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The Preface




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精彩书评 (总计8条)

  •     An article written long long before. Last semester, the extensive reading class teacher happened to recommend us to read Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece the PDG, which is the only novel Wilde ever wrote in his life, a classic tale of the moral corruption of its title character, Dorian Gray. It’s also an overall reflection of his aesthetic thought, being one of the classic symbols of aestheticism novels. So I decided to spend time reading it through, getting acquaintance with the admirable clarity and brevity epigrams, which reflecting Wilde’s wit and humor and stimulating my deep thought at the same time. The novel is a story about a young and handsome man called Dorian Gray. His distinguished appearance inspired painter Basil Hallward to paint a fascinating and vivid portrait of the young man, which made Dorian wish to stop aging eternally. His wish was fulfilled and the picture started to grow aged and corrupt instead of him while he continued to appear fresh and innocent. However, the consequence is catastrophic. Instigated by the painter’s friend Lord Henry, who had a vision that the pursuit of beauty through sensual pleasure is valued above ethical or moral concerns in life, Dorian degenerated morally and sank into a life of lust and crime. At last, Dorian got what he deserved. The Essence of BeautyThe book stimulates my interest to contemplate what the essence of beauty is. In this book, through the tragedy of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde tried to reveal the concrete however apparent essence of beauty, which can only be found in tragedy. As it’s said in the novel, “beauty is a form of Genius- is higher, indeed, than Genius, as it needs no explanation. It is one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or spring-time, of the reflection in dark waters of the silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned. It has it divine right of sovereignty.” However, for there is such a little time that beauty will last – such a little time, as time went by, “we degenerate into hideous puppets, haunted by the memory of the passions of which we were too much afraid” (Chapter 2). Wilde praises the apparent beauty, and thinks that beauty can only be found and exist eternally solely in tragedy. Beauty is transient; it will erode gradually with the pass of time. Eventually it will fade and vanish. Only through being destroyed can beauty last indefinitely. So , in this story, as soon as he realized his own charming appearance and desired to keep it fresh and beautiful, Dorian was bound to lead a tragic life, his soul sank, degenerated, corrupted, despaired and deal finally, in the dessert of lie and hypocrisy. Through the despair and death, beauty can be revealing and last forever. Beauty is vulnerable. We appreciated beauty; we admire it, because we know that it would vanish. As Wilde had said, there are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. Beauty is precisely the symbol of tragedy. What is the real and eternal beauty? In this novel, Wilde mainly focused on the “apparent beauty”. He regards Gray as representative of the beauty, although he sold his soul, caused Sibyl Vance to suicide for him, and ruined Basil, ruined every intimate friends of him. NarcissismSelf-Love or narcissism is also a theme that the PDG tries to address. It’s also a reflection of Oscar Wilde’s own inner heart. As he had said before, “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” The protagonist, Dorian Gray, became self-indulgent in his own world when he was conscious of his charming appearance. For him, the sight of aging picture of him is unbearably painful. Though apparently, he led his life in a luxurious and sinful way because of encouragement from Lord Henry, the real reason is his narcissism. He fancied that everyone in the world is around him and willing to sacrifice everything for him. Although at first sorrowful and inconsolable for the death of his beloved Sibyl Vane, he then was convinced by Lord Harry that her death was “one of the great romantic tragedies of the age” and she died for his faithful acting stage. He didn’t think of the former relationship between them and not realize that the death of the distinguished actress is his blame. He even got a conclusion that what he should do was to pursue life and the infinite curiosity about life. Eternal youth, infinite passion, pleasures subtle and secret, wild joys and wilder sins – these were the purposes of life. He adored himself, so what he cared is how to fulfill and satisfy himself.In my opinion, there are two types of narcissists: one is self-enclosed--- they are immersed in his own world, appreciating their own beauty and refusing to be exposed to the exterior world; the other one is self-centered ---they will try every endeavor to satisfy themselves as much as possible. Because admired and appreciated for their distinguished appearance or talent by others, they can easily get access to something others can hardly have. So they will easily become self-indulgent, thinking that all people in the world are willing to sacrifice for them. Dorian Gray happened to be on typical feature of the