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我必须要承认,和你在一起的这些日子里,是痛苦的,也是快乐的。要是没有你的陪伴,初到猫本的我真的不知怎么去化解独自在异乡的孤独。从决定开始追求你,到付诸行动,中间曾被你的高贵和冷艳吓退过,心里打起退堂鼓,到最后终于和你在一起,整个过程刻骨铭心。虽然好累,感觉再也不会爱了,但是对这段感情,我会一直铭记于心,那些个与你缠绵的日日夜夜,在图书馆里的书桌上,在草坪边,在喷泉旁,都留下我们的痕迹。当我回过头再一次欣赏你时,我却发现我居然还有那么多的地方不了解你,我愧疚不已,我羞赧难当,于是我决定一一mark下来,一是对自己时时刻刻的提醒,二是纪录下我对你深沉的爱。请记住,何时何地,哪怕我们最后仍旧不能走到一起,我依然爱你,我亲爱的鸡阿姨。List 1 agoraphobic n. /adj. 幻狂野恐惧症的(人)List 2 antiquarianism n. 古物研究,好古癖(study, collection or sale of valuable old objects)aquatic adj. 水生的,水中的(growing or living in or upon water)arboreal adj. 树木的(of or like a tree)audacious adj. 大胆的(daring; fearless; brave)List 3bibliomania n. 藏书癖(extreme preoccupation with collecting books)bonanza n. 富矿脉,贵金属矿(an exceptionally large and rich mineral deposit)buttress n. 拱墙,拱璧(a projecting structure built against a wall to support or reinforce it)v. 支持(to prop up; bolster)byzantine adj. 错综复杂的(complicated)cacophonous adj. 发音不和谐的,不协调的(marked by cacophony)camaraderie n. 同志之情,友情(a spirit of friendly good-fellowship)cantankerous adj. 脾气坏的(bad tempered);好争吵的(quarrelsome)同:bearish, cranky, irascible, irritable, ornerycapitulate adj. (有条件地)投降(to surrender conditionally)capricious adj. 变化无常的,任性的(erratic; flighty)同:inconstant, lubricious, mercurial, whimsical, whimsied.charlatan n. 江湖郎中,骗子(fake; mountebank; quack)同:quacksalver, quackster, saltimbanquechivalrous adj. 骑士精神的(of, relating to, or characteristic of chivalry and knight-errantry);对女人彬彬有礼的(gallant; courteous)List 4claustrophobic adj.(患)幽闭恐怖症的,导致幽闭恐怖症(affected with or inclined to claustrophobia)coalesce v. 联合,合并(to unite or merge into a single body; mix)同:associate, bracket, combine, conjoinconnoisseur n. 鉴赏家,行家(a person who has expert knowledge and keen discrimination in some field in the fine arts or in matters of taste)List 5culinary adj. 厨房的(of the kitchen);烹调的(of cooking)culpable adj. 有罪的,该受谴责的(deserving blame; blameworthy)custodian n. 管理者,监护人(a person who has the custody or care of sth.; caretaker)List 6denigrate v. 污蔑,诽谤(to disparage the character or reputation of; defame blacken)derelict adj. 荒废的(deserted by the owner; abandoned); 玩忽职守的(neglectful of duty; remiss);疏忽的(negligent);n. 被遗弃的人(sb. Abandoned by family and society)desultory adj. 不连贯的(disconnected);散漫的(not methodical; random)dichotomy n. 两分法;矛盾分立,分歧(bifurcation);具有两分特征的事物(sth. with seemingly contradictory qualities)dilapidated adj. 破旧的,毁坏的(broken down; shabby and neglected)dilettante adj. 一知半解者,业余爱好者(dabbler; amateur)disenfranchise v. 剥夺•••的权利(to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity)List 7drudgery n. 苦工,苦活(dull and fatiguing work)effervescence n. 冒泡(bubbling, hissing, and foaming as gas escapes);活泼(liveliness or exhilaration)同:buoyancy, ebullience, exuberance, exuberancyegregious adj. 极端恶劣的(conspicuously bad, flagrant)elegiac adj. 哀歌的,挽歌的(of, relating to, or involving elegy or mourning or expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past)n.哀歌,挽歌(elegy)elucidate v. 阐明,说明(to give a clarifying explanation)encapsulation n. 包装(packing)ephemeral adj. 朝生暮死的(lasting only for a day);生命短暂的(transitory; transient)同:evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, momentaryepitome n. 典型(sb. /sth. showing all the typical qualities of sth.);梗概(abstract; summary; abridgment)List 8esoteric adj. 秘传的;机密的,隐秘的(beyond the understanding or knowledge of most people)同:abstruse, occult, reconditeeuphoric adj. 欢欣的(feeling very happy and excited)eviscerate v. 取出内脏(to remove the viscera from; disembowel);除去主要部分(to deprive of vital content or fence)extrapolate v. 预测,推测(to speculate)List 9fraternity n. 