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作者:陈欣 编


A:Hi! Mr. Brown, we've arrived at our destination, the Jade Buddha Temple, a well-known Buddhist temple in Shanghai. Do you see thegate on the right?B:What a beautiful gate! I have some interest in Buddhist temples.When was the Jade Buddha Temple constructed?A:The temple was constructed to keep two jade Buddha statues in 1882,the 8th year of the reign of Guang Xu in the Qing Dynasty, and was rebuilt in 1918 after the destruction by the war.B:Two jade Buddha statues? Could you tell me more about the statues?A:Sure. In 1882 Buddhist Master Huigen brought five jade Buddha statues to Shanghai from Burma. He had intended to ship the Buddha statues to the Putuo Mountain, however, because of the difficulty in loading heavy Buddha statues, two jade statues of Sakyamuni were left in Shanghai.B:That sounds interesting. They must be precious.A:Yes, They are carved with whole white jade. The two jade statues are of great artistic value and are regarded as treasures of Buddhism in our country.B:Great. The classical buildings in the temple seem attractive and unique. What is the tall building in front of us?A:It is the Heavenly King Hall, one of the three major halls of the temple. The other two are the Grand Hall and the Jade Buddha Tower.Well, we arrive at the Heavenly King Hall.B:What kind of Buddha is enshrined and worshipped in this hall?A:Maitreya, a laughing Buddha or the Cloth-bag Monk.B:How about the Buddhas in the Grand Hall?A:Three Buddhas with Sakyamuni in the middle.B:Where are the two jade Buddhas worshipped?


中国是世界上最大的旅游市场之一,国内旅游市场已经达到15亿人次,出境旅游市场发展到4000多万人次,入境旅游市场达到一亿人次。全国旅行社接近两万家,全国旅游总收入已突破一万亿,入境旅游收入占旅游整体收入的25%左右。蓬勃发展的旅游业让我们意识到:旅游人才的培养尤其是优秀的涉外导游人才的培养是当前一项重要的任务。《导游英语情景口语》是针对高等职业技术学院培养涉外导游应用型人才而编写的教材。高职类院校人才培养的定位是“以就业为导向,以能力为本位”,因此,其教学模式是突出职业能力的训练与养成。但是,针对涉外导游人才实践能力训练的教材在国内尚属罕见。为了填补这一空白,满足实际教学的需要,我们精心编写了这本教材,供大家选用。本教材将力图打破以知识传授为主要特征的传统学科课程模式,将教学重心转变为以工作任务为核心的项目课程模式,让学生通过完成具体项目来构建相关理论知识框架,并发展职业能力。在结构设计上较传统教材有了一个创新性的改革,采用了项目、模块编排方式,强调了教材的职业性、实用性和趣味性。本书具有如下几个特点:1.项目、模块与任务相结合:在每一个大项目下有若干个模块,每个模块下有要求学生完成的任务。2.以导游实际工作程序为全书的编写体系:当学生学好整本书后能够熟知导游工作流程且基本胜任涉外导游的工作。3.突出听和说:每一个模块下配都有听说练习。4.突出“情景模拟”:每一个模块下都有具体的情景实践模拟,并且给出具体步骤,方便学生学习掌握。5.强调任务为核心:每一个模块都有具体的task,引导学生循序渐进地学习。全书共16个项目,内容涵盖了从接机到送机的涉外导游服务工作全过程。其中,每一个项目下又由3+1个模块构成,前3个模块是根据涉外导游工作程序展开,第4个模块则是补充材料,有景点解说词、导游工作常识等。每个模块则包括以下几个任务(Task):Task 1:热身练习(Warm-up)——形式多样,有相关主题讨论、词义猜想、景点翻译等。Task 2:常用词汇和句型学习(Learning Points)——所列的词汇和句型均是一线涉外导游工作中使用最为频繁的,非常具有典型性。与传统教材不同的是,本教材将相关对话或者文章的生词和句型提上来,旨在让学生在学习对话或者文章前就将其词汇和常用句型熟记于心。


