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  People always spend much time talking about food. And yet when you go from one country to another, you find that people have quite different feelings about food. People often feel that what they eat is good, and that what other people eat is strange and silly. In most parts of Asia, for instance, no meal is complete without rice. In England, people eat potatoes every day. In the Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal. Eating, like so many things we do, becomes a habit which is difficult to change. Americans like to drink a lot of orange juice and coffee. The English drink tea four or five times a day. Australians drink large amounts of beer and the French drink wine every day. The Chinese like to drink green tea or black tea without milk or sugar.  The sort of meat people like to eat differs from one place to another. People think horse meat is delicious in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes. New Zealanders eat sheep, but they never eat goat meat. The Japanese dont like to eat sheep because of its smell, but they enjoy eating raw fish.  People can talk about eating for hours, but they have no common sense in this topic. People everywhere enjoy what they have always eaten, and we can do little to change our eating habits.


  21世纪,科学技术发展日新月异,发明创造层出不穷,知识更新日趋频繁,全民学习、终身学习已经成为适应经济与社会发展的基本途径。近年来,我国高等教育取得了跨越式的发展,毛入学率由1998年的8%迅速增长到2008年的23.3%,已经进入到大众化的发展阶段,这其中高等继续教育发挥了重要的作用。同时,高等继续教育作为“传统学校教育向终身教育发展的一种新型教育制度”,对实现“形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会”、“构建终身教育体系”的宏伟目标,发挥着其他教育形式不可替代的作用。  目前,我国高等继续教育的发展规模已占全国高等教育的一半左右,随着我国产业结构的调整、传统产业部门的改造以及新兴产业部门的建立,各种岗位上数以千万计的劳动者,需要通过边工作边学习来调整自己的知识结构、提高自己的知识水平,以适应现代经济与社会发展的要求。可见,我国高等继续教育的发展,既肩负着重大的历史使命,又面临着难得的发展机遇。  我国的高等继续教育要抓住机遇发展,完成自己的历史使命,从根本上说就是要全面提高教育教学质量,这涉及多方面的工作,但抓好教材建设是提高教学质量的基础和中心环节。众所周知,高等继续教育的培养对象主要是已经走上各种生产或工作岗位的从业人员,这就决定了高等继续教育的目标是培养能适应新世纪社会发展要求的动手能力强、具有创新能力的应用型人才。因此,高等继续教育教材的编写“要本着学用结合的原则,重视从业人员的知识更新,提高广大从业人员的思想文化素质和职业技能”,体现出高等继续教育的针对性、实用性和职业性特色。  为适应我国高等继续教育发展的新形势、培养应用型人才、满足广大学员的学习需要,中国人民大学出版社邀请了国内知名专家学者对我国高等继续教育的教学改革与教材建设进行专题研讨,成立了教材编审委员会,联合中国人民大学、中国政法大学、东北财经大学、武汉大学、山西财经大学、东北师范大学、江西师范大学、南昌航空大学、华中科技大学、黑龙江大学等30多所高校,共同编撰了“21世纪高等继续教育精品教材”,计划在两三年内陆续推出百种高等继续教育精品系列教材。教材编审委员会对该系列教材的作者进行了严格的遴选,编写教材的专家、教授都有着丰富的继续教育教学经验和较高的专业学术水平。


UNIT 1PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsMay I Introduce Mr. Collins?PART Ⅱ Text AWhat Is a Typical Day Like for a Child in England——A Diary of a Boy in EnglandPART Ⅲ Text BTalking about FoodPART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Simple and Compound SentencesUNIT 2PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsYouve Done a Very Good JobPART Ⅱ Text AA New Era for World EconomyPART Ⅲ Text BThe History of MoneyPART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Complex Sentences (1)——Noun ClausesUNIT 3PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsPlease Accept My CongratulationsPART Ⅱ Text AEating ProblemPART Ⅲ Text BBike for a Better CityPART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Complex Sentences (2)——Adverbial ClausesUNIT 4PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsThank You Very Much!PART Ⅱ Text AThe Start of American MusicPART Ⅲ Text BThe TitanicPART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Complex Sentences (3)——Attributive ClausesUNIT 5PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsIm So Sorry for ThatPART Ⅱ Text AHorse Shoeing in New YorkPART Ⅲ Text BAbout LondonPART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct English Sentences by Using "There be" PatternsUNIT 6PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsDo You Have Much Snow There?PART Ⅱ Text AHow to Tell WeatherPART Ⅲ Text BLife of the ElephantPART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Write Correct Sentences with Formal Subject "It"UNIT 7PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsCould You Tell Me Something about Christmas?PART Ⅱ Text ABeethoven and His MusicPART Ⅲ Text BAir JordanPART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Develop English Sentences (1)——Prepositional PhrasesUNIT 8PART Ⅰ Communicotion SkillsHows Everything Going with Your Class?PART H Text AExaminations at English Secondary SchoolPART Ⅲ Text BSchool System in AmericaPART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Develop English Sentences (2)——Non-Predicate PhrasesUNIT 9PART Ⅰ Communicotion SkillsWhat Seems to Be Bothering You?PART Ⅱ Text AChild LaborPART Ⅲ Text BAmerican Women Today,PART Ⅳ Writing WorkHow to Combine Short SentencesUNIT 10PART Ⅰ Communicotion SkillsI Prefer Some Historical SitesPART Ⅱ Text ADistant LearningPART Ⅲ Text BFinding It OnlinePART Ⅳ Writing WorkSentence ConversionUNIT 11PART Ⅰ Communicotion SkillsWould You Care for a Cocktail before Dinner?PART Ⅱ Text AMrs. Clarkes ThursdaysPART Ⅲ Text BA Story of Buying TicketPART Ⅳ Writinq WorkHow to Write a LetterUNIT12PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI cant Find My BaggagePART Ⅱ Text ASolar EnergyPART Ⅲ Text BVitaminsPART TV Writing WorkHow to Make up Your Resume综合练习








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