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戴维·贝文顿阿登版莎士比亚一如既往地是莎士比亚诸多版一中金科玉律式的版本,其编注者均系国际著名莎士比亚志农 其所收原著文本具有准确性和权威性;其有关莎士比亚作品的评介颇为新颖,有令人茅塞地顿开之效。方平阿登版莎士比亚是国际闻名的版莎士比亚版本,质量可靠。现在能够引入中国出版界,这是一件值得庆贺的盛事。陆谷孙功不尽善则易器。用过几种 莎剧版本,效果都差强人意。 我从上世纪80年代起采用New Arden Shakespeare作为研究生莎剧的精读教本至今,虽非无疑不解、无曲不察,但由此即可掌握细读莎剧的基本技能。


莎士比亚,(W. William Shakespeare;1564-1616),英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。








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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     What's in a name? That which we call a roseBy any other word would smell as sweet.—— Juliet, Romeo and Juliet by ShakespeareThe first time I saw Romeo and Juliet, I was 12.Like all the other girls at the age of 12, I had a strong affection of reading romances no matter they are classics or modern fictions. I loved to envision those romantic scenarios of what I read in my head, and usually I got satisfied with my envisioning because the stories I used to read were all ended with a happy ending—— before I encountered Romeo and Juliet. When I first read Romeo and Juliet, all I understood about it was just "It's a love tragedy which makes me sad". Though as a 12-year-old kid my understandings were really shallow, I was right about one thing: it's different. At that time the reason it was different to me merely because it didn't give me an ending which I'd be willing to see. Now, from that moment nearly six years have passed, and Romeo and Juliet had definitely become my favorite Shakespeare's work. During the six years I've read the whole play at least five times, watched at least three different versions of the movie, and saw the French opera performed in 2002 and even can remember the lines......Finally, I got to understand why it is so different, why I like it, and why it is so great and immortal. The words I quoted were said by Juliet, right after she passionately fell in love with Romeo but then accidentally got to know that Romeo was her enemy's son. In modern language what she meant was simply "Roses are roses that even if they are not called 'roses' they would smell fragrant and sweet." The meaning behind the sentence is "Name is nothing; what matters is what something is, not what it is called. "Exactly. For Juliet, she loves Romeo, the person himself, not the name "Romeo Montague". I remember she even told Romeo that she would be very willing to change her family name "Capulet" as long as she would be allowed to stay with him. There's another sentence talking about the name: "I know not how to tell thee who I am. my name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee." I remember when I was watching the movie acted by Leonardo DiCaprio in 1996, when I saw Juliet's beautiful but sorrowful face, when I heard her artlessly speaking these words, I felt my heart melt. These words soon became my favorite line in the whole play.Juliet was right. However ironically her parents and Romeo's parents didn't understand the truth that names are nothing. At their time all the men who were "Montague"s were "Capulet"s' enemies. The names "Montague" and "Capulet" became the first labels tagged on the men. Even for those people who had neither "Montague" nor "Capulet" as their last names had to choose a side to stand. Today we don't judge people only by their names any more, of course, because that is ridiculous. However people in the play chose to hate or like someone only by checking their names. What's worse is that the people in the play were more willing to be around by hatred rather than love. As Romeo once said, "My only love sprung from my only hate; too early unknown and known too late." Therefore, the love between Juliet and Romeo under such a condition meant to be dead.Love and hatred are always Shakespeare's favorite topics. However, personally speaking, one of the greatness of Shakespeare is that he knew how to symbolize something not concrete, like hatred. In Romeo and Juliet, he used names to represent people's hatred of each other, while in Hamlet, he used masks to show people's hypocrisy. I think because of his talent to use these techniques, he is so different and more successful than others.No wonder Karl Marx once said: "Shakespeare is the greatest writer of all time."

精彩短评 (总计34条)