同行的(a group of people with the same beliefs, interests, work, etc.)友爱(fraternal relationship or spirit)frivolity n. 轻浮的行为(a frivolous act or thing)e.g. Despite an affected nonchalance which convinced casual observers that he was indifferent about his painting and enjoyed only frivolity, Warhol cared deeply about his art and labored at it diligently.garrulous adj. 唠叨的,多话的(loquacious; talkative)同:chatty, conversational, volubleglandular adj. 腺状的,腺的(of, relating to, or involving glands, gland cells, or their products)gluttonous adj. 贪吃的,暴食的(very greedy for food)同:edacious, hoggish, ravenous, voraciousList 10hackneyed adj. 陈腐的,老一套的(overfamiliar through overuse; trite)hieroglyph n. 象形文字的,神秘符号的(a picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing)hypochondriac n. 忧郁症患者(a person affected with hypochondria)adj. 忧郁症的(relating to or affected with hypochondria)idiosyncracy n. 特质impecunious adj. 不名一文的,没钱的(having very little or no money) impertinent adj. 不切题的(irrelevant) 无礼的,莽撞的(exceeding the limits of propriety or good manners)List 11incandescent adj. 遇热发光的,发白热光的(white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat)indecipherable adj. 无法破译的(incapable of being deciphered)List 12iniquitous adj. 邪恶的,不公正的(wicked, unjust)iridescent adj. 色彩斑斓的(producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors)jubilant adj. 欢呼的,喜气洋洋的(elated; exultant)List 13misogyny n. 厌恶女人的(hatred of women)e.g. Strindberg’s plays are marked by his extreme misogyny, he felt modern woman needed to dominate man and by subordinating him invalidate his masculinity.nostalgia n. 思乡(the state of being homesick);怀旧之情(a sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period)List 14opalescent adj. 发乳白色光的(reflecting an iridescent light)orchestrate v. 给•••配管弦乐(to provide with orchestration); 精心安排,组织(to arrange or combine so as to achieve a desired or maximum effect)pantomime n. 哑剧(a performance done using gestures and postures instead of words)parsimony n. 过分节俭,吝啬(the quality of being stingy)pedagogic adj. 教育学的(of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education)List 15philanthropic adj. 慈善(事业)的,博爱的(of, relating to, or characterized by philanthropy)e.g. The marketers’ motivations in donating the new basketball backboards to the school system are not solely philanthropic; they plan to sell advertising space on the backboards.List 16proselytize v. (使)皈依(to recruit or convert to a new faith)pseudonym n. 假名,笔名(a fictitious name, especially penname)pugnacious adj. 好斗的(having a quarrelsome or combative nature)recalcitrant adj. 顽抗的(obstinately defiant of authority or restraint; unruly)List 17resuscitate v. 使复活,使苏醒(to restore life or consciousness)rhapsodic adj. 狂热的,狂喜的(extravagantly emotional); 狂想曲的(resembling or characteristic of a rhapsody)List 18sectarianism n. 宗教主义,教派意识serendipity n. 意外发现新奇事物的才能或现象slanderous adj. 诽谤的(false and defamatory)List 19succinctness n. 简明,简洁同:conciseness, concisionList 20sycophant n. 马屁精(a servile self-seeking flatter)List 21undecipherable adj. 难破译的(not easily deciphered)List 22unscrupulous adj. 肆无忌惮的(unprincipled)e.g. The value of Davis’ sociological research is compromised by his unscrupulous tendency to use materials selectively in order to substantiate his own claims, while disregarding information that points to other possible conclusions.vicissitude n. 变迁,兴衰(natural change or mutation visible in nature or in human affairs)voluptuous adj. 撩人的(suggesting sensual pleasure);沉溺酒色的(abandoned to enjoyments of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratification)voyeur n. 