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作者:[美] 尼古拉斯·H. 纳尔逊


  Our next poet is generally considered to be one of the finest religious poets inthe English language. George Herbert was born into a prominent Welsh familywhose service to English royalty dated back to the Middle Ages. His fatherRichard died when George was only 4 years old, but his mother, MagdalenNewport, raised their ten children (seven sons, three daughters) in stalwartfashion, practically every one of them achieving notable status in their lives.George was the fifth of the seven sons, educated first at home by tutors, then atWestminster School, and finally at Trinity College, Cambridge University,where he distinguished himself as a Latin and Greek scholar. He became afellow of Trinity, then a Reader in Rhetoric; in 1620 he was elected PublicOrator of the University, a prominent position for a young man. Although hehad long been interested in serving God in his life, at this point in his career hetumed more toward public service instead of the Church. He was elected toParliament first in 1624, and then again in 1625, but after the death of KingJames in that year, along with that of several of his friends and his mother in1627, Herbert returned to his original idea and accepted ordination first as adeacon and in 1630 as a priest in the Church of England. He had married JaneDanvers in the preceding year and was given a small parish in Wiltshire, nearSalisbury and its striking cathedral, where he would occasionally walk to playhis lute with clerical friends and enjoy the beautiful church music. In the shorttime he had to live, Herbert cared for his flock, composed poetry, and wrote abook about the duties of a country priest. He appears to have found his callingin serving the humble people of his parish.


  对于诗歌,人们往往感到高深莫测,望而却步。然而,本书将消除人们的疑虑和畏惧,并引导人们在济慈所说的诗歌的“黄金国度”里畅游,证明诗歌并非想象的那样艰涩费解,相反,它将给人们带来无比的快乐。  本书介绍17、18世纪英国主要诗人和他们的某些代表作品。全书选择了这两个世纪的十五位诗人,包括多恩、琼生、弥尔顿和德莱顿等七位17世纪诗人,以及斯威夫特、蒲柏、约翰逊和彭斯等八位18世纪诗人,细致地赏析诗歌六十余首,其中主要是短诗,但也有某些长诗的名段。应当提及的是,在现代以前,英国诗歌出现过两个高潮,一个是伊丽莎白时代以莎士比亚为代表的鼎盛期,另一个是19世纪前三十年以浪漫主义诗人为代表的鼎盛期。显然,本书涉及从多恩直到彭斯的众多诗人,他们上承莎士比亚,下启华兹华斯,恰巧处于上述两个高潮之间。  那么,为什么要选择两个高潮之间的诗人及其作品?  首先,在17世纪上半叶,以多恩为代表的玄学派诗人占有主导地位。多恩既写世俗爱情诗,又写宗教抒情诗。他表现了一种反叛伊丽莎白时代“甜蜜”抒情诗的倾向。他标新立异,从科学和哲学等领域摄取意象,以“圆规”之类的奇思妙喻著称。他虽常用哲学思辨的方式,诗中充满障论和夸张,但玄学派诗歌也并不总是带有说理辩论色彩的。


1.Introduction to Reading Poetry2.John Donne (1572-1631): Poet of Secular and Sacred Love3.Ben Jonson (1572-1637): Elegist, Satirist, and Moralist4.Robert Herrick (1591-1674): Poet of Time, Love, and Delight5.George Herbert (1593-1633): Poet and Priest6.John Milton (1608-1674): Poet of English Puritanism7.Andrew Marvell (1621-1678): Pastoral Poet of Time and History8.John Dryden (1631-1700): Poet of the Restoration9.Jonathan Swift (1667-1745): Satirist, Preacher, and Lover10.Alexander Pope (1688-1744): Satirist and Moralist11.Samuel Johnson (1709-1784): Moralist and Satirist12.Four Eighteenth-Century Poets: Finch, Gray, Goldsmith, and Cowper13.Robert Burns (1759-1796): Singer, Satirist, and StorytellerEpilogueFurther ReadingIndex







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  •     highly readable for common readers just like you and me
  •     全英文,人大影印版,继续学习经典诗歌。
  •     还没看,但是一直以来就很喜欢诗歌,每天看一篇
  •     诗歌经典,必读,学英语其实应该多看看这些古典文学
  •     介绍英国诗的一些诗人,历史背景。
  •     比较基础
  •     作者的文字很平民,没有学究气;赏析比较细致,选取的作品也都是英诗精华~
  •     朋友托我买的书,除了前言的一些介绍外,其他都是英文的。包括对诗作者的介绍、作品的解析全是英文的。
  •     不是仅仅介绍了作者的背景,而是结合文本分析作者当时写诗的时代背景,同时深入地分析文本。
  •     听说适合入门
  •     1C
  •     入門。
  •     很好的诗歌赏析入门书。十七八世纪的诗一经作者解读很有趣。尤其注重音韵的分析,欣赏到了诗歌的音乐性。

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