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  I was f fteen years o d when I Went to India for the first timewas with my parents on a two-week holiday in this country ofgreat mystery:  One day, we were on our way to the Taj Mahal and wedecided to stop at a small marketplace. As Iwas walking aroundthe crowded marketplace, I suddenly saw something amazing. Aman was lying on a bed of nails but he looked comfortable, likehe felt no pain at all. I coulnt believe my eyes! I moved throughthe crowd and saw another man. He threw a long rope up intothe air and, to my surprise, a small boy started climbing up therope. Further along, someone else was playing the flute while asnake was dancing in front of him. How do they do all thoseamazing things? I wondered.  It wasnt until some years later that I got an answer to thatquestion when I read an article about the mysteries of the fakirsin India. Anyone can sit on a bed of nails and not feel much pain.However, the nails should be close together. As for the snakecharmers, well, snakes are deaf so they cant hear the music thesnake charmer is playing! They just sway from side to side,because the charmers move in the same way. Just to be on thesafe side, the snake charmers take the snakes poison out. Now,the trick with the rope: the ropes are actually bamboo polescovered in rope. The fakir sits on top of a well and one or twopeople sit inside the well and hold the pole for the child to climbup it.  So, thats how they do it. Was I disappointed? Well, a little, Iguess. But I still think India is the most exciting place in the worldto go on holiday.


  为了深入贯彻《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》,进一步落实教育部等7部门《关于进一步加强职业教育工作的若干意见》,全面实施《2003—2007年教育振兴行动计划》,推动职教教材多样化发展,教育部制定了(《2004年-2007年职业教育教材开发编写计划》。计划内的教材出版后将向全国职业学校推荐选用。  《畅通英语》系列教材是上述教材开发编写计划中的一种,是在英国MM出版公司2003年出版的ChannelyourEnglish的基础上改编而成的。本套教材既保留了原版教材新颖的教学设计模式和先进的教学理念,又结合中国高职高专英语教学的实际,增编了适量的辅教辅学内容和练习。本套教材可供五年制和三年制高职高专学生使用。  《畅通英语》以真实的交际型语言活动为基础,按照语言表达的难易程度分级编写,注重语言应用能力培养。从初级到中高级的英语学习全过程都有效地整合了听、说、读、写、译5种语言技能训练。该书布局系统全面、科学合理,将功能、语法、词汇、语音和跨文化交际技能尽收其中,利于教师按照语言学习和应用的规律有效地安排教学内容与进度,既提高学习者兴趣,又锻炼学习者能力,使所学内容与涉外交流、人际交往的真实话题和场景紧密结合,反复强化,达到学、练、用合一的理想效果。  本套教材的特点主要体现在如下几个方面:  教材内容贴近日常生活,真实生动,丰富有趣。学习者在生动的多元文化环境中,学习语言,掌握技能。教材中阅读文章题材广泛,例如,不同国家的节日介绍、中国属相介绍、心理测试、神秘的UFO等;其次,题材大多是学习者感兴趣的话题,如学习工作、休闲娱乐、求职指导、服饰打扮、饮食喜好、旅游探险、真诚友谊等。教材话题内容全面,覆盖诸多领域,如科技、网络、文化、社会、人物、经济、文摘、广告、说明等,使学习者在不同场合能够充分感知语言环境,掌握语言技能,加以强化操练,便可表达自如。  图文并茂,新颖实用,词汇学习尤有特色。教材配有大量与各种功能相关的富于启发性的图片,为语言学习者提供了形象的训练情景,有效地培养学习者对语言的领悟能力。以话题为中心归纳、学习、使用和积累词汇,有趣而实用。  体现语言的人际、意念、语篇三大功能,实用性强。各单元的对话包罗许多常用人际交往表达和意念功能,如介绍与陈述、赞同与反对、问题与解决方案、给予与获取、需求与允诺、推理与预测等。阅读与写作文体多样实用,主要介绍应用文体,如广告、人物、景点、论文、信件等。  注重综合能力培养。教材采用基于话题任务的交际教学法,突出强调涉外交流活动中必需的英语交际会话能力培养。使学生能通过话题、情景,灵活运用英语完成交际任务,强调学以致用,真正将语言学习与使用结合起来,能听会说,读写并重,达到学好,用好,自然会考好的目的。  教学体系完备,教学参考资料十分丰富。本套教材由学生用书、教师用书、学生练习册、录音带、MP3、多媒体光盘等组成,形成完备、集成、个性化、立体化的英语教学体系。


前言IntroductionTeacher's Reference  Unit 01   Window on the world  Unit 02   How strange!  Unit 03   Food for thought  Unit 04  Time on your handsRevision 01-04  Unit 05  Get the message  Unit 06   Urban life  Unit 07   Bon voyage!  Unit 08   Down to earthRevision 05-08  Unit 09  Cash in hand  Unit 10  Oldies but goodies  Unit 11   A good sport  Unit 12  Working your wayRevision 09-12  Unit 13  Health matters  Unit 14   In person  Unit 15  Watch out!  Unit 16  On holidayRevision 13-16Additional referenceWorkbook (Teacher's Edition)  Unit 01   Window on the world  Unit 02  How strange!  Unit 03  Food for thought  Unit 04  Time on your handsRevision 01-04  Unit 05  Get the message  Unit 06  Urban life  Unit 07  Bon voyage!  Unit 08  Down to earthRevision 05-08  Unit 09  Cash in hand  Unit 10  Oldies but goodies  Unit 11   A good sport  Unit 12  Working your wayRevision 09-12  Unit 13  Health matters  Unit 14  In person  Unit 15  Watch out!  Unit 16  On holidayRevision 13-16Key to supplementary exerises


《畅通英语中级教程教师参考书(第1册5年制适用)》是教育部规划并推荐的五年制高职高专英语教材。本套教材是在英国MM出版公司2003年出版的Channel yourEnglish的基础上,由国内英语教学专家和教师改编而成。本套教材也可供三年制高职高专院校使用。






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