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  No one is sure where football first began. An ancient Chinese writer wrote that a footballgame was played in China as early as 300 BC. And games like football were played in ancientGreece, Mexico and Japan. The Roman soldiers who took England played a kind of football. Ac-cording to ancient records, in this game a ball was thrown into the air between two teams ofplayers. Hands and feet were used and there was a great deal of pushing and even fighting.  The English probably first learned this game from the Romans. They played a similar gamefor hundreds of years. They kicked the ball, carried it or hit it with their closed hands. Wholevillages and towns played against each other, with hundreds of people taking part! In the seven-teenth century the game was played in schools. At that time hands could be used to catch the ballbut players were not allowed to throw the ball forward or run with it. In the nineteenth century animportant new rule was made. Running with the ball was allowed. In 1873 new rules were madefor all football players to follow. Carrying the ball was not allowed under these rules. This kind offootball was called "association football". The word "association" was shortened first to "assoc",and later to "soccer", the word we use today. Those players who preferred to be able to carry theball formed their own association. The game they played was called "Rugby".  Today soccer is one of the worlds most popular team games and is played in almost everycountry of the world. There are more players of soccer than of any other ball game. It is playedmainly by men and boys but there are some womensteams, too. Unlike Rugby, soccer calls for the ability tocontrol the ball with ones feet. Moreover it is a teamgame. The members of each team must always remem-ber that they are a part of the team following one plan.


  《英语(基本版)》是根据2000年8月颁布的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲(试行)》(以下简称“大纲”)组织编写的系列教材。本系列教材包括预备级、第1~3册、第4册(提高本),预备级配有教师手册、录音带和电子教案,其他各册均配有练习册、教师手册、录音带、多媒体学习课件和电子教案。  本教材着力体现素质教育和能力本位的精神,注重交际应用,突出职教特色,其主要特点如下。  1.与初中英语教学相衔接,紧扣大纲  本系列教材的普通起点为初中英语教学大纲要求学生掌握的600英语词,预备级起点为300词,更加贴近目前中职英语教学的实际情况。本系列教材覆盖了“大纲”的全部语法项目、所有的交际功能项目和约90%的词汇项目。学完本系列教材第l~3册将能达到“大纲”规定的基本要求,学完第1~4册将达到较高要求。  2.以话题为纲和以综合英语为基础  本系列教材每个教学单元的各种教学活动都围绕一个与学生日常生活密切相关的话题进行,由“综合英语”向“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”等交际技能和词汇、语法等语言项目辐射。同时还体现了语言项目是交际的手段、交际技能是教学目的的教学思想,把语言知识作为交际的手段来教,把交际技能作为教学的目标来培养,既重视语言知识的传授,更重视交际技能的培养。  “听”、“说”模块结合交际功能并围绕单元话题展开,充分体现了“大纲”突出实用性的要求。“综合英语”模块以相关话题为纲编写,词汇、语法的教学均围绕相关话题进行。“兴趣阅读”除进一步培养学生的阅读能力外,还适当补充了与“综合英语”模块话题相关的词汇。  3.模块式结构和应用性训练便于实施职业教育  本系列教材预备级以温故而知新的方式由日常生活对话、音标和初中语法项目逐步过渡到情景化的“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”技能训练第1~4册每个教学单元均包括“热身活动”、“听”、“说”、“综合英语”、“兴趣阅读”、“写作”6个模块,分别提供了大量的应用性训练,可由教师根据所在学校的英语教学环境自由搭配,灵活使用。本系列教材还体现了以基础英语为主、以专业英语为辅的特点,既能为文、理、工、农、医、经贸等各类中职学校基础英语阶段的教学服务,又能为学生进入专门用途英语教学阶段铺平道路。  4.选材多样,知识性、趣味性并重  本系列教材话题涉及城市问题、教育、旅游、科普、健康、环保、社区、求职、名人等各方面。课文体裁多样,有时文、文学作品选段、人物传记、对话、说明文、论说文等,题材新颖,时代感强。“听”、“说”模块选材实用、上口。“综合英语”和“兴趣阅读”模块的选材主题领域相关联,又各有侧重,前者侧重知识性,后者侧重趣味性,相得益彰。  5.难度适中,易学好用  本教材各课均可通过“热身活动”温习与单元话题相关的词汇并启发学生思考有关问题。“听”、“说”模块基本不含生词和新的语法项目,“综合英语”模块的生词量控制在8%左右,“兴趣阅读”模块不含新的语法项目,生词量控制在5%以下。“写作”模块点面结合,既有单项练习,又有作文训练(备有写作提示)。各部分的内容难度适中,易学好用。


Unit 1 travellingWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe Travels of Marco PoloReading for InterestSailing Around the WorldWritingUnit 2 spaceWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe MoonReading for InterestA Trip to the MoonWritingUnit 3 AnimalsWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishElephantsReading for InterestSnakesWritingUnit 4 ScientistsWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishTwo GeniusesReading for InterestThe Man Who Finds ThingsWritingUnit 5 SportsWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishSoccerReading for InterestWhy Do These Basketball Players Act Like Clowns?WritingRevision 1Listening ExercisesVocabulary ExercisesGrammar ExercisesClozeReading ExercisesUnit 6 WaterWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe Water CycleReading for InterestOceans and ContinentsWritingUnit 7 HolidaysWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThanksgiving DayReading for InterestLets Celebrate/Its Halloween!WritingUnit 8 Learning a languageWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishAsking My Students for AdviceReading for InterestPerhaps I Didnt Pronounce It Correctly!WritingUnit 9 Foreign CountriesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishIcelandReading for InterestCanadaWritingUnit 10 the InternetWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe IntemetReading for InterestWhat is an Intranet?WritingRevision 2Listening Exercises.Vocabulary ExercisesGrammar ExercisesClozeReading ExercisesAdditional Material 1Additional Material 2VocabularyProper Names








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