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  Once upon a time, there was a clever stick. Ever since he had  fallen off the tree, he had been smart . He would sit in the sand  and think up all kinds of clever things. He would float down the  stream, making up poetry. He would listen to the singing of the  birds, and wonder what made it so beautiful.  But the poor stick had one problem. He couldnt speak. So he  couldnt share his thoughts with any other creatures. When he saw  chipmunks2 gather-ing food, he wanted to say, "I know a better way  for you to gather nuts. " But he remained silent. Who would  believe a stick, anyway? When he came across a frog writing a  poem, he wanted to offer a simile or two. But he couldnt. And  when he came across a wild rose growing in the bush, he longed to  tell her how beautiful she was. But alas, he could not.  One bright day, as the stick approached the meadow, he tried  to say hello by bowing deeply, but he tripped on a pebble, and  fell flat on his face. The field erup-ted with laughter. "What a  clumsy stick!" buzzed the insects. The clever stick did not feel  so clever anymore. He dragged himself all the way home.  从前,有一根聪明的树枝。他从树上刚掉下来的时候,就已经很聪明了  。有时,他会坐在沙地上,想出好多机灵的玩意儿。有时,他会顺着溪流飘  浮而下,同时还做着诗。有时,他会听着乌儿唱歌,心中就想,是什么使它  们的歌声这么动听呢?  但是这根可怜的树枝有个问题:他不会说话。所以,他就不能把自己的  想法告诉别的生物。当他看到花栗鼠在收集食物,他就想说:“我知道一种  更好的收集果子的办法,”但是他一声也没吭。无论如何,谁会相信一根树  枝呢?当他碰到一只青蛙在做诗的时候,他很想告诉他一两个比喻,但是他  没办法说出来。当他碰到一朵长在灌木丛中的野玫瑰,就盼望着 能告诉她  ,她有多漂亮。但是,唉!他不会说呀。  有一天,天气晴朗,这根树枝走进一块草地。这时,他很 想深深地鞠  一躬,就算是打个招呼,可是他被一颗小石头绊了一下,摔了一个嘴啃泥。  整个草地中都爆发出一阵哄堂大笑。“多么笨的一根树枝啊!”一些小昆虫  嗡嗡地说道。聪明的树枝觉得自己不是那么聪明了,他一路上拖着脚步,好  不容易才回到家。




童话(Fairy Tales)  第一阶    1. The Eyebrow Story眉毛的故事    2. Kevin the Spaceman--Aliens太空人凯文——外星人的故事    3. Clever Stick聪明的树枝    4. Beebie and the Caterpillar彼比和毛虫    5. Cinderalla灰姑娘    6. The Blue Shoe蓝皮鞋  第二阶    1. Snow-White白雪公主    2. Goldilocks and the Three Bears金发姑娘和三只熊    3. A Froggy Fable青蛙的童话    4. Little Red Riding Hood小红帽    5. Blue Beard蓝胡子的故事    6. Millions of Cats百万只猫  第三阶    1. Benty小兔子弯弯    2. Thumbelina拇指姑娘    3. The Sleeping Princess睡美人    4. Beauty and the Beast(I)美女与野兽(一)    5. Beauty and the Beast(II)美女与野兽(二)    6. The Wild Swans野天鹅小品文(Familiar Essays)  第一阶    1. Paradox of Our Times时代的悖论    2. Lady,Are You Rich?小姐,你富有吗?    3. Don't Miss 0ut on Life不要错过享受生活    4. Every Living Person Has Problems人人有本难念的经    5. The TWO Roads歧路    6. If I Were a Boy Again假如再回到童年    7. Are You a Carrot,an Egg,or a Coffee Bean?你是胡萝卜、鸡蛋还是咖啡豆?    8. A Stretch of Hard Road一段艰辛的道路    9. The Art of Living生活的艺术   第二阶    1. Rain of Seattle西雅图之雨    2. The Mother母亲    3. Nice Ways to Say No拒绝的妙方    4. The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life独身生活的报偿    5. Animals动物与迷信    6. Cauliflower Love“简单的”真爱    7. What Do Parents Owe Their Children?让我拿什么给你,我的孩子?    8. The Secrets of True Happiness幸福之真谛    9. The Stages of Friendship不同阶段的友谊  第三阶    1. A New Life新生    2. Life Just Isn't生活并非如此    3. Take Your Home into Your Own Hands!亲手布置自己的家    4. The Road to Happiness幸福之路    5. I Try to Remember努力记住它们    6. More than One Way to the Square通向广场的路不止一条    7. The Outside Chance命运无常,祸福相依    8. A Coke and a Smile可乐与微笑    9. Trivia点滴    10. The Gift of Understanding理解的赠品







精彩短评 (总计2条)

  •     一开始在网上找到这本书也就是因为那个简单的不能再简单的thousandsofmillionsofcats的故事。这本小书很小,摘录了很多小散文小童话。就像买它的原因——猫的故事一样。在每夜床头灯下,偶然翻开一两页,心会安静许多。
  •     只看了童话故事的几篇,内容比较精简。难度一般,生疏一点领域的文章半蒙半猜能看懂。

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