Item 1  Meeting Guests迎接客人  Model 1 Meeting Guests at the Airport接机服务  Model 2 On the Way to the Hotel至饭店途中  Model 3 A Welcome Speech欢迎词  Model4 China-a Country with an Ancient Civilization古国话文明Item 2  H0teI Checkin  饭店入住登记  Model 1 Hotel Room Reservation预定客房  Model 2 Checking in入住登记  Model 3 Itinerary Planning行程安排  Model 4 Process ofHotel Guest Registration基本入住登记程序IIem 3 Housekeeping Service客房服务  Model 1 Escorting the Guest into the GuestRoom陪送客人进房  Model 2 Making Up the Room收拾房间  Model 3 About Room Service Order客房用餐服务  Model 4 Hotels Today今日酒店Item 4 Food&Beverage Service餐饮服务  Model 1 Reserving aTable预定餐桌  Model 2 Helping to Order Dishes帮助点菜  Model 3 The Payment付款  Model 4 The Chinese Food中国饮食Item 5 City Sightseeing and Transportation都市观光和交通  Model 1 City Tours都市游  M0del 2 Car Rental Service租车服务  Model 3 Xikou of Fenghua奉化溪口Item 6 The Service of TraveI Destinations旅游目的地服务  Model l Narrations on Tour沿途讲解  Model 2 At the Ticket Box在售票处  Model 3 Asking the Way问路  Model 4 The Role ofa Tour Guide导游的职责Item 7 Tour of Gardens园林游览  Model 1 ATriptotIle YuYuanGarden游览豫园  Model 2 Touringthe SummerPalace游览颐和园  Model 3 The Four Elements in a Traditional Garden园林四要素  Model 4 Suzhou Gardens苏州园林Item 8 T0ur of Mountains山、水之旅  Model 1 On Huangshan黄山之旅  Model 2 A Trip in Guilin游览桂林  Model 3 HuangguoshuWaterfalls黄果树瀑布  Model 4 West Lake西湖Item 9 Tour of Temples中国庙宇  Model l VisitingtheJadeBuddhaTemp~游览玉佛寺  Model 2 Daoism道教  Model 3 Visiting the Confucius Temple孔子庙  Model 4 Visiting 和 Wudang Mountain游览武当山Item 10 Tours of Historical Sites名胜古迹之旅  Model 1 A Tour of the Forbidden City游览紫禁城  Model 2 The Tour ofthe Great Wall长城之旅  Model 3 The Tianyi Pavilion Library天一阁藏书楼Item 11 Tour of Chinese Characteristic Culture  中国特色文化之旅  Model 1 Taljiquan太极拳  Model 2 Spring Festival春节  Model 3 Beijing Opera京剧  Model 4 China-Home ofTea茶乡中国Item 12 Shopping旅游购物  Model 1 Chinese Calligraphy中国书法  Model 2 Antiques and Ancient Furniture古玩家具  Model 3 At the Souvenir Shop在纪念品商店  Model 4 Jade Culture玉器文化Item 1 3 Handling Problems & Emergencies处理问题与紧急情况  Model 1  A Lost PaSsport遗失护照  Model 2 Calling the FirstAid Center打电话到急救中心  Model 3 First Aid Techniques急救技术Item 14 Handling Customer Complaints顾客投诉处理服务  Model 1 A Delayed Flight航班延误  Model 2 Complaining about the food食品投诉  Model 3 A Tour Guide or a Shopping Guide导游还是导购  Model 4 A Complaint Letter on Holiday Booking旅游度假投诉信Item 15 Checking 0ut结账退房服务  Model 1 Paying the Hotel Bill in Cash现金付账  Model 2 Paying with Credit Card信用卡付账  Model 3 Paying with a Traveler's Check支票付账  Model 4 Checkout Service Procedures退房结账程序Item 16 Farewell,China再见,中国  Model 1 See You Again Soon再见  Model 2 Seeing Guests off at the Airport机场送客  Model 3 A Farewell Speech欢送词参考书目






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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     此教材力图打破以知识传授为主要特征传统学科课程模式,转变为以工作任务为核心的项 目课程模式,让学生通过完成具体项目来构建相关理论知识,并发展职业能力,其课程内容的选取紧紧围绕工作任务完成的需要来进行,同时又充分考虑高职教育对理论知识学习的需要,并融合相关职业资格证书对知识、技能和态度的要求。突出了以下特色:项目、模块与任务相结合,以导游具体工作程序为全书的编写体系,突出听和说,突出“情景模拟”,强调任务为核心。全书包括16个项目:迎接客人、饭店入住登记、客房服务、餐饮服务、市观光和交通、旅游景点服务、人文景观旅游、园林游览、山水之旅、中国庙宇、中国特色文化之旅、旅游购物、处理问题与突发事件、顾客投诉处理服务、结账退房服务、再见,中国。 本书有副教授和教授若干名参与。

精彩短评 (总计2条)

  •       此教材力图打破以知识传授为主要特征传统学科课程模式,转变为以工作任务为核心的项 目课程模式,让学生通过完成具体项目来构建相关理论知识,并发展职业能力,其课程内容的选取紧紧围绕工作任务完成的需要来进行,同时又充分考虑高职教育对理论知识学习的需要,并融合相关职业资格证书对知识、技能和态度的要求。突出了以下特色:项目、模块与任务相结合,以导游具体工作程序为全书的编写体系,突出听和说,突出“情景模拟”,强调任务为核心。全书包括16个项目:迎接客人、饭店入住登记、客房服务、餐饮服务、市观光和交通、旅游景点服务、人文景观旅游、园林游览、山水之旅、中国庙宇、中国特色文化之旅、旅游购物、处理问题与突发事件、顾客投诉处理服务、结账退房服务、再见,中国。 本书有副教授和教授若干名参与。
  •     书还是不错的 就是有点简单了 内容

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