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作者:吉恩·埃里克(Jean Wyrick)


  Chapter  Prewriting  Getting Started (or Soup-Can Labels Can Be Fascinating)  For many writers, getting started is the hardest part. You may have noticed that when it is time to begin a writing assignment, you suddenly develop an enormous desire to straighten your books, water your plants, or sharpen your pencils for the fifth time. If this situation sounds familiar, you may find it reassuring to know that many professionals undergo these same strange compulsions before they begin writing. Jean Kerr, author of Please Dont Eat the Daisies, admitted that she often found herself in the kitchen reading soup-can labels—or anything——to prolong the moments before taking pen in hand. John C. Calhoun, vice president under Andrew Jackson, insisted he had to plow his fields before he could write, and Joseph Conrad, author of Lord Jim and other novels, is said to have cried on occasion from the sheer dread of sitting down to compose his stories.  To spare you as much hand-wringing as possible, this chapter presents some practical suggestions on how to begin writing your short essay. Although all writers must find the methods that work best for them, you may find some of the following ideas helpful..  The Basics of the Short Essay  But no matter how you actually begin putting words on paper, it is absolutely essential to maintain two basic ideas concerning your writing task. Before you write a single sentence, you should always remind yourself that  1. You have some valuable ideas to tell your reader, and  2. More than anything, you want to communicate those ideas to your reader.  These reminders may seem obvious to you, but without a solid commitment to your own opinions as well as to your reader, your prose will be lifeless and boring. If you dont care about your subject, you cant very well expect anyone else to. Have confidence that your ideas are worthwhile and that your reader genuinely wants, or needs, to know what you think.  Equally important, you must also have a strong desire to tell others what you are thinking. One of the moist common mistakes inexperienced writers make is failing to move past early stages in the writing process in which they are writing for————or writing to——-themselves only. In the first stages of composing an essay, writers frequently "talk" on paper to themselves, exploring thoughts, discovering new insights, making connections, selecting examples, and so on. The ultimate goal of a finished essay, however, is to communicate your opinions to others clearly and persuasively. Whether you wish to inform your readers, change their minds, or stir them to action, you cannot accomplish your purpose by writing so that only you understand what you mean. The burden of communicating your thoughts falls on you, not the reader, who is under no obligation to struggle through confused, unclear prose, paragraphs that begin and end for no apparent reason, or sentences that come one after another with no more logic than lemmings following one another to the sea.


  北京大学出版社2008年最新引进了一套国外畅销的《英语写作原版影印系列丛书》,并邀请我为这套丛书写序,谈谈我对英语写作教学与研究的一些认识。我仔细翻阅后,觉得这套书特色十分鲜明,其中有几本再版达十次以上,经久不衰,非常乐意在此推荐给我国的广大读者。  在经济全球化和网络高度发达的今天,学好英语已变得十分重要,英语口头与书面语的表达能力已逐渐成为当今的核心竞争力之一,从第二语言学习的社会文化观看,能否流利地运用外语进行口头或书面交流已直接关系到学生的就业和未来发展。


Jean Wynck,是美国科罗拉多州立大学(Colorado State University)的荣誉退休教授(Professor Emerita),曾任该校写作教研部主任11年之久。她有丰富的教学经验,在近30年的教学生涯中,主讲过本科英语写作课、培训过英语写作教师并担任多项写作研究项目的负责人。此外,她还著有“The Rinehart Reader”和“Discovering Ideas”等著作。她曾发表了二十多篇关于写作和美国文学方面的论文。目前她研究的主要内容包括19世纪晚期和20世纪初的美国小说、美国研究以及妇女研究。她出版的三本大学写作教材都曾多次再版。