  •     书的质量是很不错的是属于剧本对白那种就个人而言买错了
  •     爱情的伟大,生命的渺小!
  •     是给学生买的,但发现很不适合高中生
  •       What's in a name? That which we call a rose
      By any other word would smell as sweet.
      —— Juliet, Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
      The first time I saw Romeo and Juliet, I was 12.
      Like all the other girls at the age of 12, I had a strong affection of reading romances no matter they are classics or modern fictions. I loved to envision those romantic scenarios of what I read in my head, and usually I got satisfied with my envisioning because the stories I used to read were all ended with a happy ending—— before I encountered Romeo and Juliet.
      When I first read Romeo and Juliet, all I understood about it was just "It's a love tragedy which makes me sad". Though as a 12-year-old kid my understandings were really shallow, I was right about one thing: it's different. At that time the reason it was different to me merely because it didn't give me an ending which I'd be willing to see.
      Now, from that moment nearly six years have passed, and Romeo and Juliet had definitely become my favorite Shakespeare's work. During the six years I've read the whole play at least five times, watched at least three different versions of the movie, and saw the French opera performed in 2002 and even can remember the lines......
      Finally, I got to understand why it is so different, why I like it, and why it is so great and immortal.
      The words I quoted were said by Juliet, right after she passionately fell in love with Romeo but then accidentally got to know that Romeo was her enemy's son. In modern language what she meant was simply "Roses are roses that even if they are not called 'roses' they would smell fragrant and sweet." The meaning behind the sentence is "Name is nothing; what matters is what something is, not what it is called. "
      Exactly. For Juliet, she loves Romeo, the person himself, not the name "Romeo Montague". I remember she even told Romeo that she would be very willing to change her family name "Capulet" as long as she would be allowed to stay with him. There's another sentence talking about the name: "I know not how to tell thee who I am. my name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee." I remember when I was watching the movie acted by Leonardo DiCaprio in 1996, when I saw Juliet's beautiful but sorrowful face, when I heard her artlessly speaking these words, I felt my heart melt. These words soon became my favorite line in the whole play.
      Juliet was right. However ironically her parents and Romeo's parents didn't understand the truth that names are nothing. At their time all the men who were "Montague"s were "Capulet"s' enemies. The names "Montague" and "Capulet" became the first labels tagged on the men. Even for those people who had neither "Montague" nor "Capulet" as their last names had to choose a side to stand. Today we don't judge people only by their names any more, of course, because that is ridiculous. However people in the play chose to hate or like someone only by checking their names. What's worse is that the people in the play were more willing to be around by hatred rather than love. As Romeo once said, "My only love sprung from my only hate; too early unknown and known too late." Therefore, the love between Juliet and Romeo under such a condition meant to be dead.
