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读书笔记《The Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture》

The Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular CultureJohn Storey 文化研究与大众文化研究一直知道文化研究与大众传播的相关性,特别是暑假上了阿杰的课之后,更明确了要多多向文化研究的方向涉猎。这本书可以说是把两者都结合起来,章节分设得很明确也容易理解,对我来说,作为锻炼英文阅读的学术著作是很合适的。由于专业原因和兴趣爱好,在所有的章节中吸收得比较好的是:FILM 电影Structuralism and Film 结构主义与电影Cultural Studies and Film 文化研究与电影NEWSPAPERS AND MAGZINES 报纸与杂志The Popular Press 通俗报纸Magzines for Women and Girls 女性刊物MUSIC 音乐Subcultures, Ethnography and Structural Homologies 亚文化、人种学与结构同源性Politics and Pop Music 政治与流行音乐GLOBALISATION AND POPULAR CULTURE 全球化与流行文化Globalisation as Cultural Americanisation 全球化——文化美国化Hegemony and Globalisation 霸权与全球化以下是部分内容摘抄和理解:(Structuralism and Film 结构主义与电影)Narrative Structure-'the progression of events and the resolution of conflicts'.The 'classic' Western is divided into sixteen narrative 'functions':1. The hero enters an social group.2. The hero is unknown to the society.3. The hero is revealed to have an exceptional ability.4. The society recognises a difference between themselves and the hero; the hero is given a special status.5. The society does not completely accept the hero.6. There is a conflict of interests between the villains and the society.7. The villains are stronger than the society; the society is weak.8. There is a strong friendship or respect between the hero and a villain.9. The villains threaten the society.10.The hero avoids involvement in the conflict.11. The hero avoids involvement in the conflict.12. The hero fights the villains.14. The society is safe.15. The society accepts the hero.16. The hero loses or gives up his special status.After reading this, I occured to Batman and James Bond, which is stereotype and awful storyline...(The Popular Press 通俗报纸)Peter Dahlgren sees storytelling as one of the two basic modes of knowing and making sense of the world, the other being the analytic mode. The analytic mode is marked by 'referential information and logic'; the storytelling mode by 'the narratological configurations which provide coherence via enplotment'. The official aim of journalism is to present information about the world and is thus a commitment to the analytic mode. However, in practice, it is the storytelling mode which is not another way of distinguishing 'between serious and tabloid news, between fact and fiction'; there is between both a 'storytelling continuum'.这个总结得真好,两种报道方式,一种分析式,一种讲故事式。西方常常利用讲故事的方式,最典型的就是华尔街日报体的新闻叙事:故事化、人文关怀、贴近性、强大的信息释放功能。我们可以在南方周末的一些深度报道中见到这种方式。缺陷就是可能关注敏感的细节,在整体性和全局观上有所欠缺。特别是经济新闻可能以一个人遭遇危机开篇,然后分析原因,却没有任何解决措施。所以最好分析和故事相结合。(Subcultures, Ethnography and Structural Homologies 亚文化、人种学与结构同源性)What is important is that music provides a sense of community. It is a community created in the act of consumption: 'When he listens to music, even if no one else is around, he listens in a context of imaginary "others"-his listening is indeed often an efoort to establish connection with them'.听音乐时这种自我与他人的关系原来可以这样理解。(Politics and Pop Music 政治与流行音乐)The politics of music are a mixture of state policies, business practices, artistic choices and audience responses. Each of these elements places restrictions on and offers possibilities for the politics of pop music.(Globalisation as Cultural Americanisation 全球化——文化美国化)The processes of globalisation may be making the world smaller, generating new forms of cultural hybridity, but it is also bringing into collision and conflict different ways of making the world mean. While some people may celebrate the opening up of new global 'routes', other people may resist globalisation in the name of local against the flow of the global can be seen in the increase in religious fundamentalism(Chiristianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism) and the reemergence of nationalism, most recently in the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia. A more benigh example of the insistence on 'roots' is the explosive growth in family history research in Europe and the USA. In all of these examples, globalisation may be driving the search for 'roots' in a more secure past in the hope of stabilising identities in the present.在中国的文化美国化进程中,主要就是强大的nationalism,主要是指这样一个体制下的nationalism。我一直不觉得中国传统是一个resistance,丢掉传统对年轻人来说是这么快的事情。(Hegemony and Globalisation 霸权与全球化)As Marx famously described it:Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselvs, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the pase.We make culture and we are made by culture.“历史滚滚的车轮向前碾去”,马克思一直是这句话最好的诠释者。我一直觉得从小到大都在马克思爷爷的思想体系下熏陶,我们的思维一定是受了他的限制,虽然他说的常常都是经典。一些类似于定理的话,矛盾和辩证翻来覆去,强大地使你无话可说,只有默认这种客观。



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