神差的买了这本书。终于有时间看了。年前的时候,工作一般都不会很忙。看这本书很快。昨天我在公交车上刚翻开第一页,今天就已经看完了。这本书,属于可以快速阅览的那一类。没有什么相对复杂的东西,甚至不需要动脑筋去理解什么。这本书,一共两条线。一条线是小时候的诺拉。另外一条线是,现在的诺拉。小时候的诺拉被同龄的格蕾丝捡到,现在的诺拉在弥留之际捡到了一个女孩儿和她刚出世的小婴儿,并给婴儿取名叫做格蕾丝。所以,很多东西,都是串联起来的。二战时候,所有英国人都在广播中听到张伯伦说:“英国向德国宣战。”对于我来说有意思的是,这段广播的内容,已经是这周第二次听到了。前几天刚重温了《国王的演讲》。所以,很多东西虽然存在着偶然性,却又都是必然。接下来的剧情。和格蕾丝一起生活的诺拉渐渐爱上了同为女生的诺拉。她的内心在挣扎。牧师难以掩藏的对诺拉的恶意向诺拉展现后,她深刻的意识到,自己的秘密绝对不能告诉格蕾丝。诺拉想要保护好格蕾丝,却又无法阻止其他人向格蕾丝靠近。而格蕾丝的性格注定导致她在男士那里很受欢迎。看书的时候,格蕾丝的死亡是及其迅速的。留下一句“我当然爱你,我一直爱着你。开始,是我选了你,记得吗?从一开始我就爱着你。”便离开了。当然,我们都知道。格蕾丝的爱和诺拉的爱是不同的。格蕾丝不会知道,她也永远没有机会知道。多年以后,得了癌症的诺拉似乎又有一种面对格蕾丝的类似的情感。这一次,她选择了与少年时代不同的处理方式。而且,她很幸运,做出选择以后,她先离开了。所以无论她的这个选择会给罗思带来什么,她都已经不知道了。整个故事大概就是一个在赎罪的故事。也许诺拉最后原谅了自己。最后,写一下里面的话来结束吧。为了爱过格蕾丝的诺拉曾经的情感。我失去了妈妈,也丢掉了自己。但我不能忍受还要失去格蕾丝。“我会努力”,我小声说道,“我会试着放弃她。不要再发生别的什么事。不要伤害她。”愿你们在天堂 好好相聚
  •     I'm fairly certain this is the first time I have been completely clueless as to how to start my review. My normal banter seems wildly inappropriate, yet focusing entirely on the gloom, I feel will have an adverse effect. When I first read the slip cover for "Days of Grace" I picked up two very distinctive things, 1. Struggling with the affects of war through the eyes of a 12 year old girl 2. Experiencing the inner turmoil of a lost love but when it was all said and done, when I closed the back cover, and switched off the light, it occurred to me that what I got was so much more. Troubled with the idea of loosing her daughter unnecessarily to war, Nora's mother does the unthinkable... offers her up as an evacuee, and plops her on a train bound for the country, however, what her mother sees as a selfless act of sacrifice, Nora saw as abandonment. Unsure of herself (or her surroundings) Nora's mind starts to run wild, that is until she meets Grace. As a girl who is used to running free (and getting her way) Grace teaches Nora a whole world of things she never knew existed... books, beauty, and love... but when Nora's love continues to go unrequited, and her life suddenly starts to take a direct left, the place that she lovingly started to refer to as home, is not so welcoming anymore. In an effort to escape an unhealthy situation, and take control of her own future, Nora decides to runaway. With Grace, dutifully by her side, the two girls set out to experience the other side of life... the war torn, desolate streets of London. Will their love for each other be enough to battle the forces around them, will the shady side of their new home tear them apart, and will Nora ever accomplish the most challenging feat of all... forgiving herself for the things she has done for love? "Catherine Hall" did exactly the opposite of what I expected in this novel... she focused on the negative. This story was not about WWII, or even an enduring friendship for that matter, what is was... was a story about a young girl so desperate for a family, that her own conscience created a mutilated web of abandonment issues, and internal punishment. The fact that Hall used such a significant, (and life altering) war as her backdrop only added fuel to the already abundant turmoil. Now... does the fact that this novel is so blatantly depressing mean that I disliked like it? No... on the contrary, the writing (for being a debut novel) was quiet impressive. The plot was split into 2 eras, both boasting the same narrative voice (Nora) but both in very different times in their life. Writing in this way not only allowed the reader to experience Nora's emotional unsteadiness as a young girl, but also allowed the reader to connect to her on a deeper level, as her age gave way to unfiltered thoughts of the past. The character development was astounding, (there was no way the story could have possibly made sense without it) but the thing that caught my interest was Hall's very straight forward way of relaying details. There were no paragraphs of flowery descriptives, letters of profession, or even filler chapters (which so many new authors rely on) instead, you had a straight forward plot, with a straight forward objective, with just enough twist to keep the reader from taking unscheduled trips in their own head. Do I think this book is for everyone? No. The novel, as a whole, was well written, but remains a difficult read, and though it's lovely (in its own way) it remains sad. Only those truly dedicated to literary structure, and an artfully crafted story need apply, I'm afraid that everyone else will find it to much to handle, and consequently... be unhappy with the book as a whole.

