
当前位置:首页 > 外语 > 英语综合教程 > 朗文当代英语教程.练习册.4



Introduction Grammar terms Using a dictionaryModule 1 Making questions Short answers Question tags Present Simple or Continuous Word order: Adverbs of frequency Pronunciation:  /e/(schwa)  The letter's' Grammar snack: both I neither Vocabulary: Activities with do I play I go Improve your writing: Spelling of the -ing form Listen and read: Unusual lifestylesModule 2 Past Simple or Continuous Pronunciation:  Syllable stress in Past Simple forms used to still, not any more / longer Listen and read: Frankenstein Grammar snack:  Articles: first and second mention Vocabulary: Scientists and technologists Improve your writing: Spelling of Past Simple forms Using when I while I as I during I for in storiesModule 3 Comparatives and superlatives Comparative and superlative adverbs Comparing things in different ways Vocabulary: Places around town Grammar snack: Prepositions of place: at, in, on Pronunciation: 15/ and 101 Improve your writing:   Punctuation: capital letters Grammar snack: The definite article: places Improve your writing: PostcardsModule 4 Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple Present Perfect + just / yet / already for, since and ago Present Perfect Continuous Grammar snack: Articles with school, college, etc. Vocabulary: Describing people's appearance Pronunciation: h/, lid and/ad Listen and read: Tom Cruise Improve your writing: Punctuation: commasModule 5 will and won't going to Present Continuous for future arrangements Other ways of talking about the future Future clauses with if, when, etc. Grammar snack:  Prepositions of time for the future Pronunciation:/3:/,/o:/and/ou/ Vocabulary:  Jobs  Adjectives to describe jobs Real life: Formal telephone conversations Improve your writing: ApostrophesModule 6 -ed /-ing adjectives Grammar snack:  Prepositions after -ed/-ing adjectives The passive Vocabulary: Films, TV and newspapers Grammar snack:  Prepositions for talking about books, films, etc. Pronunciation: Ifl, /v/ and /w/ Listen and read: Letters to a TV magazine Improve your writing:  Linking ideas without repeating yourselfModule 7Module 8Module 9Module 10Module 11Module 12Answer KeyAcknowledgements







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  •     书很好,配套练习~~~
  •     配合原书,更好
  •     教材 质量好
  •     里面甚至有针对语调的练习,这是我国英语教学十分忽略的一点。
  •     搭配练习册学习,确实很不错。
  •     该教材比较适合有一定英语基础的人学习,可以比较快的提高英语口语水平,不过最好要有一个教师,至少可以和他对话练习,因为教材的图片偏多,没有老师的指导,会觉得这本书太简单。
  •     课文选择比新概念现代。

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