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  His father, Elmo, a huge St Bernard, had been the Judges inseparablecompanion, and Buck bid fair to follow in the way of his father. He wasnot so large, ——he weighed only one hundred and forty pounds, ——for hismother, Shep, had been a Scotch shepherd dog. Nevertheless, one hundredand forty pounds, to which was added the dignity that comes of good livingand universal respect, enabled him to carry himself in right royal fashion.During the four years since his puppyhood he had lived the life of a satedaristocrat; he had a fine pride in himself, was even a trifle egotistical, ascountry gentlemen sometimes become because of their insular situation.But he had saved himself by not becoming a mere pampered house-dog.Hunting and kindred outdoor delights had kept down the fat and hardenedhis muscles; and to him, as to the cold-tubbing races, the love of water hadbeen a tonic and a health preserver.  And this was the manner of dog Buck was in the fall of 1897, whenthe Klondyke strike dragged men from all the world into the frozenNorth. But Buck did not read the newspapers, and he did not know thatManuel, one of the gardeners helpers, was an undesirable acquaintance.Manuel had one besetting sin. He loved to play Chinese lottery. Also, inhis gambling, he had one besetting weakness faith in a system; and thismade his damnation certain. For to play a system requires money, whilethe wages of a gardeners helper do not lap over the needs of a wife andnumerous progeny.


  《野性的呼唤》是最受读者青睐的动物小说之一,被称为“世界上读者最多的美国小说”。  ——书店




Chapter I  Into the PrimitiveChapter II  The Law of Club and Fan8Chapter III  The Dominant Primordial BeastChapter IV  Who Has Won to MastershipChapter V  The Toil of Trace and TrailChapter VI  For the Love of a ManChapter VII  The Sounding of the Cell






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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     This novel revolves around Buck, a civilized dog who at first led a cozy and carefree life and then was deprived of moral nature by his○1 transient masters, John Thornton excluded, during his toil of trace and trail for gold fever in Alaska. His capability to adjust himself to changing conditions enabled him to survive in the hostile Northland environment. His prodigious struggle for supremacy with Spitz demonstrated his gradual return to the primordial trait. And ultimately, though kept from the wild due to his beloved savior—Thornton, he returned to the wild, severing his ties with human. The novel’s allegorical dog-eat-dog principle in human affairs was well exemplified in the story. Not only was it an allegory, it was a kind of autobiography as well. It was a vivid reflection of London’s own experiences as a protestor against the evils of the raw, new capitalism and against capitalism itself. The essence of this novel is the imperative call for human’s primitive force, perpetual freedom and a brighter future.The development of a civilized society has left numerous treasures, and at the same time overshadowed human’s nature, restricted and withering away. Buck’s aspiration for freedom and self-realization, though having some limitations with the growth of social systems, echoes the perennial pursuit of human——freedom. London’s failure to apply his disciplines—freedom and justice—to his life and work is one more instance of the failure of success in America and, as such, is a symptom and a menace from which our own age can and should profitably learn.

精彩短评 (总计20条)

  •     封皮直接都比内部小,书页也都皱了,这叫我情何以堪。更重要的是,封面和里面的字体完全无法接受,太没有审美了。纸页也是煞白的,也没有手感可言。后来买了wordworth版的Call of the Wild + White Fang,完爆其十条街。总之,外研社这一次不知在想什么。
  •     野性的文字,引发生命原始的冲动!
  •     没仔细,居然是英文版
  •     值得看第二遍的一本书。
  •     真没想到是全英文的诶诶诶诶多久,会多久,未知会懂
  •     封面有些脏了,擦了擦不影响观感
  •     全英文的 看了很爽
  •     书很好包装不错,外研社的书不会差拉~~
  •     不错的小说,适合睡前阅读。很好的故事,推荐ing
  •     封皮很漂亮 不过这本是全英的 买之前没有注意
  •     还是在上大学的时候看的这本书,印象很深,但不记得是谁的译本。当时不大注意这种信息。之所以吸引我记住它,可能是因为小说的情节吧,所以此时我已经忘了具体情节,只记得大致内容。


  •     哎可怜的孩子那么瘦弱哈哈。。长得好高深漂亮!!黑区区的像巧克力。纸质很好,不脱毛还挺黄得看着舒服!字有点小但是间距很大看着很柔和!好!真真的好!
  •     字体偏小 不过还算清晰
  •     一直以来最喜欢的一部外国文学作品 光是文字所呈现出的一幅幅场景就很震撼 总之是一部并不复杂,但张力十足,极富画面感的作品。 To master or to be mastered, there's no middle course.
  •     杰克伦敦的经典之作
  •     这个故事,第一次读,是6年前一个暑假,在书虫上;曾不想,这为我打开了另一扇门,将影响终生。
  •     因为书太薄了,所以运输途中可能有点损伤,不过不影响阅读
  •     书皮有破损哦,不然会给5分
  •     喜欢这种纯英文的,简约,朴实的风格
  •     挺薄的书,印刷有点像平时打印的出的效果。快递服务很好,感谢。

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