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  She was Dumass mistress for eleven months, between September1844 and August 1845. How much she loved him is difficult to say, thoughshe was very close to him at first. After the break, however, there is nothingto suggest that she pined for him. Her continuing extravagance led her backto her lovers, while her consumption was making her only too familiarwith doctors. Late in 1845, at a concert, she met Liszt who appears to havebeen the only man she ever genuinely loved. She was the most absoluteincarnation of Woman who has ever existed, he wrote subsequently, andfor a while they were happy. Then, inexplicably, on 21 February 1846, shemarried Perregaux at the Kensington Register Office. The marriage, whilevalid in England, was not legal in France, and the couple separated atonce, Marie returning to Liszt in Paris. Whatever her reasons for marryingPerregaux, she now felt able to sign herself la comtesse du Plessis and toadd a coronet to her plate.  Liszt left Paris in the spring, promising to return in the autumn whenhe would take her with him to Constantinople. She was now increasinglyill and, in June, left to take the waters in Belgium and Germany. Shemaintained contact by letter with Perregaux who was now attempting toreturn to the army. Marie was back in Paris by mid-September, but hercondition deteriorated steadily. Drs Davaine, Manec and Chomel saw herfrequently, and she consulted Dr Koreff, a fashionable charlatan, but theirprescriptions of asses milk, fumigations, frictions, their warnings againstover-use of her voice and the recommendation that she sleep on a horse-hair mattress, made little difference. Liszt did not return and Marie droppedout of circulation. In late December, she paid her last visit to the theatre,the shadow ofa woman, one journalist reported, sitting in her box likesomething white and diaphanous.


作者:(法国)小仲马小仲马Alexandre Dumas fils(1824-1895),法国剧作家及小说家。小仲马第一部扬名文坛的力作就是小说《茶花女》,后来他又将其改编成剧作上演。小仲马专写现代剧,在戏剧中他大力宣扬家庭及婚姻的神圣。1875年,他当选为法兰西学院院士。他最引人注目的戏剧有《私生子》和《放荡的父亲》。


IntroductionNote on the TextSelect BibliographyA Chronology of Alexandre Dumas filsLA DAME AUX CAMELIASChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27A Note on MoneyExplanatory Notes






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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     也不知道確切花了多少時間來讀英文版的《茶花女》,記得是大學的時候讀的中文版。大概從十月以前就開始啃英文的了,斷斷續續,到現在終于進入最後一章了。前面已經沒有太多印象了,總體感覺是,青樓女子的命運其實大抵如此,中外,概莫能外。以我之前的讀書所知範圍來看,多少青樓女子的故事都以這樣的輪廓呈現啊。她們愛上一個客人,與其說是愛上那個人不如說是愛上她們心中自以爲是的純潔和希望。她們以爲這一段愛情可以洗刷過往不堪的污穢的經歷,但事實證明,她們的愛情只會帶自己去一個更不可擺脫的深淵。其實在Margurite身上可以看到很多我們在書裏熟識的影子和思想。例如,她想,我這樣一個人應該在最美好的年華死去,不留下一點衰老不堪不留下一點無奈。心理描寫都很入骨,過去太多的我也不一一細數了,最留有印象的是,她在那個男子的父親的充滿感染力和說服力的要求下,一大段的內心描述。她說,借著這樣的一刀兩斷痛徹心扉的决定,好像自己的靈魂變得從未有過的純潔和高尚,覺得自己變得從來沒有過的强大勇敢,好像一生的錯誤都可以因此而得到悔改,得到上帝的寬恕。天真的想法。在那時那刻,她以爲是因爲愛情之深,之偉大,支撑自己如此決絕悲情;事實上,很明顯,那不過是她對自己命運的憐惜無奈,試圖通過這樣的方式來改變,來得到安慰。然後,然後怎樣呢?依舊是在自己最美好的年華死去。悲情的,但是是否純潔?是否真如她所想呢?突然想到一句詞,不是愛風塵,似被前緣誤。還是要承認,她是美的,是讓人憐惜的。不過很遺憾,不是如她所想,因爲她的美麗她內心的純潔,而是因爲她不能扭轉的命運,引人哀嘆一聲。

精彩短评 (总计14条)

  •     i give a cast: Ben Barnes - Armand. Keira Knightley - Marguerite. seems not bad to make it more british= =
  •     很不错哦。是我想要的书
  •     看的是英汉版
  •     很漂亮的书,质量也好
  •     很感人的故事,看一遍就会哭一次.
  •     已被气死,一句看不懂,英文的。
  •     还为这个写过读后感-0-
  •     在很多时候,女性的勇气与坚强更令人敬佩
  •     如果是的话就是我要找的说
  •     一本名声远播的经典之作!值得收藏!
  •     看了前面一半觉得就是一个简单的爱情故事,直到看到玛格丽特写的日记,一个真的很不一般女人,坚强勇敢,敢爱敢恨,只悲哀活在了那个时代
  •     好像是小学时候
  •     刚果金的2011
  •     那个世纪的悲哀

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