latter. His glory came from his consciousness of his charm and also died because of his narcissism. Characters and LanguageOscar Wilde does not employ many characters to run the story of his novel. Nearly the entire plot is developed around Dorian, Lord Henry, and the artist Basil. Each of them represents different features. Lord Henry enjoys a high social status and he seemed to be a man of wit and epigrams of utilitarianism and sophistication. He tried to convey to Dorian his world view, causing Dorian to corrupt in the process of imitating him. Basil is a talented painter, a man of integrity and has a clear mind about the world, who tries his best to save Dorian from degenerating. The main character, Dorian Gray, struggles between rationality and emotion, between degeneration and conscience, between awareness and confusion. At last he can’t resist the temptations and indulge in every kind of pleasure moral and immoral. It’s said that these three roles represent three aspects of Oscar Wilde’s own character: Dorian the image of himself in his mind, Lord the image of himself in others and Basil the image he tries to approach. These three contradictory aspects combine together and create the own charm of Oscar Wilde. The reason why the PDG can be so fascinating lies not only in the plot and the language, but also in the charm of Oscar Wilde’s own character reflected in this novel. Surely, the language of this novel is extraordinary and full of wit. From time to time I will be amazed at certain sentences, for example, “Nowadays people know the price of everything, and the value of nothing”; “Men marry because they are tired; women, because they are curious; both are disappointed.”; “There was animalism in the soul, and the body had its moments of spirituality.” Such examples are numerous. I can say without exaggeration that reading this novel is such an enjoyment and satisfaction.ConclusionReading an English novel isn’t as tough as I used to think I will be. It’s rather an enjoyment to read the PDG. Oscar Wilde discussed numerous topics including women, faithfulness marriage, romance, and humanity in remarkable and splendid language. It’s quite beneficial to broaden my horizon and inspire me to contemplate more issues connected to this novel. Wilde wrote in the preface of the book that “Thought and language are to the artist instruments of an art. Vice and virtue are to the artist materials for an arts. There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written.” The PDG is such a classic well written book and worth spending time reading again and again.
  •     I began to read The Picture of Dorin Gray more than five years ago but did not finish until recently. For the very beginning, I took up that book simply because of the fact that its author, Oscar Wilde, is too reputed an English writer for any serious English major to circumvent. However, hardly half had been finished before I dropped it. My weakness in language literacy then may be caught partly responsible but it is the failure to appreciate its deification of beauty that mainly accounts for this suspension. Five years ago, I was fresh young and may be too young to understand the value of beauty. Therefore, it puzzled me when Lord Henry vehemently eulogized it as the only things worth having in the world. To a young chap, beauty seemed to a background stretching forward with no end. How could the sight be riveted on this ever-lasting background for even a second? It was intelligence that arrested my attention at that time. I naively believed that intelligence, the very magic that differentiates human beings and other living creatures, defines the meaning of the life. But now, it comes to me as starkly ludicrous that I should ever be so ignorant as to simplify the meaning of life to a difference and the difference should be drawn against such a vulgar thing as animals. As I grew older, the incompetence of intelligence reveals itself to me little by little. In this elusive world, intelligence is at best a malfunctioned tool. It works at certain time and breaks at another. However, it is not its unreliability but its lack of prowess in evoking any innermost feelings that really disappointed me. No matter how intelligent a person is, I can never find his mind sexy. What intelligence can induce at best is a crooked sense of vanity. The true bliss is by no means gained via the road of intelligence. Gradually, I turned my eyes to the long-forgotten virtue of beauty, to be more exact the beauty of human body. Throughout the human history, it is Adonis rather than Socrates who is loved. It is in the pretty eyes, exquisite nose and fancy legs but sodden brain that one found the unmistakable bliss. Only superficial people judge by mind but appearance. Beauty never lasts as long as intelligence does, but for the sake of staying one second with beauty, I would claim renunciation with the whole history of human intelligence. Someone once said that a good book does not change what you believe but brings what you believe into consciousness. The last five years have witnessed how my attitude towards intelligence and beauty is turned upside down. It is at this appropriate time that Oscar Wilde brings this subconscious change into crystal consciousness. Oscar is my prophet; The Picture of Dorin Gray is my gospel.