窥阴癖者(one who habitually seeks sexual stimulation by visual means)xenophobic adj. 恐外的,恐惧外国人的(having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign)List 23acarpous adj. 不结果实的(impotent to bear fruit)analgesia n. 无痛觉,痛觉丧失(insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness)animadvert v. 苛责,非难(to remark or comment critically, usually with strong disapproval or censure)annihilate v. 消灭(to destroy completely; demolish)List 24balderdash n. 胡言乱语,废话(nonsense)同:fiddle-faddle, piffleList 25canorous adj. 音调优美的,有旋律的(pleasant sounding; melodious)cauterize v. (用腐蚀性物质或烙铁)烧灼(表皮组织)以消毒或止血(to sear with a cautery or caustic)chandelier n. 枝形吊灯(烛台)(a lighting fixture)List 26coruscate v. 闪亮(to give off flashes of light; glitter; sparkle)crepuscular adj. 朦胧的,微明的(of or like twilight; dim)List 27delinquent adj. 怠忽职守的(falling or neglecting to do what duty or law requires)diaphanous adj. (布)精致的;半透明的(characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through)discombobulated adj. 扰乱的,打乱的(in a state of confusion)List 28dyspeptic adj. 消化不良的(indigestible); 不高兴的(morose, grouchy)ejaculate v. 突然叫出或说出(to utter suddenly and vehemently); 射出(to eject from a living body; discharge)List 29fecundity n. 多产,丰饶(fruitfulness in offspring or vegetation); 繁殖力,生殖力e.g. The Neoplatonists’ conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the economy of creation.List 30gargoyle n.(雕刻成怪兽形状的)滴水嘴(a waterspout usually in the form of a grotesquely carved animal or fantastic creature); 面貌丑恶的人(a person with grotesque features)grotesque adj. (外形或方式)怪诞的,古怪的(bizarre; fantastic); (艺术等)风格怪异的halcyon adj. 平静的(tranquil;calm);愉快的(happy;idyllic);繁荣的(prosperous)List 31impuissance n. 无力,虚弱(weakness)List 32inspissate v. (使)浓缩(to make thick or thicker)juxtapose v. 并列,并置(to put side by side or close together)List 33magniloquent adj. 夸张的(characterized by a high-flown often bombastic style or manner)mellifluous adj. (音乐等)柔美流畅的(sweetly or smoothly flowing)List 34narcissism n. 自恋,自爱(inordinate fascination with oneself)numismatist n. 钱币学家,钱币收藏家(a person who studies or collects coins, tokens, and paper money)List 35oleaginous adj. 油腻的(of or relating to oil);圆滑的,满口恭维的(falsely or smugly earnest;uncutuous)List 36persnickety adj. 势利的(of a snob);爱挑剔的(fussy;fastidious)picayunish adj. 微不足道的,不值钱的(of little value)同:petty, small-mindedprocrustean adj. 追求一致的(marked by arbitrary often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances)List 37prognosticate v. 预言,预示(to foretell from sighs or symptoms;direct)pulchritude n. 美丽,标致(physical comeliness)quotidian adj. 每日的(occurring everyday);平凡的(commonplace)regurgitate v. 涌回,流回(to become thrown of poured back); 反胃,反刍(to cause to pour back, especially to cast up)List 38rhubarb n. [植物]大黄;热烈的讨论,激烈的争论(a heated dispute or controversy)List 39skullduggery n. 欺骗,使诈(underhanded or unscrupulous behavior)List 40squeamish adj. 易受惊的;易恶心的(easily shocked of sickened)supererogatory adj. 职责以外的;多余的List 41topsy-turvy adj. 颠倒的,相反的(with the top of head downward); 乱七八糟的,混乱的(in utter confusion of disorder)trapeze n. 高空秋千,吊架(a short bar hung high above the ground from two ropes used by gymnasts and acrobats)ultramundane adj. 世界之外的;世俗的List 42ventriloquist n. 口技表演者,腹语表演者(one who uses or skilled in ventriloquism)vicissitudinous adj. 有变化的,变迁的(marked by or filled with vicissitudes)坦言之这俩月的GRE单词之路是痛苦的,没有压力,没有动力,没有任何确定的目标牵引着自己向前走,以至于自己再这条路上走走停停,好在自己坚持下来了,效果还比较满意。有朋友笑我说我没事闲的,整事儿,又不考GRE啃红宝书干嘛。自己想想,可能确实是吃饱撑的,背下来到现在对于我为数不多的现实意义就是看原版书和文献轻松一点,看原版小说不被卡住。实际意义不大,可是谁又说你这辈子做的每件事都有很大的意义呢?我!愿!意!管得着么你!还有没准我哪天吃饱撑的就去报个GRE考着玩儿,哼!马上就是春节,开学,情人节三连发,对于本命年的自己有很好的期待,这是一个很好的结束,更是一个不错的开始,预祝自己蛇年顺利!加油吧,骚年!


