
当前位置:首页 > 外语 > 英语专项训练 > 英语学术论文及留学文书写作

出版社:清华大学出版社 北京交通大学出版社


  Is the essay free of careless errors  How well is the essay organized? Is it easy to read and to follow the authors ideas?  Writing an effective admissions essay or personal statement takes lime to consider the topic,plan your points, organize and structure your argument, draft the essay, evaluate whether youhave addressed all of the above issues, seek feedback, and write a final version. Therefore, it isbetter for you to start your writing far ahead of the deadline to ensure that you write an appropriateand effective admissions essay. Dont take shortcuts because the admissions essay can be whatmakes the difference between acceptance and rejection.  How to organize your graduate admissions essay  There are several different ways youcan structure your essay but the most common formatincludes an introduction, a body, and a concluding paragraph.  1. Introduction  The introduction is the most important part of the essay, especially the first sentence. Thefirst sentence introduces your essay and a bad introduction, in person or in writing, isdetrimental to your admissions chances.  Keep the readers interested by making them continue to read your essay after reading thefirst paragraph.  The first sentence should be unique and compelling, possibly thought-provoking orattention-grabbing.  First sentence may explain your desire to study the subject of interest or discuss themotivation that influenced your desire to study the subject of interest. State it in a creative manner.  The sentences following the first sentence should provide a brief explanation that supportsthe claim stated in the first sentence.  2. The body  The body should include several paragraphs that provide detailed evidence to support thestatement made in the introductory paragraph. The paragraphs should flow by usingtransitions and resolutions.  Each paragraph should have a transition, which starts each paragraph with a topic statementthat will be the theme of that paragraph.  Each paragraph should have a resolution, which ends each paragraph with a meaningfulsentence that provides a transition to the next paragraph.


  《英语学术论文及留学文书写作》是“高级英语阶段系列教程”提高阶段的主干教材之一。本书的主要对象是大学公共外语高年级扩展阶段的本科生、英语专业学生、高年级研究生(硕士生、博士生),另外也可供科研人员和科技编辑案头查阅和浏览。本书的设计主要涵盖了两个板块,包括提高学习者国际学术交流能力和科技文章撰写能力的英语学术论文写作指导及旨在帮助欲前往英语国家深造的本科高年级学生和研究生撰写留学文书的写作指导。  本书首先是英语学术论文写作的指南读物。书中全方位地分析和展示了英语学术论文写作的技巧与诀窍,从论文选题、确定主题句、草拟大纲、资料的搜集与整理、记笔记的有效方法、论文初稿的撰写与修订、论文完稿等方面详尽地讲解了英语学术论文写作的各个必要环节。本书在每个章节理论讲解的基础上,援引了新近在国内外学术刊物上发表的论文作为实例,要求学习者积极主动地分析并掌握各章节所讲解的理论知识,做到活学活用,由此实现真正意义上的有效教学。此外,本书不仅详尽地阐述了学术论文写作的全过程,还介绍了针对论文设计多媒体演示文稿的方法,以及参加学术会议和论文答辩的一些相关技巧,真正实现对论文撰写人从论文选题到完稿,再到口头呈现研究结果作出整体指导。  本书的留学文书写作部分目的在于帮助有意在国外继续深造的学习者成功地赢在申请的第一步。随着高等教育的深化,越来越多的本科毕业生及研究生计划在结束本阶段学习后继续深造。除了必须具备的学术成绩、语言成绩等“硬件”外,还需要包括个人陈述在内的一套完整的留学申请材料;申请者应最大限度地通过留学文书成功反映出个人的个性和才智,充分地向人展示出自己的学术成就、学术观点、智慧和所具备的其他独特才能。本书留学文书写作部分不仅介绍了个人陈述、研究计划、简历等主要留学文书的写作,更搜集了近年成功申请国外各类知名院校的申请信,并从其结构设计、语言选择等方面给出了详尽的分析和归纳。  本书在编写过程中注意突出高级英语阶段英语教学层次较高、应用面广、学术性强的特点,注重培养学习者学术英语写作能力,特别是使用英语写作和发表专业学术论文的实际能力;并力求从实际出发,注重教材的先进性、实用性、针对性和导向性,确保内容全面、材料翔实、例证丰富、语言规范。全书的写作语言为英语,做到“用英语讲英语”,更清晰准确地讲解对英语这一语言工具的有效驾驭,提高学习者的英语学术研究水平与论文撰写能力。  最后,限于编者的水平和其他客观原因,书中所述内容难免有遗漏之处,敬请同行批评指正。


Chapter 1 Application Letters
Admissions Essay
Cover Letter
Research Proposal
Letter of Recommendation
Samples of Application Letters
Chapter 2 The Research Paper
What is the Research Paper
Types of Research
Why Should We Write the Research Paper?
Component Parts of the Research Paper
Features of Effective Research Paper
Steps of Writing the Research Paper
Chapter 3 Selecting a Topic
Selecting a General Subject
Narrowing Down the Scope of Your Subject to a Specific Aspect
Formulating the Final Topic
Samples of Some Suggested Topics
Chapter 4 Reviewing Related Literature and Evaluating Source Materials
The Purpose of Literature Review
Classification of Source Materials
Evaluating Source Materials
Make Your Sources Work for You
Writing Literature Review
Chapter 5 Note-taking
What is Note-taking
Where to Take Notes
Content of Notes
Guidelines for Card Note-taking
Types of Notes
Tips on Note-taking
Precautions against Plagiarism
Chapter 6 Writing the Thesis Statement
What Is a Thesis Statement
Examples of Working Thesis
What Makes a Good Thesis Statement
Division of Thesis Statements
Constructing the Thesis
How Do I Know If My Thesis Is Strong
Alternatives to the Thesis Sentence
Chapter 7 Writing the Outline of the Research Paper
What Is an Outline
The Role of the Outline
Types of Outline Symbols
Types of Outlines
Stylistic Theory of Outlining
Guidelines to Write the Outline
Modes of Arrangement
Conventions for Drawing an Outline
Chapter 8 Drafting the Research Paper
How to Write the Overall Draft
Writing the Introduction
Review of Literature
Writing the Methodology Section
Writing the Results Section
Writing the Discussion Section
Writing the Conclusion and Recommendations Section
Constructing Paragraphs
Writing the Topic Sentence
Chapter 9 Revising, Editing and Proofreading
Revising: Cultivating a Critical Eye
Editing Making Your Writing Clear
Proofreading: the Final Touches
Chapter 10 Supplementary Documents to Complete a Research Paper
Deciding a Format for the Research Paper
Title Page
Writing the Abstract
Table of Contents
Chapter 11 Research Paper Citations
Different Styles of Citations
MLA Formatting and Style Guide
MLA Works Cited Example Page
APA Formatting and Style Guide
Chapter 12 How to Present a Paper
Planning the Presentation
PPT-Creating Speaking Notes
Delivery of Presentation
Asking and Answering Questions







精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     留学文书的写作阶段参考了里面的内容 感觉挺有用的吧 学术论文的写作业有方法介绍 很实用
  •     cliche....感觉真正实用的没什么。。。
  •     内容全面。有论文,也有简历留学文书等,还有答辩和PPT的要领哦!值!
  •     不厚的一本书,作为写作入门应该还可以
  •     字迹清晰,本书对论文以及留学文书写作入门有帮助,95%为英文

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