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作者:Linell Davis


Linell Davis是南京大学的美籍外国专家,在中国执教已多年。Linell Davis在这多年旅居中国的生涯里,凭着一腔对东方文化的兴趣,著书立说来比较中国与美国这两个民族在宏观文化统照之下,其微观文化的巨大差异。她从观念、思维、习俗、人际交往等方面入手,通过大量详实的材料佐证了其多年来对中国微观文化的感悟与思索。这对我们读者来说不啻是一次非常有意义的“文化之旅”。本书语言文字畅达、优美,逻辑思维严密,这更是给读者增添了无限思维的愉悦和阅读的趣味。


PrefaceChapter 1:Thinking GloballyChapter 2:Becoming AwareChapter 3:Making GeneralizationsChapter 4:Using Codes to CommunicateChapter 5:Starting to TalkChapter 6:Building RelationshipsChapter 7:Perceiving CulturallyChapter 8:Moving to the Rhythms of CultureChapter 9:Building Culture into the LandscapeChapter 10: Thinking CulturallyChapter 11: Comparing Cultural ValuesChapter 12: Taking Cultural Values to WorkChapter 13: Working in GroupsChapter 14: Managing in OrganizationsChapter 15: Persuading across CulturesChapter 16: Adapting to a New Culture


  Linell Davis是南京大学的美籍外国专家,在中国执教已多年。Linell Davis在这多年旅居中国的生涯里,凭着一腔对东方文化的兴趣,著书立说来比较中国与美国这两个民族在宏观文化统照之下,其微观文化的巨大差异。她从观念、思维、习俗、人际交往等方面入手,通过大量详实的材料佐证了其多年来对中国微观文化的感悟与思索。这对我们读者来说不啻是一次非常有意义的“文化之旅”。带着一种“文化观”进入到这么一种“文化之旅”,它无疑会开阔我们的思维,增加我们的文化体验,构筑我们丰富的心灵园地,从而对自己的本土文化进行一次全面的反思。


Linell Davis是南京大学的美籍外国专家,在中国执教已多年。Linell Davis在这多年旅居中国的生涯里,凭着一腔对东方文化的兴趣,著书立说来比较中国与美国这两个民族在宏观文化统照之下,其微观文化的巨大差异。她从观念、思维、习俗、人际交往等方面入手,通过大量详实的材料佐证了其多年来对中国微观文化的感悟与思索。这对我们读者来说不啻是一次非常有意义的“文化之旅”。带着一种“文化观”进入到这么一种“文化之旅”,它无疑会开阔我们的思维,增加我们的文化体验,构筑我们丰富的心灵园地,从而对自己的本土文化进行一次全面的反思。本书语言文字畅达、优美,逻辑思维严密,这更是给我们增添了无限思维的愉悦和阅读的趣味。


