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  CHAPTER 1  A Play  Three hundred and forty-eight years,six months,and nineteen days ago,the Parisians awoke to the sound of all the bells of the city ringing.  The sixth of January,1482,is not,however,a day of which history has preserved the memory.There was nothing notable in the event which thus set the bells and the bourgeois of Paris in an excited state from early morn-ing.It was merely the Epiphany and the Feast of Fools.  On that day,there was to be a great fire on the Place de Greve and a play at the Palais de Justice.So the crowd of citizens, having closed their houses and shops,thronged from every direction towards the two spots des-ignated.  Those who crowded at the law courts did so because they knew that the Flemish ambassadors,who had ar-rived two days previously for a visit with the king,intend-ed to be present at the presentation of the play and at the election of the Pope of the Fools,which was also to take  place in the grand hall.  It was no easy matter on that day to force one's way into that grand hall.Thousands of people thronged the windows,the doors,the roofs,gazing at the palace.Hence,discomfort,impatience,weariness,the liberty of a day of cynicism and foolishness,had already imparted a harsh and bitter accent to the noise of these people who were shut in.The time for the play to begin had already long passed,and a storm,which was only rumbling in the distance as yet,was floating on the surface of this crowd.It was Jehan Frollo,a young scholar,who struck the first spark from it.  "The play,or else,my advice is that we should hang the guards of the courts," he cried.  "Welt said," replied the people.  A grand applause followed. The four poor guards standing near the stage turned pale and exchanged glances.The crowd hurled itself towards them,and they already saw the frail wooden railing,which separated them from it,giving way and bending before the pressure of the throng.  It was a critical moment.  Just then, the curtain of the dressing room was raised and a person appeared,the mere sight of whom suddenly stopped the crowd.The personage,trembling in every limb,advanced to the edge of the stage,bowing nu-merous times. In the meanwhile,peace had gradually been restored.  ……


PrefaceChapter 1  A PlayChapter 2  QuasimodoChapter 3  Claude FrolloChapter 4  The Inconveniences of FolloWing a Pretty Woman Through the StreetsChapter 5  The COurt of MiraclesChapter 6  A Bridal NightChapter 7  Good SoulsChapter 8  The Soul of Notre-DameChapter 9  More about Claude FrolloChapter 10  The Rat-HoteChapter 11  A Tear for a Drop of WaterChapter 12  The Danger of Confidi-ng One's Secret to a GoatChapter 13  A Priest and a Philosopher Are Two Different ThingsChapter 14  'ANATKHChapter 15  The Effect which Oaths in the Open Air Can ProduceChapter 16  The Mysterious MonkChapter 17  The Utility of Windows which Open on the RiverChapter 18  The Crown that Changed into a Dry LeafChapter 19  Continuation of the Crown which Changed into a Dry LeafChapter 20  Leave all Hope Behind, You who Enter HereChapter 21  The MotherChapter 22  Three Human Hearts Differently ConstructedChapter 23  TortureChapter 24  Hunchbacked. One Eyed. Lame.Chapter 25  DeafChapter 26  Earthenware and CrystalChapter 27  The Key to the Red DoorChapter 28  Gringoire Has a Good IdeaChapter 29  Long Live JoyChapter 30  The AttackChapter 31  The Retreat In Which Mr. Louis of France Says His PrayersChapter 32  Little Sword In PocketChapter 33  The Little ShoeChapter 34  The Beautiful Creature Dressed In WhiteChapter 35  Conclusion


