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作者:霍夫斯坦德 (Hofstede


Summary of This ChapterThis introductory chapter deals with the definition and measurement of mental programs in people in general, and values and culture in particular。 Mental programs can be found at the universal, collective, and individual levels。 In this chapter, I discuss four different strategies by which they can be measured。 Values can refer to the desired or to the desirable, and the two are not equivalent。 Culture is defined as collective programming of the mind; it manifests itself not only in values, but in more superficial ways: in symbols, heroes, and rituals。 In most of this book, I use the word culture to refer to national culture; only in Chapter 8 do I consider the cultures of other collectives-organizations and occupations。 A diagram suggests how national culture patterns are rooted in value systems of major groups of the population and how they are stabilized over long periods in history。 An earlier term for national culture is national character, but studies of national character often reflected observer biases and unfounded stereotypes。 The comparative study of national cultures calls for a certain amount of cultural relativism。The chapter then goes into specific methodological problems of the study of culture: The level of analysis shifts from the individual to society as a whole。 Pitfalls are the “ecological fallacy” and, even more, a “reverse ecological fallacy。” The dangers of ethnocentrism and disciplinary parochialism are shown。 A multitude of disciplines contribute to the comparative study of national cultures。 Language and translation of re-search instruments are crucial, as is the matching of samples from the different cultures for functional equivalence。 Marginal phenomena in societies can be as meaningful for comparison as modal phenomena。


跨文化交际学是一门在传播学等学科理论的基础上,与人类学、心理学、语言学、文化学以及社会学等相互交叉而发展起来的学科。其实,不同文化问的交流古已有之,但是真正将文化交流进行理论研究进而发展成“跨文化交际学”,还只是近四五十年间的事情。想要深入探究这门学科,我们首先要了解它的起源。20世纪60年代是信息技术和交通技术高度发展的年代。随着科技的进步,空间距离大大缩短,各种文化问的交流日益频繁。但是空间距离的缩小并不意味着人们之间的文化距离或是心理距离可以瞬间缩短。与之相反的是,人们不能再用旧有的文化观念和思维方式来理解和解释日新月异的世界里出现的各种新问题。同时,文化差异滋生众多的交际失误、矛盾和冲突,反而使人们的心理距离加大。矛盾和冲突的背后不仅仅是利益或者领土的争夺,也不仅仅是政治和意识形态的分歧,而更多的是文化和价值观念上的巨大隔阂——正是这些隔阂使“地球村”中的人们虽然身在“咫尺”之间,却有如隔天涯之感。美国作为一个多民族、多种族的国家自然而然成为跨文化交际研究的兴起之地,其中以美国人类学家Edward T.Hall为代表的一些学者在前人研究成果的基础上提出了跨文化交际的理论,现在学界也一致将他的著作The Silent Language(Anchor Books,1959)当作是这一学科的奠基之作。到了20世纪70、80年代,学者们把研究重点逐渐从对比和分析不同文化交际(Cross-cultural Communication)中的差异转到研究跨文化交际(Intercultural Communication)动态多变的过程中去。以此为基点,William B.Gudykunst等一批学者建构了动态的跨文化交际理论。理论的突破带来了学科的快速发展,跨文化交际研究所涉及的学科越来越多,研究的内容更加丰富,研究方法日益科学。学科的发展引起了世界各国学者空前广泛的关注,跨文化交际学被引进大学课堂,相关的研究学会和专业学刊相继出现,各种国际学术研讨会也定期举行。现在只要在网上简单查询一下相关书目,我们就会发现此类专著多达几百种,在刊物上发表的论文更是不胜枚举。William B.Gudykunst曾在其著作Cross-cultural and Intercultural Communication(Sage Publications,2003)一书中总结了15种不同的跨文化交际理论。理论研究和探索上的巨大进步标志着跨文化交际学的学科发展日臻成熟。




From the Preface to the First Edition(1980)Preface to the Second EditionSummary of the Book1.Values and Culture2.Data Collection,Treatment,and Validation3.Power Distance4.Uncertainty Avoidance5.Individualism and Collectivism6.Masculinity and Femininity7.Long-Versus Short-Term Orientaion8.Culutres in Organizations9.Intercultural Encounters10.Using Culture Dimension Scores in Theory and ResearchAppendixes









精彩短评 (总计9条)

  •     这是本很好的跨文化读物
  •     纸张质量下乘,英文字非常小,阅读不舒适。
  •     帮我先生买的,他没想到居然是英文,比原版的便宜多了!
  •     买了之后才知道是全英文的
  •     封面上面写的有中文,然而正本书的内容都是全英文的。看起来很吃力。
  •     书很好,对跨文化研究很有帮助。就是印刷字体太小,看着不太舒服。
  •     很经典的!正版书!
  •     荷兰人的用词令人发指啊!!!我抄了他一段原文,然后我导师说你的用词太不学术了。。。
  •     正是我想要的书,纸质什么的都很好,

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