第一遍,除了个别的形近词之外(如:ascent/accent/assent),背词者根本不必去研究其准确的拼写和发音,而应该把自己的记忆标准定位于再认(识别)。英文释义一定要看,但是在一个大的背词周期(约一个月左右)结束以后再看。      初记单词时需要记忆的内容是:1单词的外观特征,达到能够识别此单词即可。比如单词的长短,起始字母,特征(如中间有两个元音ee)等等。2单词的中文释义。这种记忆应当尽量准确,但是不必一字不差,意思准确即可。3单词的记忆法。尤其是词根,词缀记忆法和比较记忆法。对单词的用法却是不太理解,可以看一看例句。      在背下一页前,立即返回第一个单词,把这10个单词迅速复习一遍。第二页也是如法炮制。用这种方法背过6页以后,立即从第一页开始复习。然后用同样的方法背1~12页。整个List大约一个小时。      醒后背新的,睡前复习旧的。晚上复习的顺序与早晨初背的顺序作一个调换,如早晨的顺序是List1,List2,List3,则晚上调整为List2,List3,List1。在以后的复习当中,则可以把以前记得最不清楚地部分放到自己记得最牢固地位置。      时间表:      1 List 1-3 *List 1-3         2 List 4-6 *List 1-3 *List 4-6         3 List 7-9 *List 4-6 *List 7-9         4 List 10-12 *List 1-3 *List 10-12         5 List 13-15 *List 4-6 *List 10-12 *List 13-15         6 List 16-18 *List 7-9 *List 13-15 *List 16-18         7 List 19-21 *List 10-12 *List 16-18 *List 19-21         8 List 22-24 *List 1-3 *List 13-15 *List 19-21 *List 22-24         9 List 25-27 *List 4-6 * List 16-18 * List 22-24 * List 25-27         10 List 28-30 *List 7-9 * List 19-21 * List 25-27 *List 28-30         11 List 31-33 * List 10-12 * List 22-24 * List 28-30 *List 31-33         12 List 34-36 * List 13-15 * List 25-27 * List 31-33 *List 34-36         13 List 37-39 * List 16-18 * List 28-30 * List 34-36 *List 37-39         14 List 40-42 * List 19-21 * List 31-33 * List 37-39 * List 40-42         15 数字 * List 1-3 * List 22-24 * List 34-36 * List 40-42 *数字         16 *数字 * List 4-6 * List 25-27 * List 37-39         17 * List 7-9 * List 28-30 * List 40-42         18 *List 10-12 *List 31-33 *数字         19 *List 13-15 *List 16-18 *List 34-36 *List 37-39 *         20 *List 19-21 *List 22-24 *List 40-42 *数字         21 * List 25-27 *List 28-30 *List 31-33 *List 34-36 *List 37-39      执行本计划的注意事项:   第一:宁可不背新词,一定要完成复习任务。   第二:背新单词最好安排在早晨或是中午,以便在12小时猴的晚上作复习。复习周期则不必拘泥。   第三:多赋予意义,日常多联想。   第四:难记住的做个星号,每次复习时加以重点记忆。三星以上的单词就一定时对于你来讲特别难背的单词了,更要收集起来反复的背。   第五:15天之后,就可以开始做题了。另,GRE复习后期值得看《巴朗词表》,适当交替使用红宝书和《GRE词汇逆序小词典》 。   第六:结束后坚持每天45分钟左右的时间复习3个List,可保无忧。这时学习者应该开始把注意力集中到看这些单词的英文释义和例句了。   第七:每次复习的方法都应该是只看英文单词,遮住中文释义,想这个单词的意思。   第八:坚持。

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