  •     必须承认的是,《道林格雷的画像》是我认真看完的第一部王尔德的作品,看出来的,有惊人的才气,但更多的是将自己的意愿强加在别人身上,想表达什么,并且努力得表达着什么,但是终究失败。因为这并不是一部丰满的小说,而是一个高度脸谱化的,情节单一的故事。这个故事达到了作者发泄自己创造力和观察力,以及吸引读者注意力的目的,但是并没有取悦它的读者。毕竟作品取悦了读者才能吸引更广的受众,没有了王尔德留在后世的名气,这部小说更像一部漂亮话集锦。只能说各种犀利,各种有趣,但我只能说,不管再讲出了与众不同却众人皆知,就像it is only shallow people who do not judge by appearance一样,讲出常人不能讲,但是埋在心里的话。好吧,我是个牢骚连篇的人

精彩短评 (总计69条)

  •     语言不难,准确优美,何况还有注释.中级水平的读者都可以阅读的好书。
  •     "It was his beauty that had ruined him, his beauty and the youth that he had prayed for. His beauty had been to him but a mask, his youth bu
  •     完美。
  •     即使很多没看懂,我也觉得我是个十足的穷人了。不知道是道林的变化使画像变化,还是画像也改变着道林。美貌的人总是有优待,可也仅是优待。很好看,需要重复看。
  •     虽然看评论是一片五星啦……但这本书对我而言不要太恐怖,看的如同嚼蜡,其他人就这么看着一个懵懂的笨蛋自己走下万丈深渊,字里行间都能感受到那种扑面而来的恶意,而不是其他人说的什么美感啊什么的,可以说完全不理解也不想理解啊,王尔德是想表达些什么,但主角真是被扭曲的就像伊藤润二的漩涡!为了一个寓意,那么糟蹋自己笔下的人物,好口怕=口=
  •     重读,总觉得是时代隐喻。
  •     给王尔德的文笔和觉悟跪了!
  •     好棒。
  •     你将代我老去 为此我抛弃了灵魂
  •     悲怆是一道伤口,除了爱的手,别的手一碰就流血,甚至爱的手碰了,也必定会流血,虽然不是因为疼。
  •     我好喜欢王尔德笔下的人物们。
  •     这本书非常适合英文学习者读!每一页下面都有单词注解,省去好多麻烦:书本小,很便于携带故事很出色,不但体现美学思想,还有很强的趣味性,又引人深思
  •     为什么第一反应是逆天行事岂无果报?!?瞳主任请给我药
  •     今天从早晨读到晚上,终于读完英文版,准备再看一遍
  •     看英剧低俗小说知道了道林格雷。里面道林格雷的扮演者长得太过于符合我的审美,以至于我一直想看王尔德的这本书。看的是译作,但是也觉得他的文字很有灵性,很喜欢。人们对青春的贪念,都成了画卷脸上的丑恶,其实我们心中也许都是那样一幅丑恶的嘴脸。
  •     个人觉得还是不错的一本书,虽然字小了点,但是不错。
  •     结局很美妙
  •     美才是永恒的。
  •     有人说道林就是王尔德深爱的波西的化身—美丽妖娆充满魅力与危险的气息。如果有一副画可以代你承受衰老与罪恶,活着不轻松我也愿祈祷。
  •     美高于一切,美是这个世界上唯一值得拥有的东西。
  •     美学
  •     这本书十分精致,文字错误少,印刷清晰,小小的一本捧在手里感觉真的很好!
