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  Well, the person whom I want to spend time with is my uncle who used to bean electronical worker in a state-owned company. This year, he is in his mid 60s,retired at home, but looks very young and energetic. He is an average built man.My uncle is a man having so many hobbies. He enjoyed doing many things. Forexample, fishing, watching international news programme, and sometimes listeningto pop music. I feel like that he is the man who knows everything in the world.Because whenever you ask him what is going on in the world, he can tell you whatyou want to know. The most amazing thing about him is his sense to entertainmentfield. One day, when I talked about the "American Idol" with my little brother afterhaving dinner, my uncle surprisingly made his comments on every competitor in thismatch, and told us his favorite star. It really shocked us. It was really funny that aman over 60s still enjoy those talent shows that young people should love. It totallyaltered my attitude towards him. Another interesting thing about my uncle is hecould surf on internet. Last year he began to learn how to collect information fromthe website, and now he can even use online video camera and chat with my parentswho lived in another city. He is such a good person who always has passion for life.We love him very much. So if I got my leisure time, I like to go to his home to havea chat with him. I think I can learn many things from him.


  随着近年来雅思热潮的涌起,中国考生的人数在逐渐增加。在“烤鸭”大军中,基础较薄弱的考生比例很大,而在各项考查项目中,口语又是考生最不擅长的部分。所以我们编写了本书,希望可以帮助广大考生在短期内有效地提高雅思口语的表达水平。  一本好的雅思教材,除了能够传达及时正确的信息之外,更加重要的是能够针对考生在备考中的薄弱环节总结出来一套行之有效的应对技巧。本着这样的宗旨,我们打破以往很多雅思书籍的题海战术,结合中国考生的需求,在内容上进行了如下的编排设计:  本书共分为六个章节。  第一章,针对雅思口语考试三个部分进行详尽的介绍,并对口语的评分标准做出了解释说明。  第二章,参照评分标准,为广大应考的雅思考生作出了更加详尽的解释,同时提出一些在考场上需要注意的细节问题。  第三章,作为本书的主体部分之一,在本章中对雅思口语考试的第一部分“GeneralQuestions”作了详尽的阐述。这个章节分设六个单元,归纳总结了常考话题,同时部分问题之后附上了参考答案,方便读者仿照练习。










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