
当前位置:首页 > 外语 > 英语综合教程 > 朗文当代英语教程-练习册-2



Module 1 Names and countries Personal information: be Is or are Negative sentences Personal questions: be Short answers Possessive adjectives Indefinite article: a/an Vocabulary: jobs Vocabulary booster: countries and nationalities Listen and read Punctuation: capital letters Improve your writing: addresses in English Pronunciation: /a/, /ei/ and /ai/Module 2 Identifying objects: this, that, these, those Alan or o with objects and plurals Have/has got Questions and short answers 's = is or has? Adjectives and nouns Vocabulary booster: more everyday objects Vocabulary: relationship vocabulary Listen and read Possessive's Spelling: plurals Pronunciation: /s/ and /z/ Prepositions Improve your writing: writing about people in your familyModule 3 Present Simple   Questions   Negatives   Positive and negative   Questions and short answers Subject and object pronouns Vocabulary: collocations with common verbs Vocabulary booster: buildings Listen and read Prepositions: in, at or to Opposites Pronunciation: the letter/ Improve your writing: commas, full stops, and and but Too, both and neitherModule 4 Present Simple: spelling Present Simple with helshelit   Short answers   Negatives   Positives and negatives   Questions Adverbs of frequency Activity verbs Word order: frequency adverbs, auxiliaries Vocabulary booster: everyday activities Like, love, hate + -ing Listen and read Pronunciation: plural nouns with Is/, Izl and hzl Improve your writing: a paragraph about a friendModule 5 Can/can't   Short answers Articles: a and the Most, a lot of, some, not many Listen and read Prepositions Vocabulary: means of transport Vocabulary booster: travel Pronunciation: the letter a Spelling Improve your writing: completing an immigration formModule 6 Countable and uncountable nouns Vocabulary: food There is/there are   Short answers Some and any Some, any, alan and no Vocabulary booster: things to eat Listen and read Questions with how much and how many Vocabulary: containers: a cup of, a g/ass of, a bottle of Pronunciation: sentence stress Improve your writing: describing food from your countryModule 7 Past Simple: was/were   Short answers Past Simple   Spelling of -ed endings   Regular verbs   Irregular verbs   Regular and irregular verbs Past time phrases Prepositions of time Pronunciation: past tense endings Vocabulary booster: common verbs Listen and read Ordinal numbers Improve your writing: time linkers: before, offer, thenModule 8Module 9Module 10Module 11Module 12Module 13Module 14Module 15Answer Key Pronunciation table Acknowledgements








精彩短评 (总计11条)

  •     很好,很实用,非常喜欢。
  •     朋友代买,应该不错
  •     一直觉得朗文的教材都很不错,买了CUTTING EDGE的第一册之后就接着买了第二册了!练习册和课本的联系很密切!
  •     纸质是铜版纸 质量相当好。不过光光的纸面,不适合水笔写字,一蹭就花掉了。
  •     挺好的书,对孩子
  •     好教材!激励自己好好学习。
  •     和书的内容很配套
  •     对学生提高英语口语方面有比较大在的帮助
  •     第二次用这个教材,很满意,全英文而且内容很合适。值得推荐给大家!
  •     本教程很不错,内容新颖,适合教学,书的印刷业很好,配音地道清晰,语速适中,遗憾的CD缺货,得到书店去买CD
  •     I was more than satisfied. So also were my students.

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