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第一章 萨拉第二章 法语课第三章 厄门加德第四章 洛蒂第五章 贝基第六章 钻石矿第七章 再谈钻石矿第八章 在阁楼上第九章 梅基西德克第十章 印度绅士第十一章 拉姆·达斯第十二章 墙的另一边第十三章 一个平民第十四章 梅基西德克的所见所闻第十五章 魔法第十六章 来访者第十七章 正是这个孩子第十八章 “我不想这样!”第十九章 安妮






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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     I read 《the little princess》, a moving novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, this holiday. It’s about a wealthy girl - Sara who born in <st1:country-region>India</st1:country-region> was sent to a select seminary for young ladies in London for further study. In this period she went through the biggest setback in her life. When her father died, she turned to a humble maidservant from the princess that everybody envied, but still maintained the quality of herself’s and never give up hopes. Finally she got what belongs to her originally and lived a happy life with her new friend who helped her all the time when she’s in difficult ever after.People’s family environment affects their character, especially in their adlescence. Family environment includes material living conditions, social status, the relationship between family members and the language, the behavior and the feelings of the sum of family members. Family is the place where children live and grow, so it’s the most important place for their mental qualities to form. The little princess in the book—Sara always treats people well, even the one she didn’t know. Though there’s someone envied her, most people thought she was nice and liked her every much. There’s a description in the book: “Perhaps I have not really a good temper at all, but if you have everything you want and everyone is kind to you, how can you help but be a good-temper?”said by Sara. This is the best case. Sara’s father loved her very much and just as the book told us: He was a rich father who was willing to spend a great deal of money on his little daughter. The more democratic the parents are, the more independent, blod, clever, collaborative their child will be. Sara grew in such a family that his father doted on her and everybody loved her and treated her like a real princess. She had also been given the best education his father could provide. How could she be an ungracious girl with bad-temper? There’s an example here: A boy, whose mother and father always have altercations and always admonished him very sternly when he made mistakes, has very mean opinion of himself and was very dissocial. When others was playing or talking, he could only stand aside and play to himself. Why was he like this? That’s because he has a family in witch the relationship between the members were not harmonious and the atmosphere were not democratic at all. He lived under the stress of nervous and upset that his parent’s may break in brawling and he may be punished every moment. His family environment is absolutely not good, this affects him deeply. When his parents were angry he was treated bad as an animal, so he was self-abased of himself and his situation. This kind of self-abasement leads his dissociableness. It tells us that terrible family environment will be bad to a person for his whole life long.In the novel, when Sara had been a poor slaver in rags, she still kept imagining she is a real princess and kept imagining what will be happened when everybody suddenly found “the truth”. She also made the illusion that the loft she lived was filled with soft cushion and there were many carpets on the floor and wall. “We could imagine there were cakes and cookies on the table and the tea is hot” she told her friend and herself when they nearly starved to death. In my opinion, that’s because she would not like to believe the truth that she had been a slaver in rags who lived in loft. Since her born, she was treated like a princess. All the people around her liked her, respected her and doted on her. She never reduced to such a situation that she could not accept the fact. She hoped her life could be as beautiful as before, and she kept believing that. I think she could not live on and stood all the suffering happened on her if she didn’t fancy these things. All that above tells us that she could not accept the truth and accept to the situation.See? That’s the effect the family environment brings to.After reading 《the little princess》,so fortunately do I feel that I born in a good family. My parents love me and dote on me very much. To provide their best, I have been given the things I want. I never lacked of anything and envied others. What is more, since I could remember, they almost have no altercation in my memories. They are a real old Darby and Joan. As a result, I treat others good and seldom have brawl with others. Before I never thought it’s lucky. Now I know it’s my mistake. It’s so fortunate that you born and grow up in such a good family.Family environment has an extensive influence in the formation and the development of our characters. You eat in it, play in it, work in it, sleep in it. It’s the most important place in your life. It’s also the place that you spend the most time on, no matter at the past, now or in the future ,no matter you, him or me. We born in the family and grew up in the family. What happened to our family is just like what happened to ourselves. How could it not affect us? Just as Fromm said:” Family is the spiritual media of the society, to accept to their families, children form the character that could accept to his responsibility in later life.” Obviously, as the opinion I talk about from the passage above, family environment play a vital role in a person’s whole life ,even make a great effect on their children, grandchild, or the society. As the old saying goes “No pay No gain.” no matter we are just kids, parents or grandparents, just put our heart on our family to make it perfect!