      Love and hatred are always Shakespeare's favorite topics. However, personally speaking, one of the greatness of Shakespeare is that he knew how to symbolize something not concrete, like hatred. In Romeo and Juliet, he used names to represent people's hatred of each other, while in Hamlet, he used masks to show people's hypocrisy. I think because of his talent to use these techniques, he is so different and more successful than others.
      No wonder Karl Marx once said: "Shakespeare is the greatest writer of all time."
  •     买失误了,看不懂
  •     凯普莱特和蒙太古是一座城市的两大家族,这两大家族有深刻的世仇,经常械斗。蒙太古家有个儿子叫罗密欧,17岁,品学端庄,是个大家都很喜欢的小伙子。有一天,他喜欢的一个女孩罗瑟琳被送到修道院,他十分伤心。于是他的朋友说,那么我们混进凯普莱特家的宴会场,去找些更美丽的女孩吧!所以为了找一个新的女孩,他和自己的朋友戴上面具,混进了宴会场。   于是,在这次宴会上,他被凯普莱特家的独生女儿朱丽叶深深吸引住了。这天晚上,朱丽叶是宴会的主角,13岁的她美若天仙。罗密欧上前向朱丽叶表示了自己的爱慕之情,朱丽叶也对罗密欧有好感。可是,当时双方都不知道对方的身份。真相大白之后,罗密欧仍然不能摆脱自己对朱丽叶的爱慕。他翻墙进了凯普莱特的果园,正好听见了朱丽叶在窗口情不自禁呼唤罗密欧的声音。显然,双方是一见钟情。   第二天,罗密欧去见附近修道院的神父,请代为帮忙。神父答应了罗密欧的请求,觉得如果这能成也能化解两家的矛盾的一个途径。罗密欧通过朱丽叶的奶娘把朱丽叶约到了修道院,在神父的主持下结成了夫妻。这天中午,罗密欧在街上遇到了朱丽叶的堂兄提伯尔特。提伯尔特要和罗密欧决斗,罗密欧不愿决斗,但他的朋友(和平主义者)觉得罗密欧没面子,于是他的朋友和提伯尔特决斗,结果被提伯尔特借机杀死。罗密欧大怒,拔剑为朋友报仇,因此提伯尔特被罗密欧杀死了。   城市的统治者决定驱逐罗密欧,下令如果他敢回来就处死他。朱丽叶很伤心,她非常爱罗密欧。罗密欧不愿离开,经过神父的劝说他才同意暂时离开。这天晚上,他偷偷爬进了朱丽叶的卧室,度过了新婚之夜。第二天天一亮,罗密欧就不得不开始了他的流放生活。罗密欧刚一离开,出身高贵的帕里斯伯爵就来求婚。凯普莱特非常满意,命令朱丽叶下星期四就结婚。   朱丽叶去找神父想办法,神父给了她一种药,服下去后就像死了一样,但四十二小时后就会苏醒过来。神父答应她派人叫罗密欧,会很快挖开墓穴,让她和罗密欧远走高飞。朱丽叶依计行事,在婚礼的头天晚上服了药,第二天婚礼自然就变成了葬礼。神父马上派人去通知罗密欧。可是,罗密欧在神父的送信人到来之前已经知道了消息。他在半夜来到朱丽叶的墓穴旁,杀死了阻拦他的帕里斯伯爵,掘开了墓穴,他吻了一下朱丽叶之后,就掏出随身带来的毒药一饮而尽,倒在朱丽叶身旁死去。等神父赶来时,罗密欧和帕里斯已经死了。这时,朱丽叶也醒过来了。人越来越多,神父还没来得及顾及朱丽叶,就逃走了。朱丽叶见到死去的罗密欧,也不想独活人间,她没有找到毒药,就拔出罗密欧的剑刺向自己,倒在罗密欧身上死去。两家的父母都来了,神父向他们讲述了罗密欧和朱丽叶的故事。失去儿女之后,两家的父母才清醒过来,可是已经晚了。从此,两家消除积怨,并在城中为罗密欧和朱丽叶各铸了一座金像
  •     其实不懂啊,买来看看,哈哈
  •     同样都是刚认识没几天的自己认定的男人死了,Juliet这个小妹妹跟着就去死了呢,Rose却没有。她俩啥星座的啊?反正我觉得我会是Rose.咩哈哈。
  •     这本书有难度,非文学爱好者可能会不喜欢阅读。
  •     雖然裏間諸多古英語的障礙,但仍不影響整體閱讀和理解這麼美的一部著作。總覺着譯本會丟一些東西,語言還是很大程度上決定着價值觀念與文化。
  •     一部充满诗意的爱情悲剧,一个经典的爱情故事,两个人至死不渝的爱情,让人为之动容。总希望有一天自己也能站在哪个舞台上演绎一番这部经典的话剧。
  •     C'est un livre magnifique...
  •     在西财看的人大的书……
  •     啊啊谢谢 写作课作业而已蛤蛤
  •     著名的阿登版莎士比亚,这样的低价格,优质的纸质印刷,很值啊
  •     只是因为它很经典才读的
  •     还没认真看,有点混乱的说,也许是英语水平不够=。=
  •     赞!这本书非常好看,非常满意!!!!!!!!
  •     喜欢 但是买来就没翻过 跟阿登版的哈姆雷特一个命运。。。
  •     读到朱丽叶矛盾的喝药的时候我满脑子想的都是普希金暴风雪里那对私奔未遂的恋人 我觉得罗密欧朱丽叶在一起了也不会特别幸福。。。提博尔特的死太是个事儿了
  •     再次吐血推荐这套书
  •     戏剧的语言,夸张又丰富,却不让人感到一丝做作。真的很喜欢。
  •     图书纸张\印刷都非常好,排版也十分清晰;原英文注释也十分详尽.美中不足的是,正文部分字体和字间距虽说较大,但对我这样的英文(还不能流畅阅读原著)水平的读者,作笔记的空间稍小.另外,本书的价格也稍贵了点.
  •     优美的诗句,出其不意的剧情。但是不喜欢罗密欧和朱丽叶,感觉就是两个蛇精病→_→
  •     莎士比亚不愧是个诗意的人,字句浪漫又深沉。完美的悲剧性的爱情。
  •     经典剧作多说无益,就用结尾的那一段话来评价吧古往今来多少离合悲欢,谁曾见这样的哀怨辛酸!
  •     好版本
  •     很好!就是我想要的样子!
  •     适合外语底子好的,不适合我阅读
  •     很喜欢这本英文原本
  •     很久很久以前就知道的故事,但直到今天才看
  •     很好的英文书籍,发货很快,可以提高英文阅读水平
  •     帮别人带的,其实我看不懂,不过中文的看过,就奠定了现在肥皂剧的剧情
  •     喜欢的说,是老师要求买的

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