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  "Having been teaching Chinese as a foreign language for several years, I find this book very helpful for students to teach themselves some popular Chinese idioms in reading and writing. To learn Chinese idioms on their own-it is very good ! "  ——Ma Naiqiang, Senior TCFL teacher at Beijing University    "As a westerner who taught English to Chinese students in China for about 10 years, I wish I had had this book then. Not only would I have increased my knowledge ofidiomatic Chinese; I would have learnt many fascinating details ofCI-una' s history and culture. The alphabetical order makes it easy to find the phrase you want to understand. And the 'English Equivalent' phrases would have made great teaching material for classes of Chinese students preparing to live overseas-l would have taught one at every lesson. I strongly recommend this book to both students and teachers, ofEnglish and Chinese."  ——Juliet Adams, ESOL and IELTS teacher in Tianjin    "Reading this book as a native speaker has immensely given me an inside look into parts ofChinese culture and language that my background as an American prohibits me from understanding. I think this book appropriately offers a simplified description ofmany ofthe phrases to help both those fluent in either English or Chinese and does a greatjob creating a bridge between the two languages and cultures. I am thoroughly impressed with the translation ofsome ofthe Chinese stories and can actually see myselfusing some of the terms myself once I gain a better understanding ofthe Chinese language. I recommend this book to English speakers attempting to learn and understand Chinese language and culture and for Chinese speakers attempting to learn English with the mindset of applying what they' re learning to an actual, verbal conversation. "  ——Dashaun T. Gasque, ESOL teacher in Beijing and Shenzhen  B.A, in Psychology & Spanish, University ofNotre Dame, 2011


A爱不释手爱屋及乌安分守己安家落户暗箭伤人按图索骥 B八仙过海,各显其能拔苗助长白头偕老百发百中百感交集百花齐放,百家争鸣百里挑一百闻不如一见班门弄斧半途而废半信半疑抱残守缺抱薪救火暴跳如雷卑鄙无耻杯弓蛇影悲欢离合杯水车薪背道而驰背井离乡背水一战笨手笨脚逼上梁山闭门羹闭门思过敝帚自珍变本加厉别开生面别无长物彬彬有礼病入膏肓波澜壮阔伯乐相马捕风捉影不卑不亢不耻下问不辞而别不打不相识不动声色不负众望不甘示弱不苟言笑不欢而散不胫而走不拘小节不拘一格不堪回首不堪设想不堪一击不可救药不可开交不可理喻不可磨灭不可思议不可同日而语不伦不类步履维艰不谋而合……CDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTWXYZ附录







精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     由于目前高考英语出现了“中译英”的题型,可能会有成语需要翻译,所以本来准备买来当做工具书。但是完全失望!里面的成语直译惨不忍睹,而且只有部分成语有“English equivalent”,最后只能送人。(我本着不希望大家买此书的心愿,只给了一颗星)
  •     不错,可作工具书用。
  •     有一些词找不到 还有一些好像错了
  •     蛮喜欢这本书的,一拿到手就读起来了。

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