精彩短评 (总计50条)

  •     看到小公主帮助黑人孩子的时候。。发现我曾经看过这电影~
  •     小公主的世界
  •     小时候最喜欢的书,
  •     只看中文 还不错
  •     只看了中文~
  •     喜欢这个故事。喜欢小姑娘身上永不褪去的气质,坚强、勇敢、善良、心存怜悯、乐观。哪怕经济上贫穷,内心也永远富足。
  •     大一时看的,已经没有小时候的感动了,就记得一个词:queer~
  •     翻译很垃圾、原著没话讲。。。。
  •     我可以在心中想象自己还是一个公主。
  •     不错,人人都可以是一个公主哦!
  •     蛮好看的
  •     我又想起我二三年级的时候,每天晚上五点坐在小板凳上等西湖卫视播放小公主的夏日。这个故事,只是年少时幼稚的梦罢了。初中的时候把英文版翻开过,第一段除了谓语动词都不认识,暑假回家再拿起来看看。。
  •     美国的姚三好 但是every girl is a princess没错
  •     至今没看完。
  •     似乎一一直对儿童文学有特别的热爱,这本书我买了N次,送给了好多人,这中间有大人也有小孩,可见我对它是有多么的偏爱,我喜欢文中的萨拉,觉得每个女孩子都应该是这样坚韧、善良、勇敢、懂事。同事有个小女孩给我的感觉特别像萨拉,我是如此的喜欢她,衷心希望她开心幸福地成长,成长为更好的她。
  •     补上。初中读的
  •     每个人的成长里都有一个受用的故事。
  •     只看了不到20页的英文,就转到右边→ →看中文了~~看书速度飙升啊~不应归类为童话~~儿童文学,老少皆宜~·
  •     清新自然
  •     好棒的一本书,我看过3遍,是小学的时候,带给我许多感触
  •     很好看很好看,一定要看,不可不看
  •     远没外界评价的那么好,很一般,而且……那公主有点二呢。作者明显地想人为抬高他的主人公。
  •     周末于办公室自习,并不觉得苦闷,为实现理想,我愿意能走多远走多远。看着历史消费记录,盘算着将来的各项花费。突然想到许久之前读过的这本书,而已。读过的妹子多了去了,有多少真的是流落街头的公主,但自小被当成公主来对待的却大有人在吧。只是,又有多少保持了一个公主的精神世界和行为标准,又有多少等到了应属于她的“财富”,更又有多少,在重新把握“财富”之后,还是原来的那个“小公主”。之所以这么说,并不代表本人属于上述的任何一环。远离家乡,然后与“家里人”断绝关系也有些年头,谨慎的站好自己旁观者的位置,什么都没想,也什么都不敢想。
  •     “我想当公主是为了能够帮助天下所有贫苦的人。”这是萨拉说过的话,一个小女孩说的话!!公主,多少女孩的向往!可能只是希望过着有求必应,无忧无虑的生活吧!可是,萨拉却不一样!无论在怎样的情景下,她总为别人着想,尽自己的能力帮助任何人。是啊!人们总是把财富,地位看得很重,也许他们活了一生都没发现世界上还有比这些更重要的东西。我喜欢萨拉,她对有些冷漠的社会执着地努力着!
  •     ~~~~~~~~
  •     值得一看
  •     书比电影更精细
  •     因为看了小公主,我才想要有一座有阁楼得到房子,那是我童年的梦想,现在仍然是,对我的影响太深了,喜欢小公主,她的乐观,坚强,不卑不亢。
  •     做自己的公主
  •     还是不错的
  •     小学五年级qww课桌下躲着读完w
  •     简介中有这么一句话:“面对世态的炎凉,萨拉没有放弃对爱、对美好生活的执著追求,坚强地度过了人生的冬季,重新回到了幸福生活的温暖怀抱。”曾今在大学最难熬的时刻遇到小公主,善良的她不仅帮助自己也帮助我度过最寒冷的冬天。我爱小公主!
  •     这小孩也太善良了。
  •     每一个女孩都是公主
  •     什么都改变不了一个人内心的高贵,应该是成长期的图书,很好的读物,但二十岁接受也不算太晚,很温暖,谁都会遭遇逆境,还是要善良友善的对待生活。但愿以后的日子都是如此明媚,以后的姿态也会同样高贵。
  •     在如此沉重的打击下,有谁可以这样坚强!
  •     高贵的灵魂。
  •     最简单的单词也可以写出动人的故事,赞!下次可以试一试初三的
  •     (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……还是蛮好看
  •     买的那本是没有英文的,当时很喜欢看,但是现在已经记不得故事的内容了……
  •     非常好看,男孩子也不妨看看! (聂耳书城能买到)
  •     上了大学去寻找童年的回忆,唉
  •     想象力是多么的重要,这本书告诉我们。可以看出,从罗琳的写作手法受这本书的影响之深。英文浅显易懂,非常适合我这种学了10年英语还说不利索,读不高深的中国填鸭式教学的经典案例。
  •     最爱!!!
  •     为了练习英语读的。虽然觉得Sarah太过于超过她年龄的成熟,但还是本不错的书,至少也增加了我心中几分美好积极的感觉。
  •     立志故事
  •     为了孙燕姿干过多少傻事呢 这可能就是其中之一吧
  •     挺好的
  •     她的睫毛 弯得像水饺 5岁的单亲家庭的孩子能够得到这么好的教育真不容易
  •     也能看懂英文,女孩子推荐必看

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