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作者:(英)D. H.劳伦斯(

《查泰莱夫人的情人》的笔记-第296页 - Chapter 6

The villagers here are a sad lot, a deadened lot of man: dead to their women, dead to life,. The young ones drive about on mortorbikes with girls, and jazz when they get a chance, but they're very dead. And it needs money. Money poisons you when you've got it, and starves you when you havent't.

《查泰莱夫人的情人》的笔记-第60页 - Chapter 5

All the great words, it seemed to Connie, were cancelled for her generation: love, joy, happiness, home, mother, father, husband, all these great, dynamic words were half dead now, and dying from day to day. So that's that!
Money?Money is a neccessity, and the only absolute neccessity. All the rest you can get along without, at a pinch. But not money,. Emphatically, that's that!
She thought of Michaelis, and the money she might have had with him; and even that she didn't want. She preferred the lesser amount which she helped Clifford to make by his writing. The last feat to be humanly proud of! So she went home to Clifford, to join forces with him again, to make another story out of nothingness: and a story meant money.

《查泰莱夫人的情人》的笔记-第262页 - 第十七章

"It's more than that.Living is movingand moving on.My life won't go down the proper roads,it just won't.A man must offer a woman some meaning in his life, if it's going to be an isolated life,and if she's a genuine woman.I can't be just your male fucker"
"what else are you?" she asked
"Well,I'm something to myself at least. I can see the point of my own exsitence,though I can quite understand nobdy else's seeing it."
"And will your exsitence have less point,if you live with me ?"
She sat looking into his face."Shall I tellyou what you have that other men don't have,and that will make the future?"
"Tell me then,"he replied
"It's the courage of your own tenderness,that's what it is,like when you put your hand on my tail and say I've got a pretty tail."

《查泰莱夫人的情人》的笔记-第24页 - Chapter 2

What the eye doesn't see and the mind doesn't know, doesn't exist.

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