  •     喜欢王尔德,这书不错还有单词注释
  •     高中时看书虫系列看到的,晚上看着还蛮恐怖的
  •     爱自己就像一条衔尾蛇,终究会吞噬自己。美得一塌糊涂,不可方物
  •     所谓生活 便是取决于遇见谁
  •     一遍看不透,好多讨论艺术啊美啊享乐的东西都是快速掠过,似懂非懂;结局真是简短有力
  •     我真的不知道是什么原因,我几次在当当订书,不仅没有朋友所说的保护书的包装,连最基本的书的质量都无法保证,每次都会有不同的破损情况。请问,你们是因地区而异呢,还是因心情而异?我很失望,因为我不喜欢破损的“新书”。
  •     多创造点价值
  •     王尔德的才华无需多言,除了ThePortraitofMrW.H.这个小故事以外,他真正的小说也就这么一本,可读性很强。里面有他很多妙语隽言。但是千万别看内容简介以及任何关于内容的介绍,我就是在看之前不小心被"剧透"了,看到中间的时候肠子都悔青了。ps:这本书的性价比还是挺高的,这么便宜就能买到这么好一本小说。书底还有关于文化的注释。
  •     手贱非看原版书,一本看了一礼拜
  •     每次读王尔德,感觉自己就像个穷人
  •     王尔德这个妖孽啊
  •     新享乐主义听起来很诱人,而浪漫主义似乎成了贵族和有钱人的特权,首先要有金钱来满足浪漫主义的形式需要,其次在无所事事中建立起思考或者无病呻吟的习惯。除了贵族,“浪漫”还分属两类人,一是普通人,却可能因为“浪漫主义幻想”而害上懒惰症,或者在努力攀爬之后跌了个大跟斗,从此一蹶不振,成为堕落的酒鬼和流浪汉,另一类是艺术家,他们以丰富的精神世界就能自给自足,他们同样盼望成名,却不愿以“同流合污”的代价来成全,他们抑郁不得志却不甘心碌碌无为,用貌似“堕落”的方式创造作品,成为后世称颂的艺术家。适当的“浪漫主义”会让生活变得有情调,但也应与“现实主义”理想持平,否则容易因理想与现实的差距让“理想主义者”意志消沉,最后自暴自弃或者误入歧途。
  •     虽然字很密,又小,书的包装也不好.但是内容不错又便宜
  •     除了书有点小外,还是值得一读的,毕竟比较便宜嘛~~~我用了礼金卷,所以只需付运费~~呵呵~~~
  •     扭曲的人性,是光明背后的罪恶。
  •     美,比老去更可怕。
  •     变坏的开始是什么?因为恐惧,贪婪,嫉妒……而变坏的人,最开始是不是都在害怕?
  •     用了好久读完,
  •     读完这本书明白为啥王尔德很厉害了。
  •     里面的英语挺难的,尤其涉及很多古俗语。建议英语水平比较好的朋友选择购买,否则看电影或者买本中文的吧。
  •     太赞啦!!!从序言开始一直到结尾!!!值得一看再看
  •     字太小了.这是个遗憾.
  •     还没有看,但是是喜欢的东西,又便宜
  •     这本书不是原版的感觉,青岛出版社的,简略的很,感觉上当啊!纸张也不是很好,字小。没有世界图书出版社的英文读物好
  •     我们顺乎本性的时候并不总是快乐的。
  •     不用说了,就是好书!
  •     一版错字连篇的版本陪我入夏,以让我越看越燥热的方式打发每趟漫长的地铁时光。今天终于看完了,意料中的结尾但情绪依旧被牵着走。特别难受。夏天也将过完,快让我忘了这本书。
  •     有点浮士德的影子。从这本书中读懂了生活中一个很重要的人,并释然。
  •     对艺术的见解真是无人能及。
  •     创意很好。不过还是感觉不够深入的。
  •     超级棒!王尔德先生!
  •     书的质量还不错,注释量也合适
  •     蛮好的,就是有点难,本人也通过六级了啊!
  •     记得以前作业想借T.S.Eliot的书,在图书馆找了很久,最后眼睁睁的看着一个女生从我面前抽走了文集= = 懊悔的时候就在角落发现了这个,The Picture of Dorian Gray。Wilde的文字太迷人。
  •     还是应该买原版书。
  •     四星半 对白和言论超级精彩 但是要说剧情觉得缺了点什么
  •     亨利勋爵
  •     "Dorian Gray? Is that his name?"
  •     这是一本奇妙的书,王尔德这位唯美主义者很喜欢堆叠华丽的名词,他冷眼看着英国上流社会的喋喋不休与虚伪浮艳,时不时的露出一丝揶揄。开头东方风格的明亮美好与结尾的灰暗阴郁形成了鲜明的对比。
  •     不要和永恒的规律做交易,你会输的一无所有。
  •     喜欢王尔德,这个英文版本还行。
  •     质量很好,字有点小
  •     蛊惑人心的人话语 亨利勋爵简直就是王尔德的化身……
  •     王尔德=亨利 对美恶毒而极致的追逐~我要看原版的啦~
  •     感觉需要开始读一读王尔德了
  •     对话太多故事太少。。。是不是精髓是对话?但是我对话经常看不进去怎么办。。。

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