精彩短评 (总计28条)

  •     尼玛这是写女同的丫啊啊啊! Days of grace 是那个悲剧时代的小缩影、最后人们都会从那段搀着幸福、悲伤、血腥的日子里,回到伦敦那片草地上的合影,新生儿会到来,那些陈腐的记忆最终不再被心虚地遮掩,而是有人和你在太阳下翻晒细数、那是、days of grace
  •     读完后虽然对同性之爱有点感动,但是更多的是对那个女孩父母的愤怒
  •     或许人总会在孤独无助的时候为自身找一个情感寄托。关于欲望,占有和毁灭的故事。
  •     好悲凉,闪着泪光看完的。作为一本处女作,它有足够的诚意和优秀,翻译也很不错。
  •     故事很感人,作者个人的孤独与疏离感描写的很动人
  •     喜欢的人在眼里 是最愉快的事 愿上帝爱我 爱你。
  •     隐约的二战史。苍白索居的人生,她有着最隐秘的秘密。
  •     有时候你看的见悲伤。
  •     有欲望而不行动者,必滋生瘟疫。——威廉 布莱克 。
  •     ,
  •     剧情狗血,语言也稍显平淡,但是非常流畅,可读性强,而且情节进展合理,环环相扣,很多细节前后呼应,作为处女作来说,很不错了
  •     初看到这本书,我觉得完全难以想象这是一个怎样子的故事。但是看完这本书,就会觉得这个故事已经埋在心间了。
  •     也是一口气读完,不同时空的两段感情将诺拉的一生清晰呈现,读这本书是一段艰难旅程,因为我深陷其中,可很享受
  •     这恶心的战争是关于秘密。2011年6月23-26日
  •     为这个烂书名扣一星。。。。叫《和格蕾丝一起的日子》都比这个好………………另:再扣一星,因为txt又只有一半……艹……!
  •     在最后的那一刻,你告诉她你爱她,沉默了几十年的隐忍,却发现她一直也都爱着你
  •     没读完,需要静下心来读的一本书
  •     我私心希望昨天战火纷飞,但今天明天不要这样。
  •     书中进入高潮部分还是让我心炸裂了些许。没有人是无罪的。我们都活在浑浊的世界中。
  •     又是一个姓霍尔的作者,主角懦弱地就像我们自己一样。
  •     格蕾丝与诺拉的生日只差五天
  •     高考之后和朋友去新东方,太无聊了就买了这本书来看,看了没三分之一就不想看了。。。一年半之后的大二寒假,终于从头又看了一遍,才慢慢清楚了故事的轮廓。无论性别,但凡爱情便伟大。
  •     发现这个小说是gl倾向后觉得有点不合胃口,但还是读下去了。其实还是一本不错的小说。她和她爱的女孩儿有过很多快乐时光。女主人公最后不相信上帝了,她觉得上帝惩罚她,带走了她的妈妈,也带走了她深爱的女孩儿。在那女孩儿弥留之际,她知道了那女孩儿对她的爱恋。她杀了伤害她爱的女孩儿的男人,然后逃亡。几十年后,她确认自己即将死去,将这段故事告诉了一个未婚妈妈。看完这个故事,让我惆怅了一下。写的挺不错的,情节布局还是很合理的。个人觉得前半部的节奏有点慢。
  •     这里的诺拉和格蕾丝,就像那里的你和我~
  •     可能因为不是一口气看完的。 感觉淡如水。
  •     作者将感情和心理细微写得很真实到位,是算是细致而感人的小说。
  •     我日手贱啊!买这本书!当初就应该从它这个非主流封面窥见内容的无聊!浪费我美好的睡前时光!
  •     我对此书绝对无语。。。。这、这绝对不是小孩子可以看的

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