  《床头灯5000词纯英文版:巴黎圣母院》以1482年的法国为背景,以吉普赛姑娘爱丝美拉达与年轻英俊的卫队长,道貌岸然的副主教以及畸形、丑陋的敲钟人之间的关系为主线,热情呕歌了吉普赛姑娘与敲钟人高尚的品格,深刻鞭挞了卫队长与副主教的虚伪与卑下。   小说体现了作者维克多·雨果的“美丑对照”的艺术表现原则,它的发表,打破了伪古典主义的桎梏,标志着浪漫主义的彻底胜利。  选择“床头灯”的N个理由  真正适合中高级英语学习者的原汁原味英语读物  1.难度适中:市面上大多数英语读物,要么难度过低,近似于中学水平的简写本;要么过于艰深,读者不得不“知难而退”。对于中高级英语学习者而言,找不到难度适中的英语读物,这是他们无法彻底征服英语的根本原因。本套读物用英语中5500个核心词汇写成,使你躺在床上不用翻词典就能顺利地读下去,在不知不觉中走向英语自由境界。  2.语古现代、地道:美国作家执笔,用流畅的现代英语写成,保留原著的语言特色。  3.选材经典:皆为一生中不可不读的作品,读之可提高英语水平、积淀西方文化和深入了解西方世界。  4.情节曲折、趣味性强:让你徜徉在一个又一个迥异奇妙的书中世界。  5.摆脱汉语干扰:大多数读者(尤其是青少年),在读英汉对照读物学英语时,经常出现一种情况,即刚开始还主要看英语,越到后来,情节越跌宕,心情越迫切,就会一不小心把汉语先读完了。纯英文版即可避免此种现象发生。  6.便于教师教学使用。  床头灯英语学习读本,英语自由境界的阶梯,孵育高级英语人才的摇篮!  在中国走向世界的道路上,英语水平决定工资水平!  改变你的人生命运,每天只需半小时!







精彩短评 (总计30条)

  •     接啊哈哈哈哈哈哈
  •     英语越来越好啦
  •     女儿说书挺好的
  •     学英文的极品 不会枯燥的背单词
  •     送货速度很快,书的质量很好,字迹和插图都很清晰,很满意
  •     没有很好的基础的话没法看
  •     给孩子买的,很好读
  •     这本书里一些特殊短语都标明了,很好,多阅读这类书有助于单词积累和提高英语作文,还可以提升对英语文章的理解能力
  •     此书为孩子购买,自己的全英文阅读水平还达不到。但看到下面还有注解,相信增强孩子的阅读能力一定能帮助不少。满意。
  •     一直想看,不过没时间,争取早点读完~~
  •     情节不错啊
  •     文章不难,有一些不懂得的词也有注解,挺好的。
  •     这个也不错,很爱床头灯,买不到简爱啊伤不起
  •     印刷质量一般,但是版面安排挺不错,每个章节后面都有重点词的音标和词义,挺适合孩子看的。最满意的还是发货速度,这样的雨雪天气,零点定的书,早上十点多竟然就收到了,太神速了。
  •     ……老话了,为什么物流总是那么慢,经常要先移动到北京再发货
  •     媳妇很喜欢
  •     因为看过很多次原著 所以选了这个来阅读提高英语 不错~
  •     比我想象的难理解,纸质不怎么好
  •     就是买的时候孩子要全英文版的,就要了这本,买了之后看着很费劲,下次还是要买中英文翻译版的
  •     给女儿学习的好书,值得你也拥有
  •     孩子要求买的,就是不知道会不会很好的读它,翻了翻,挺好的一本书,有注释,可以不用翻阅英语词典就能读下去的英语读本,很不错。对英语的学习很有帮助,尤其是英语的阅读方面,强雷推荐。
  •     巴黎圣母院,雨果的经典名著,美与丑,外表与内心,在这里既矛盾,又统一,你值得拥有,用来学习英语当然是首选啊。
  •     终于终于看过这本书了,上次带回家都没看。。。这该是最悲剧的一部小说吧,在这里面没有真正的爱情,有了个所谓的命运。。。总是会在那里想象那个女主人公,她一定很有趣,不过她追求的太盲目了。。。结局。。。。。悲。还有那个敲钟人,他真的是怪兽吗?怪兽的心里装着颗圣洁的心,很善良很单纯,还有点儿。。。。。。。。。
  •     每节后面的单词对我帮助挺大的
  •     故事家喻户晓,用英语改写,用来学英语是非常不错的。
  •     买了很多,度挺好的
  •     是在看过巴黎圣母院的音乐剧后才决定入手看一看文字版本的,相信这一本不会让我失望的!
  •     名著的光芒是永远不会熄灭的,超爱这本书
  •     之前看过中文版的,现在英文的另有一番滋味
  •     内容还没看完,拿到手发现书的纸质很好,印刷质量也很好。

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