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作者:程学民,雍同,Edward R. Boudreau
页数:308 页页

deadly fresh

很好的创意,很好的书!优点:学习鲜活的英语、时尚的英语、很酷的英语、地道的英语。不足:要求再高点的话,这本书还是有些不足的。首先,词条都没有注音,对于字典中能查到的还好办,查不到的话,就不知道怎么念。好在查不到的词估计也不是很多,没有什么大碍,总是不方便就是了。其次,词条和意义之间的距离,有的很小,如 dim bulb,非常形象,直接给出释义就能明白。有的很大,bohemian,不管是中文释义还是英文释义,看完之后,仍然不是很明白为什么有这个意思。如果要求加上“为什么(背景知识)”的话,是否要求太高了?毕竟不是字典……另例:digerati 数码族People who have lots of technical knowledge of PC and the Net. The digital elite: geeks/gurus/nerds/whiz.看了中英文释义,仍然不明白 digerati 为什么会有这个意思,查wikipedia:The digerati (or digiterati) are the elite of the computer industry and online communities. The word is a portmanteau, derived from "digital" and "literati", and reminiscent of the earlier coinage glitterati (glitter + literati). Famous computer scientists, tech magazine writers and well-known bloggers are included among the digerati.The word is used in several related but different ways. It can mean:Opinion leaders who, through their writings, promoted a vision of digital technology and the Internet as a transformational element in society;People regarded as celebrities within the Silicon Valley computer subculture, particularly during the dot-com boom years;Anyone regarded as influential within the digital technology community.看了这段解释,就会明白 digerati 是什么以及为什么如其所是。第三,有些释义不是很准确,如cash cow,释为“财源人物”,就不是很准确。cash cow不仅仅指人,或主要不是指人,如Office就是微软公司的cash cow。第四,注释有错误。aficionado 的英文释义:A buff (freak/junkie/nut) who falls head over heels in love with something and knows no end about it.<Note:> head over heels : (start to) fall in love with sb or sth原句 falls head over heels in love with... 中的 head over heels 肯定不再是 (start to) fall in love with sb/sth 的意思了,否则就无法理解了!在网上查到一个解释:in disorderly haste,这个解释与 head over heels 真是太般配了!拿到书,就迫不及待地(in disorderly haste?)翻了翻,虽然有些问题,仍然是一本不错的书。



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