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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     纠结了一个上午,虽然神经很痛,差点写不下去,但还是写完了。鼓掌,hoho.13号下午又修改了一下。感谢Hyper。Doing the Culture: Cross Cultural Communication in Action is a perfect guidance for western people who want to adapt to Chinese culture successfully, and it offers general reference to the cultural immigrants to avoid fierce culture collision. While it is such a book full of practical advices and suggestions, and depictions of various cultural situations and values, as a Chinese, I learned differently from what Linell Davis, the author, intends for the readers. There Is No Hierarchy among CulturesIn the book Davis elaborates and demonstrates different dimensions of culture to teach the guest of a culture how to lessen the contradictions in thoughts and behaviors against a new culture. In order to make her statements more concrete and understandable, she uses many instances to illustrate her points. Meanwhile she quotes many experts’ words either as supplementary proofs or for further analysis from different perspectives. It is the instances and analysis that tell me that there is only culture diversity but no culture hierarchy.The formation and development of a culture is a product from the interaction of history, geography and many other physical and humanity elements. Since such elements of one culture differed so greatly from another, there are no common standards for assessments of cultures. Every culture has its advantages and disadvantages under certain circumstances, just like everything has two sides. What we should do first is to be aware of it, and then take up the good aspects from other cultures and make up for the bad ones in our own culture.When thinking more deeply, I consider about the cult of Chinese people towards western culture. Nowadays more and more young people are fanatical about western culture, of which they themselves may not be aware. They eat bread, fired fish and salad; they imitate the costumes of those western pop stars or hippies; they flood abroad for education; they show no respect for their elder generation or even their parents for the so called “individualism” and “equality”. Ridiculous, isn’t it? We should never think that Asian culture is inferior to western culture. Economic development is not everything. Though there is something we should learn from the west, we must keep holding on to our own culture. Five thousand years of history can not mean nothing to us. The traditions, the virtues and the spirit of Confucius rooted so deeply and are reflected in every aspect of our daily life. Culture Is Only a ToolSince there is no hierarchy but only variety of culture, culture is only a tool to help people lead a happy life and help society function efficiently. Davis does not give a definition of culture, not only for that culture is so complicated a concept that it is quite difficult to give a scientific and exact definition, but also because there is no need for Davis to define it. She in her book teaches people who are as individuals in certain cultures how to understand and use culture, how to communicate with people from different cultures and cooperate in a group under an international background. The word “culture” emerges because we want to give all the things which deeply, unavoidablely and subconsciously influence our life a generic name. The name itself has nothing to do with our life, but the use of that name will make a big difference. Thus culture is neither for worship nor for studying. We worship culture to recognize its importance and we study culture so as to apply it more effectively. People who live geographically near from each other or who are cultivated under the same cultural backgrounds are likely to hold similar values. These are what culture gives us. Culture shapes our concepts and further our minds. It is really difficult for us to understand another culture by just seeing what it takes on. Therefore, we need to explore culture's working mechanism and core values which, occupying dominant places in a culture, are not likely to change over a long period of time. Once we are familiar with these fundamental elements of culture, we can avoid being perplexed when facing situations involving cross-cultural communications. Furthermore, we can even get some inductions of culture’s common values from various social phenomena through our attentive observations. Culture will help us understand the function mode of a society or a community. It tells us what is appreciated and what can not be accepted under certain circumstances. Every culture offers us with a set of rules to obey which are just conventions you have to follow, or you will be dispatched from that group of people. Culture also represents the mental world of people so that it will help when people are in negotiation under an international background, and it will do a lot of favor in persuasions among cultures. In concise conclusion, culture is an effective tool to establish pleasant relationships, build harmonious communities and achieve business goals. Above is only a part of what I have learned from the book Doing the Culture: Cross Cultural Communication in Action. Culture is such a wide and dense subject that we can never explore it to the end. People shape a culture according to their needs and in turn are shaped by values and practices of a culture, thus the development of culture will never stop. (Words: 884)本来第三点想写法国是西方和中国最类似的国家。怕写得不够深刻老师嫌我扯。就此打住吧。这的确是一本纠结的书。

精彩短评 (总计32条)

  •     上学时看的,理论比较强
  •     说实在,觉得不怎么样。里面表格什么的超多,都是作者提出的问题,没什么自己的解答和看法。
  •     很好的跨文化交际的教程 linell本人也非常nice 上课很有激情
  •     大学以来读过的最好的教科书,涉及社会学,心理学,哲学等多个维度。
  •     All I can remember is that China and Japan belong to high-context culture while many western countries have low-context culture comparatively.
  •     中西文化之鉴:跨文化交际教程(新)
  •     简明的英语表达,跨文化交际的入门读物,不错,一口气就能看完一章,很有意思
  •     case study
  •     很棒很实用的一本书~
  •     哪里有电子书?
  •     书写得很详细,比较实用!可以参考!
  •     很生动,是跨文化近距离体验的绝佳读本
  •     外籍教师以她自己在中国的经历讲述的跨文化理论
  •     课本。虽然因为一次旷课考试分数不算高,但是这门课还是挺有趣的。考试之前把它看完了。这本书算是作者在吐槽么...case study,对非英语专业学生来说读起来并不枯燥。
  •     蛮有用滴~
  •     呼呼,终于看完了。一本几乎没有生词却无比纠结的书。
  •     中西文化之鉴:跨文化交际教程
  •     内容有点过时。而且作为教材,中国老师受到的限制明显。其中有些部分可以作为上课内容。
  •     Much better.
  •     非常棒的书,让我的英语阅读也大大提高了。
  •     全英文的,感觉很棒
  •     大二买的书。最重要的还是真实的交流吧,多出国,多结交老外,自己也就长经验了。
  •     跨文化对比 思维谬误的探讨
  •     言简意赅 贴近生活 语言地道
  •     这个老太太实在有点拽
  •     精美的一本图书,很喜欢!
  •     口语老师麦克推荐的 挺不错
  •     入门书
  •     妹的,如果有中文版多好,可以让我爹读读,偏偏他大学时候英语挂科。。。
  •     like the concept "doing the culture"
  •     我成了老太太在中国的最后一届学生。书还是很不错的。
  •     书很好,支持正版,赞一个

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