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  2.2.2 Specificity and English articles  The introduction of the relationship between definiteness andEnglish articles in the above section helps us to understand the mean-ing encoded in English articles and the distinction between the and aas well. It additionally points out the difference between the semanticfeatures of definiteness and partitivity. From the discussion, we canhave a glance at the semantic complexity related to English articles.This section will further probe into the semantic analysis of Englisharticles, focusing on another semantic feature of speaficity, wl:uch hasrecently been discussed a lot in the L2 acquisition of English articlesbecause the feature [+speafic] can be expressed through both the def-mite article the and the indefinite article a in English (for example, see(9), in which both a man and the man refer to a specific pen) and thatmight puzzle L2 English learners concerning the distinction of the anda. Specificity with aThe definition of speafiaty is usually discussed with regard tothe indefinite article a because bothPspeafic] and [-speafic] featurescan be expressed in indefinites with a. Specificity can be defined inrelation to the distinction of wide/narrow scope. It has long been not-ed that English noun phrases can receive two different readings: a dere reading and a de dicto reading (Fodor & Sage, 1982; Heim, 1991;Lyons, 1999). In (12a), the indefirute noun phrase has de re readingbecause it scopes over the intentional verb which is a logical operator(wide scope). In (12b), the indefinite noun phrase has a de dicto read-ing because it scopes under the operator (narrow scope). The indefi-nite noun phrase in (12a) is thus speafic while that in (12b) isnon- specific.  ……



序前言第1章 绪论1.1 湖泊纳污能力与水污染控制研究需求1.2 湖泊纳污能力与水污染控制研究进展1.3 主要研究内容第2章 湖泊流域水体纳污能力的影响机理2.1 湖泊纳污能力的基本概念与构成2.2 纳污能力的影响因素分析2.3 纳污能力计算的主要方法第3章 汤逊湖流域特征与水环境问题诊断3.1 汤逊湖流域的基本特征3.2 汤逊湖流域水环境状况评价3.3 汤逊湖流域水环境问题归因分析第4章 汤逊湖水体叶绿素浓度遥感估测分析4.1 湖泊水体叶绿素分析概述4.2 实验概况与数据说明4.3 实验数据分析第5章 汤逊湖流域水环境模拟与纳污能力评价集成模型5.1 汤逊湖流域水环境模拟与纳污能力评价综合模型5.2 汤逊湖流域水量平衡分析模型5.3 汤逊湖流域污染负荷模型5.4 汤逊湖水体水环境模型5.5 汤逊湖水体纳污能力评估模型第6章 汤逊湖流域污染负荷全方位评价技术6.1 流域污染负荷的影响因素分析6.2 流域现状与未来水平年入湖污染负荷分析6.3 流域污染负荷的不确定性分析第7章 汤逊湖水体水力水质模拟计算7.1 湖泊流域水量平衡模拟7.2 汤逊湖平面二维水动力模拟7.3 汤逊湖平面二维水质模拟第8章 汤逊湖水体纳污能力评价8.1 汤逊湖水环境保护目标8.2 汤逊湖纳污能力的评估结果第9章 汤逊湖流域污染物总量控制与分配技术9.1 汤逊湖流域水污染物入湖总量控制与削减9.2 汤逊湖流域水污染物控制总量的分配9.3 汤逊湖流域水污染调控的方案设计9.4 构建汤逊湖流域水污染防治综合保障体系第10章 汤逊湖污染控制措施的经济分析技术10.1 汤逊湖污染控制措施的经济分析方法10.2 重点措施的成本效益10.3 污染控制措施模型优选第11章 汤逊湖流域排污权交易关键技术研究11.1 排污权交易概述11.2 汤逊湖流域排污权交易的必要性与可行性11.3 汤逊湖流域排污权交易体系的框架设计与关键技术11.4 排污权交易的保障体系参考文献附录彩图








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