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《商务英语谈判》的笔记-第80页 - Chapter 5 Insurance(保险)

“Chapter 5 Insurance(保险)
  In the course of transportation, loading and unloading and storage, the internationally traded goods maybe subject to various kins of risks that may damage the goods. It is, therefore, necessary for either the seller or the buyer to buy transportation insurance in order that they can get compensation for any losses that might occur to the goods. They need to agree on who buys insurance, what kind of insurance to be bought, what amount to be insured, hong long to be covered an dhow to make an insurance claim, etc. All these constitute the insurance clause in a contract.
1. As an exporter, it is important to know the following tips when negotiating the insurance clause of a contract.(omitted)
2. With regard to the import insurance, the buyer should pay attention to the following:(omitted)
3. In negotiating the insurance clause, both the seller and the buyer should pay attention to the following items:(omitted)”
End: 11:27(5m)

《商务英语谈判》的笔记-第86页 - Chapter 6 Payment(支付

Chapter 6 Payment(支付)
In international trade contracts, payment is an important clause. The sellers and buyers have to agree on when and how to make or receive payment of the contracted goods. Both sides should pay attention to payment instruments and payment methods in negotiating the payment clause.
I. Payment instruments(支付手段)
Bill of exchange or draft(汇票)
II. Payment methods(支付方式)
Letters of credit(信用证)
III. Payment clauses usually adopted(通常采用的支付条款)
Under letter of credit(信用证)
On collection(托收)
By direct remittance(汇付)
End: 10:56(5m)

《商务英语谈判》的笔记-第43页 - Chapter 3 Negotiating Tactics(谈判的策略)

预告:第4次”合同谈判沙龙“提纲(Jan.27, 2013):
Chapter 3 Negotiating Tactics(谈判的策略)
I. Attitudinal Tactics(表态策略)
II. Situation Tactics(情景策略)
Offensive Tactics(进攻型的策略)
Asking questions(提问)
Making the other side appear unreasonable(让对方显得无理)
‘Pulling the pig’s tail’(将对方引向相反的方向)
Use of commitments(利用借口)
Discovering interests(善于发现对方的利益所在)
Presenting arguments(积极有效地提出己方的观点)
‘The right answer’ strategy’(“正确答案”策略)
‘The best alternative’ strategy’(“最佳选择”策略)
Defensive Tactics(防守型的策略)
Minimum response and pretended misunderstanding(昼少做反应并假装误解)
The ‘Yes-but’ technique(“是的,但……”技巧)
The counter questions(提出反问)
Straw issues(无价值的条款)
Exposing dirty tricks(有技巧地揭穿不正当手段
End: 19:51(18m)



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