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  Using thinking-out-loud protocols and interviews are verycommon methods to investigate the reading comprehension strategiesof second language learners by researchers. As to thinking-out-loudprotocols, the researchers ask readers to make a self-report aboutwhat they are thinking about during reading activities.  Ellen (1986) used thinking-out-loud protocols, retelling andmultiple-choice test to investigate the reading comprehensionstrategies of ESL college students whom shecategorized as poorcomprehenders. In her research, she compared her ESL subjects tonative speakers of English and discovered that the native speakersused the reading strategies slightly more than the ESL learners, butthe thinking-out-loud protocols and retelling reveal no difference inreading strategies used by two groups. But for the multiple-choice test,the pattern was a clash. She found that those readers who hadreported these statements, main ideas and details in the retellings hadhigh scores in the multiple-choice tests. However, those students whodid not do well in the retelling did much better on the multiple-choicetests. The author feels there is a room for suspicion against thefindings of this research.


  阅读是学习者获得语言输入的主要途径,也是语言学习的重要技能。根据现代心理语言学和认知心理学的理论,阅读理解是一种复杂的认知过程,而这一过程既受读者已有知识的影响,又受到文本特征的影响。现代阅读理论强调读者能积极地在对已知信息进行推测,由此可见,阅读策略的研究对语言学习与教学都具有十分重要的意义和作用。不过,学会并且运用英语阅读策略以提高阅读能力,对于广大第二语言学习者来说,是一个非常重要但又相当艰苦的学习过程。专门的阅读训练应是以教授阅读策略为核心,并加以提高语篇能力和思维能力的阅读训练,从本质上提高学习者的阅读能力。  《英语阅读策略实证研究》汇聚了中外英语教学专家多年的研究成果,是作者经过20多年教学实证研究,不断总结而写出的指导性著作,力求为英语学习者提供一条通过使用英语阅读策略提高英语阅读能力和英语考试成绩的新途径。本书在阐述英语阅读策略和实用方法的基础上,分三大部分从不同角度对英语阅读策略进行了实证研究,旨在对从事英语阅读教学的教师和具有中级英语阅读水平的第二语言学习者全面掌握英语阅读策略起指导性作用。



从事大学英语教学、英语专业教学和教学研究三十余年,主要研究方向为二语习得和应用语言学;出版有《CHANNEL ENGLISH》、《商务英语实用教程》、《实用商务英语教程》、《研究生英语写作》、《英语听力教程》等国家级英语教材及专著共二十余部,在外语类核心期刊《外语界》、《山东外语教学》等国内刊物发表学术论文三十余篇。



Part I  Reading Strategies Employed by Readers Answering Multiple-Choice QuestionsChapter One  Introduction  1.1  Definition 0f Reading Stategy  1.2  Reading Strategies inSecond Language Reading  1.3  Reading Process  1.4  Objectives  1.5  Rationale of Experiment  1.6  Educfition SettingChapter Two Literature,Review  2.1  Reading Strategy Use  2.2  Research Using Thinking-Out-Loud Protocols and InterviewsChapter Three  Methodology  3.1  Participants  3.2  Materials  3.3  Procedures  3.4  Data AnalysisChapter Four  Results  4.1  Ranking of Forty Reading Strategies and Strategies for Answering Multiple-Choice Questions  4.2  The Comparisons of the Total Number of Strategies Used/the Total Number of Different Strategies Used and the Scores on Both Reading Contexts  4.3  Relationships between the Scores and the Total of Strategies/the Total of Different:Strategies on Both Reading Contexts  4.4  Case Studies of Four Participants' Strategy UseChapter Five  Analysis and Discussion of the ResultsChapter Six  Summary; Conciusionand RecommendationsAppendixPart II   A Study of Foreign Language ReadingStrategies Use and Gender Differences in Reading Strategies Used by ESL Chinese StudentsChapter One  Introduction  1.1  Definition and Classification  1.2  Comprehension Strategies in L2 Reading  1.3  The Reader and the Reading Process  1.4  Objectives  1.5  Rationale of Experiment  1.6  Educational SettingChapter Two  Literature Review  2.1  Decoding  2.2  Research Using Thinking-Out-Loud Protocols Interviews and RetellingsChapter Three  Methodology  3.1  Selection of the Subjects  3.2  Materials  3.3  Procedures, Tests and Statistical Analyses  3.4  LimitationsChapter Four  Results  4.1  Variation in Use of Individual Strategies by Gender  4,2  Interview Data Analysis  4.3  Retellings and Multiple-Choice Test AnalysiChapter Five  Analysis and Discussion of the ResultsChapter Six  Summary and ConclusionPart III Testing the Effects =of Output on the Strategy of Noticing Hypothesis and SLAChapter One  IntroductionChapter Two  Literature Review  2.1  Focus on Form  2.2  Noticing Hypothesis  2.3  PedagogicalApproaches to Promote Learners Noticing of Form  2.4  Previous Studies on Input Enhancement  2.5  Previous Studies on Output in SLAChapter Three  A Description of the Present Study  3.1  Research Hypothesis  3.2  Study MethodologyChapter Four  Data Presentation and Analysis  4.1  Analysis  4.2  ResultsChapter Five  DiscussionChapter Six  Conclusion  6.1  Summary  6.2  Pedagogical.Implications  6.3  LimitationAppendixPart IV  Study on the Individual Differences in the Use of English Reading StrategiesChapter One  IntroductionChapterTwo Literature Review  2.1  A Survey of Reading Researches  2.2  Reading Strategy Use  2.3  The Current StudyChapter Three  Research Methods  3.1  Objectives  3.2  Subjects  3.3  Materials  3.4  Instruments  3.5  Research ProceduresChapter Four  Data AnalysisChapter Five  Results and Diseussion  5.1  A General Evaluation about Scores and Strategies Use  5.2  Oral InterviewChapter Six  ImplietitionsChapter Seven ConclusionPart V  Factors Influencing Reading Abilities of Middle School Students and Counter-MeaSureChapter One  IntroductionChapter Two  Literature Review  2.1  International Studies on English Reading  2.2  The Study of English Reading in China  2.3  Definition of Reading ComprehensionChapter Three  Research  3.1  Subjects  3.2  Instruments  3.3  Design of the Questionnaire  3.4  Data Analysis and Findings of the SurveyChapter Four  Results  4.1  Students' Psychological Factors  4.2  Reading Strategy Factors  4.3  Linguistic Knowledge Factors  4.4  Reading Habits FactorsChapter Five  Suggested Counter-Measures  5.1  CultiVate Students'Interest:in Reading  5.2  Enhance Student's Language Knowledge  5.3  Extensive Background Knowledge  5.4  The Use of Reading-Skills and Strategies  5.5  Teachers' Adjustment of Teaching StrategiesChapter Six Conclusion  6.1  Major Findirigs of the Study  6.2 Limitation of the StudyAppendixReference








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