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letting the monkey loose

</原文结束>On my school year report card ,she wrote as a comment :Lily is a very smart young lady ,she is very attentive in class and she does very well on all her tests and assignments.However I worry about her development in creativity .She is so smart ,she hesistates in imagining the world outside of numbers and facts .To her ,a story might just be a lie to dupe the auidence.But the story is the foundation of culture .It is the way for grounded people to land on the moon .It is a difinite pleasure to teacher Lily .I hope to see her develop as a strong<原文开始> thinker


Our ego made us feel better .But if we really went out alone ,we might have peed in our pants.Inside of us ,we both knew that we did not have a clue where to go and where not to go.Sure if you stick any other 18-year-old CHINSES kid out in the streets ,they would most likely survive.But we were two foreigners ,two very obvious foreigners .She was blonde ,busty ,blue-eyed,and I was just funny-looking with a gait that screamed red-blue-and-terriblely-white .She recived long stares and Igot shot with questioning glances .As fluent as I was talking in <原文开始></原文结束> Mandarin ,but I couldn't tell the difference between right and left in CHINESE written characters.

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