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Norman Holland: critics justify their explanations by referring to text and using accepted interpretive procedures so that they will not be accused of subjectivity in a profession that prizes scientific, objective methods (we are all charter members of the Society for the Suppression of Subjectivity). It was strikingly brilliant!!
Sartre: on the one hand, the literary object has no substance but the reader's subjectivity...but on the other hand, the words are there like traps to arouse our feelings and to reflect them toward us...Thus, the writer appeals to the reader's freedom to collaborate in the production of his work.

《当代叙事学》的笔记-Narrative Structure: Preliminary Problems - Narrative Structure: Preliminary Problems

what we require of a theory...as Karl Popper shows, is not necessarily that it be true but that it be falsifiable. To propose a literary theory that is arguably false is a triumph over muddle-headedness...As Bacon said, "Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion."跟这段话真是有种相见恨晚的赶脚啊!!If there is a moral to be drawn from this inconclusive tale, it is that theories are as revealing, misleading, reductive, or constructive as the people who create and use them.




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