Part One The Basics of the Short Essay
1 Prewriting
Getting Started (or Soup-Can Labels Can Be Fascinating)
Selecting a Subject
Finding Your Essay's Purpose and Focus
Pump-Primer Techniques
After You've Found Your Focus
Practicing What You’ve Learned
Discovering Your Audience
How to Identify Your Readers
Practicing What You've Learned
Keeping a Journal (Talking to Yourself Does Help)
Chapter 1 Summary
2 The Thesis Statement
What Is a Thesis? What Does a "Working Thesis" Do?
Can a "Working Thesis" Change?
Guidelines for Writing a Good Thesis
Avoiding Common Errors in Thesis Statements
Practicing What You've Learned
Using the Essay Map
Practicing What You've Learned
Chapter 2 Summary
3e Topic Sentence 50
Focusing Your Topic Sentence
Placing Your Topic Sentence
Practicing What You've Learned
Applying What You've Learned to Your Writing
Paragraph Development
Paragraph Length
Practicing What You've Learned
Applying What You've Learned to Your Writing
Paragraph Unity
Practicing What You've Learned
Applying What You've Learned to Your Writing
Paragraph Coherence
Practicing What You're Learned
Paragraph Sequence
Transitions between Paragraphs
Applying What You've Learned to Your Writing
Chapter 3 Summary
4 Beginnings and Endings
How to Write a Good Lead-in
Avoiding Errors in Lead-ins
Practicing What You've learned
How to Write a Good Concluding Paragraph
Avoiding Errors in Conclusions
Practicing What You're Learned
How to Write a Good Title
Practicing What You've learned
Applying What You've Learned to Your Writing
Chapter 4 Summary
5 Drafting and Revising: Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking
What Is Revision?
When Does Revision Occur?
Myths about Revision
Can I Learn to Improve My Revision Skills?
Preparing to Draft some Time-Saving Hints
Additional Suggestions for Writers with Word Processors
Writing Centers, Computer Labs, and Computer Classrooms
A Revision Process for Your Drafts
I. Revising for Purpose, Thesis, and Audience
II. Revising for Ideas and Evidence
Ⅲ. Revising for Organization
IV. Revising for Clarity and Style
V. Editing for Errors
VI. Proofreading
A Final Checklist for Your Essay
Practicing What You've Learned
Benefiting from Revision Workshops
Practicing You're Learned
Some Last Advice: How to Play with Your Mental Blocks
Chapter 5 Summary
6 Effective Sentences
7 Word Logic
8 The Reading-Writing Connection
Part Two Purposes, Modes, and Strategies
9 Exposition
10 Argumentation
11 Description
12 Narration
13 Writing Essays Using Multiple Strategies
Part Three Special Assignments
14 Writing a Paper Using Research
15 Writing in Class: Exams and "Response" Essays
16 Writing about Literature
17 Writing about Visual Arts
18 Writing about Film
19 Writing in the World of Work
Part Four A Concise Handbook
20 Major Errors in Grammar
21 A Concise Guide to Punctuation
22 A Concise Guide to Mechanics
List of Artworks
List of Advertisements




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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     一直苦于英语写作如何下手(忽略四六级模板等等。。),国内其实也有基本写作类的书,包括很好的,只是有点晦涩,理论无敌多。这本书虽然是影印版,全英文,但是非常简单,入手容易,经典不愧是经典,不要被厚度吓到了,哈~

精彩短评 (总计11条)

  •     如果我从小就有接受这么好的启蒙教育,也许我早就自由作家了,哈哈。
  •     成功写作入门书评
  •     很满意撒~
  •     成功写作入门(第10版)
  •     理论多,,想找例子的话还是看别的书~
  •     深入浅出,引证翔实。写作真的需要好的方法和勤加练习
  •     我的妈妈呀,
  •     没有生单词,读起来很顺畅,希望练就一手纯在的地道的写作功底
  •     这是第十版,已经出到第十二版,值得通读。
  •     中文导读里说这本书语调风趣,循循善诱,对所讲内容深入浅出,娓娓道来,我觉得一点都没夸大。书里的理论、范文和练习,无论对中文写作还是英文写作都很有用。
  •     这个真的好棒

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